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Should Paladins (and other religious classes) use MP or should
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Should Paladins (and other religious classes) use MP or should they have their own points ?
Depends on the setting.
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Just call it Faith Points instead of Magic Points.
Modular game design (AKA Pointbuy)>Class game design.

As such you should be able to cast magic with a few prices using a common resource for the sake of gamistic ease.

Examples of this would be Anima, where while you have OUTRIGHT god given power (Elan) you have magic (Zeon), physical (Ki) and mental (Power Points) that tend to not interact with each other much, This means your holy figure could just be favored by a god or directly a caster AND favored by god.
Would there be an actual, functional difference between these two, or would Paladin Points just be MP under a different name?
Doesn't really matter. I like the way Fantasy Craft handles it, with arcane casters having spell points and casting checks while divine casters have a small god-specific list of specific spells (miracles) they can each cast once per scene without any chance of failure. But at the same time, FC being pretty open to refluffing things, I regularly fluff arcane caster characters as divine casters instead.
Paladin Points are better because then getting more powerful will increase your PP
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>Modular game design (AKA Pointbuy)>Class game design.
Arcane casters use Mana Points

Divine casters use Manna Points
Depends on the system.
Classes always bring up a million flavour issues about this and that, and while point buy is harder to get right, it's much easier to adjust for balance. I've never seen a class system manage to be meaningful while still maintaining a fair balance between classes.
>Yeah he's a memeurizgama shinkari from splat 19429392, it's like a spellsword but WITH SLIGHT FLUFF CHANGE!11
>Yeah he's a guy who casts spells and swords people and it's from PLACE.

Classes are a horrible, horrible thing that shits on flavor and gameplay options.
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