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Hey /tg/, what makes a game Ameritrash or Eurostyle?
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Hey /tg/, what makes a game Ameritrash or Eurostyle?
Color palette.
or colour palette.
Those multicolored wooden faggots that serve as pawns for fucking everything.
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Pic related
They called Meeples

You could pay me in gold and I couldn't come up with a gayer name than that.
Euros emphasize player options, efficiency, balance, tend to have limited player conflict or interaction, abstracted rules with conformity to theme as a secondary concern, etc. Tend to be more thoughtful games where the actions of other players are a secondary concern.
Ameritrash emphasize recreation of a specific theme, often have significant and direct player conflict/interaction, tend to have more complicated rules due to some degree of an attempt at simulation. In general more evocative, agressive games.
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Why is Agricola so good ?

>yfw you finally manage to out-gimmick everyone and have maxed out herds
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tfw no boardgame general for days but too lazy to make one

Anyway, I'll give you an analogy...
Ameritrash - A movie directed by Michael Bay, starring Chuck Norris, with literally no plot and shitty cardboard cut-out (sometimes literally!) characters.
Euro - Grainy footage of a bunch of people in Renaissance clothing auctioning off tiny wooden cubes.
most games nowadays are hybrids anyway
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This anon gets it
That's like, just your opinion man! Just because it agrees with commonly excepted definitions doesn't make it correct or anything!

One of the possible key elements that separate Euro Games from 'Ameritrash' is the lack of 'player elimination' in Euro games where 'Ameritrash' games often include it in their game mechanics.
Eurogames reflect contemporary European (mostly German) child-rearing sensibilities. Ameritrash games tend to come from the tradition of wargames (ironically, modern wargames originated in Germany). In America, you wouldn't think twice about playing Risk with your children, but in Germany especially, war themes are considered in bad taste. An American gamer might consider ~12 to be a good age to introduce children to games like Zombicide, but in Europe (again, especially Germany) they'd still be considered too violent. Instead they play games with resource management, set collection, auctions, worker placement, etc

It's actually way more subtle than that though. Cosmic Encounter I wouldn't call Ameritrash, but of course it's not a Euro either. So which is it? Its designers are American, their biggest inspiration came from Risk, but really it's a product of counterculture so maybe it doesn't fit in either camp
I've never thought of this but it's super relevant. Probably because families are a huge market for games that would be considered "hobby games" in the US
>abstracted rules
true but lots of Ameritrash games have this (I still consider Blood Rage to be Ameritrash for example). And isn't dice combat a huge abstraction?
>actions of other players are a secondary concern
I get way more "opponent's turn" angst in some euros than I do in most Ameritrash games. In Euros, what your opponent does is often the only motivator for what you do
Yep, war is a "zero-sum" game and Ameritrash comes from the tradition of wargames
the threat of starvation and begging. I'd be lying if I said I don't get excited at the thought of having to make my opponents beg because I took the "sow" space from them
Almost no modern games have player elimination. So does that mean almost all modern games are Euro?
Is Descent a Euro?
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