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filename thread
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You are currently reading a thread in /tg/ - Traditional Games

Thread replies: 255
Thread images: 151
I urgently require a filename thread

although I guess weather or not these are allowed depends on the time of day, why do they hate our fun /tg/?
Starting with a /tg/ image and filename might buy us a few minutes.
File: Exalted vs mortals.gif (8 MB, 473x256) Image search: [Google]
Exalted vs mortals.gif
8 MB, 473x256
Well clearly you missed the joke
File: never trust a druid in a zoo.jpg (80 KB, 447x319) Image search: [Google]
never trust a druid in a zoo.jpg
80 KB, 447x319
eh, why not - bump
File: slaved cyberimplants.gif (985 KB, 499x275) Image search: [Google]
slaved cyberimplants.gif
985 KB, 499x275
These threads could've been infinitely better if we didn't immediately start reposting old images with old filenames.

Even the best joke gets stale after one-two repeats, and some of pictures already in the thread have been reposted and reposted over several weeks to the point that they don't evoke anything other than "oh hey i saw this before."
File: two bars walk into a man.jpg (227 KB, 768x882) Image search: [Google]
two bars walk into a man.jpg
227 KB, 768x882
well it's kind of hard to come up with 150 images worth of fresh oc every day. Also, these three
were posted for the first time yesterday.
File: image.jpg (97 KB, 640x640) Image search: [Google]
97 KB, 640x640
>gelatinous cube gains an extra HD
fresh oc for ya
File: image.jpg (66 KB, 443x332) Image search: [Google]
66 KB, 443x332
>1d6 limbs
File: Backup Weapons.gif (249 KB, 500x222) Image search: [Google]
Backup Weapons.gif
249 KB, 500x222
These exact filenames were in the last 3 or 4 filename threads. We only get 150 images per thread, so we need to leave room for filenames that are fresh, or at least less commonly-used. We don't want the pics grow stale, or for the threads to become too stagnant.

I wonder if we could do something like maintain some shared file or other full of filenames, so that people could enjoy the old stuff without it crowding out the new.
File: adorable Satanist.jpg (103 KB, 528x960) Image search: [Google]
adorable Satanist.jpg
103 KB, 528x960
>These exact filenames were in the last 3 or 4 filename threads
well I literally made them yesterday and only posted them once, so I don't know what to tell you. Honestly, I'm pretty pleased with that.
We could rotate content, don't post same images into two (or three) consecutive threads, or make threads once or twice a week, so there's time for new batches to accumulate.

These threads are fine, and sometimes seeing an old filename in them is like seeing an old friend - but it gets kinda tiring when two threads are just the same pictures, only in different order.

warning-the pic is nsfw-ish.
File: I cast legalise.jpg (38 KB, 540x406) Image search: [Google]
I cast legalise.jpg
38 KB, 540x406
File: crit failed roll to assist.webm (804 KB, 406x720) Image search: [Google]
crit failed roll to assist.webm
804 KB, 406x720
File: Rocks Fall Everyone Dies.jpg (338 KB, 1920x1080) Image search: [Google]
Rocks Fall Everyone Dies.jpg
338 KB, 1920x1080
on the plus side, after things become really well known they can kind of build on each other
File: nemesis dreadknight.png (264 KB, 500x343) Image search: [Google]
nemesis dreadknight.png
264 KB, 500x343
File: and in the darkness, bind them.png (827 KB, 1600x900) Image search: [Google]
and in the darkness, bind them.png
827 KB, 1600x900
File: worldbuilding threads.gif (37 KB, 468x508) Image search: [Google]
worldbuilding threads.gif
37 KB, 468x508
File: bard-geomancer multiclassing.jpg (211 KB, 800x1002) Image search: [Google]
bard-geomancer multiclassing.jpg
211 KB, 800x1002
File: Edition Wars.jpg (119 KB, 1024x663) Image search: [Google]
Edition Wars.jpg
119 KB, 1024x663
File: Dont tase me bro.jpg (212 KB, 1002x683) Image search: [Google]
Dont tase me bro.jpg
212 KB, 1002x683
>local drunks' attempt to create a peasant railgun ends in disaster
File: negromancy.webm (2 MB, 640x360) Image search: [Google]
2 MB, 640x360
File: BBEG's minion returns to base.webm (3 MB, 640x360) Image search: [Google]
BBEG's minion returns to base.webm
3 MB, 640x360
>I must go, my people need me
File: tg discusses armor.jpg (217 KB, 1605x1056) Image search: [Google]
tg discusses armor.jpg
217 KB, 1605x1056
File: aligment change.jpg (108 KB, 313x779) Image search: [Google]
aligment change.jpg
108 KB, 313x779
File: Barbarian dating sim.jpg (136 KB, 644x1412) Image search: [Google]
Barbarian dating sim.jpg
136 KB, 644x1412
File: great cleave.jpg (8 MB, 3976x3056) Image search: [Google]
great cleave.jpg
8 MB, 3976x3056
>miniskirt as uniform

The thread would probably get derailed by fa/tg/uys wanking to some kind of bizarre musclegirl trap fantasy.
Is that Samson?
>Is that Samson?
Haven't read the full comic myself. If you look closely, you can identify the jawbone (Samson's signature weapon). The eastern/classic-ish dress gives it away as happening in the biblical period, the extreme number of soldiers is clearly in the thousands (easily reaching the 10,000 he was alleged to have killed), and Samson's muscles and extremely long hair are also present. Though his hair is less than obvious, since it looks like a motion-blur sort of thing in the upper panels, and in the bottom panel is largely concealed by his bulk.
File: canon in 5e.jpg (333 KB, 900x1200) Image search: [Google]
canon in 5e.jpg
333 KB, 900x1200
It is, yes. It's from The Legacy of Luther Strode #1. Delilah is on the following pages.
underrated kek
Apparently there was a fan theory that Rori was the Master under the disguise of one of those chameleon watch things, the ones from Human Nature.
File: Street level supers campaign.jpg (87 KB, 498x700) Image search: [Google]
Street level supers campaign.jpg
87 KB, 498x700
Coincidentally, it aptly demonstrates why peasant railgun doesn't work. At the end of the line, the bullet's velocity is [still] zero.
File: gurps infinite worlds.webm (1 MB, 282x210) Image search: [Google]
gurps infinite worlds.webm
1 MB, 282x210
Wait, are they really trying to advertise something that Apple has been doing for a decade?
File: Walmart Apocalypse.jpg (2 MB, 1280x1810) Image search: [Google]
Walmart Apocalypse.jpg
2 MB, 1280x1810
I know nothing about tech and so don't know how valid your post is BUT that would be an entirely fair thing for them to advertise. Just because someone else does what you're doing, even if they've been doing it for a decade, does not render your advertising of it irrelevant. Imagine you had a theme park, and you started selling popcorn. Now, that zoo over there might have been selling popcorn for forty years, but you are still more than justified in advertising that you now sell popcorn. This is because people might have been going to your theme park instead of the zoo for reasons other than popcorn (let's say they're allergic to giraffes), and the popcorn is just an added selling point to them (especially to those who were only a bit allergic to giraffes, but REALLY liked popcorn).
File: D&D.jpg (14 KB, 480x360) Image search: [Google]
14 KB, 480x360
I can *barely* remember watching that show when I was very young, and I instantly recognised what it was from the thumbnail. I don't even remember that character. What the fuck.

And what does it have to do with D&D?
You're implying that reason was ever hidden.
Of course. What red-blooded man wouldn't want his shirt buttoned by a catgirl?
File: MidnightcasteandLunarmate.jpg (514 KB, 1053x765) Image search: [Google]
514 KB, 1053x765
At least two of those pics have been posted here on and off for a couple years dude. Haven't seen the giraffe one yet.
File: 1393476841892.jpg (231 KB, 800x678) Image search: [Google]
231 KB, 800x678
What other reasons are there?
File: DM reveals BBEG's Super Armor.jpg (281 KB, 915x695) Image search: [Google]
DM reveals BBEG's Super Armor.jpg
281 KB, 915x695
Should give it a watch, it's fairly enjoyable, that was uncle man

Yu Mo Gui Gwai Fai Di Zao
File: Losing your animal companion.png (1 MB, 900x1170) Image search: [Google]
Losing your animal companion.png
1 MB, 900x1170
Jesus fuck that's crazy
File: Necromancer end goals.jpg (113 KB, 620x897) Image search: [Google]
Necromancer end goals.jpg
113 KB, 620x897
File: WomenPrivilege.jpg (72 KB, 1074x607) Image search: [Google]
72 KB, 1074x607
File: MTG tournaments.jpg (238 KB, 800x674) Image search: [Google]
MTG tournaments.jpg
238 KB, 800x674
File: Forever GM.png (627 KB, 1200x445) Image search: [Google]
Forever GM.png
627 KB, 1200x445
File: Playing historical settings.jpg (91 KB, 501x802) Image search: [Google]
Playing historical settings.jpg
91 KB, 501x802
Why are they going in with cloths on?
They're filming it. Presumably they intent people to watch it. Would people want to watch it if they didn't have clothes on.
File: Fucking Dragons.png (299 KB, 575x325) Image search: [Google]
Fucking Dragons.png
299 KB, 575x325
File: PC's Last Words.jpg (56 KB, 699x333) Image search: [Google]
PC's Last Words.jpg
56 KB, 699x333
File: Twilight Lore.png (68 KB, 571x192) Image search: [Google]
Twilight Lore.png
68 KB, 571x192
For purely scientific reasons, where did this come from?
File: PC's reaction to plot twists.jpg (331 KB, 1114x1600) Image search: [Google]
PC's reaction to plot twists.jpg
331 KB, 1114x1600
File: failed perception check.png (186 KB, 747x1100) Image search: [Google]
failed perception check.png
186 KB, 747x1100
File: escaping the magical realm.jpg (204 KB, 869x1253) Image search: [Google]
escaping the magical realm.jpg
204 KB, 869x1253
I can tell this isn't historical because France and Scotland won a war.
Reminder that France used to be badass, before pouring all their ability to fight into a handful of warriors, who will return in France's hour of need.
I haven't listened to that song in like 10 years

>Victory over Italians
I swear I cannot find this chapter, where is it uploaded?
Not Sure Murphy... So who was this final standee?
W- what did I do?


G-goo goo ga ga!
>little does he know he's entering my magical realm!

Y-Yes! But it ends on those panels! I thought there would be one more page!
I don't know what this is but since it's using Chuck Norris jokes, it's pretty crap.
Oh- I thought it had moved on to another chapter... I kept reading though. And when I got to the bit with ms. Blizzard again- yeah. Good stuff. Thanks agro anon. And fuck you too.
Aha! I knew it was Luther Strode!

There's a series after Legend?
Gonna need some sauce
This show in general is basically like a drunk D&D session.

Maybe 2e, to make it extra odd.
What show?
File: rolling a 1 on seduction.jpg (145 KB, 1024x1455) Image search: [Google]
rolling a 1 on seduction.jpg
145 KB, 1024x1455
File: Bard - Fighter Multiclass.gif (1 MB, 400x225) Image search: [Google]
Bard - Fighter Multiclass.gif
1 MB, 400x225

Some musical comedy in a medieval setting, surprisingly good. Season 1 is free on iTunes, so check it out if you want to. New season coming in January.
Wait, is this a X-FILES reference!?
>who was this final standee?

Some dentist, allegedly. Seems a little bit exaggerated though.
is that not Shut-Hell
Princess Mononoke?
File: 1410099495.jpg (159 KB, 799x451) Image search: [Google]
159 KB, 799x451
Going to contribute some unnamed OC filename fodder pics.
Feel free to suggest names that we can use in coming threads later.
>The Homebrew Process.jpg
File: notsurewhattodubthisas.jpg (794 KB, 900x1392) Image search: [Google]
794 KB, 900x1392
>PCs' get-rich-quick scheme
>Premade Adventures
That is why you are discouraged from lofting the ball on release. You might damage the lane surface or bash some dude in the nards.
File: cryptic.jpg (443 KB, 975x1920) Image search: [Google]
443 KB, 975x1920
File: Hunter the Vigil 3.webm (3 MB, 710x400) Image search: [Google]
Hunter the Vigil 3.webm
3 MB, 710x400
File: Maximum Lewdness.jpg (225 KB, 753x1200) Image search: [Google]
Maximum Lewdness.jpg
225 KB, 753x1200

Why such a horrible crop when the entire page is gold?
File: Martial Arts (Swooce Style).webm (3 MB, 710x400) Image search: [Google]
Martial Arts (Swooce Style).webm
3 MB, 710x400
What the fuck
Who is this badass character and why does he look so much like Shaggy from Scooby-doo?

He's Shaggy with that hypnotic suggestion that guy from Office Space had.

No seriously, that's the subplot of the movie.
It's Shaggy

he lost scooby and got hypnotized so on command he manifests a secondary personality who is a fearless badass.
Let me guess. Someone always manages to accidentally snap him out of it right when it's dramatically appropriate.
What movie
File: madalena.gif (1 MB, 500x250) Image search: [Google]
1 MB, 500x250
I love this show. I didn't think I would because of the heavy musical theatre quality, but it's actually fantastic.
Is this any good? I mean, it says it was a replacement for Once Upon a Time which was honestly pretty shit.

>tiefling remembers that he's resistant to flame
>dex saves

Poor little guy lost whatever he was trying to carry though.
File: the R'lyeh Express.jpg (256 KB, 640x478) Image search: [Google]
the R'lyeh Express.jpg
256 KB, 640x478
It's quite a bit better than Once Upon a Time.

Beyond that, just generally, you see a lot of larger women will go swimming in very covering swimsuits, frequently still wearing shorts over the bottoms.

This is because they're aware they're not physically attractive, having been insulted for it in the past, and they therefore have no desire to potentially be mocked again, or don't want their imperfections directly exposed (many larger women have cellulite on the thighs, a point that particularly bothers many)

However, they still enjoy swimming, and it can often be a very effective introductory exercise for those seeking to reduce their weight, as the water lessens the strain on their joints and muscles, as well as having an increased thermal capacity, stealing a few extra calories every few minutes.

In short, because they're aware they're ugly, and are nice enough to not want to expose people to that.
You can't make this shit up.
I don't read moon
I don't speak ching chong.

The speech bubble at the bottom says

Tired fleet girls become more susceptible to damage… be careful!
While heavily damaged, if you sortie or advance, it may lead to sinking…!

In the KanColle browser game, ship sinking mechanics were hinted at in the tutorial and every single player missed it. People actually spent months testing for something that was mentioned in the tutorial.
Explain further.
This is very funny.

I'm no japanese game-ologist, but I believe the gist of what he's saying is that in some cute-girl/battleship game from moonlandia the majority of players did not RTFM and thus wasted their and everyone else's time.
Not only that, they intentionally sake tons of shipgirls, something that people tend to take a pretty dim view of, solely to collect data that was already presented to them.

Basically, they were sacrificing girls so they could figure out how to avoid any girls dying and the answer was right in front of them the entire time.

What blows my mind is that the dev team or someone didn't say shit.
why would they? Either way they have people playing their game.
I don't know if it's still true, but there was a fucking lottery for Kancolle slots. This isn't a matter of "Oh yea, people are playing our game."

Like, they had to limit people playing their game, so that concept doesn't make sense.
then maybe it was just base sadism. Watching waifu fags kill waifus to save waifus.
>small c
Like I give a shit.

Personally, I lost what interest I had in the concept when they stopped implying the bad guys were Americans.
>the dev team or someone didn't say shit
They did. They pretty much lied about the ship sinking mechanics while players were still testing. It took a few more months for players to realise that it was a lie.

This would be the first of many cases of the devs trolling the playerbase.

>I don't know if it's still true
With the implementation of the mega server Hashirajima, it relaxed the need for lottery. I believe that as of now there isn't a lottery.

>when they stopped implying the bad guys were Americans
USN never had torpedo cruisers, what are you talking about?
>USN never had torpedo cruisers, what are you talking about?

Didn't change the fact that there were plenty of hints here and there that the Abyssals were actually supposed to be allied ships.
>This would be the first of many cases of the devs trolling the playerbase.

Do Japanese Dev teams just love fucking with their player bases?

I still remember the hilariousness that was Absolute Virtue in FFXI, but is this like a trend?

he lost his locket of his lost lover, who that was taken by the lobster baron, CAN HE SAVE PRINCESS CRAYFISH?!
Not really, since that meant that the Abyssal Fleet had both IJN and USN ships.

It wouldn't be unreasonable to think that most of the Abyssal ships based on IJN ships were fighting USN ship girls, just that we wouldn't be seeing them since we're looking from the IJN ship girls' point of view.

Not sure. Maybe some do and others don't bother. I just know that the one in charge, Tanaka, loves fucking around with the players a lot.
Not as bad as Leo Major.
Out of all these war legends the only one that seems plausible is White Death.
>cunt is trying to sell my corpses again.jpg
File: Butterscotch-cinnamon pie.jpg (66 KB, 620x458) Image search: [Google]
Butterscotch-cinnamon pie.jpg
66 KB, 620x458
I feel bad for whatever poor bastard was expected to count all the orcs in Mordor.
File: I have no coal and must steam.jpg (65 KB, 480x270) Image search: [Google]
I have no coal and must steam.jpg
65 KB, 480x270
File: detect evil.jpg (43 KB, 630x630) Image search: [Google]
detect evil.jpg
43 KB, 630x630
Rolling a 1? Is there something I'm missing?

>Do Japanese Dev teams just love fucking with their player bases?
>I still remember the hilariousness that was Absolute Virtue in FFXI, but is this like a trend?

For some reason, Japanese developers of this generation just love fucking with their players. Ever play Dark Souls? Some of the *item descriptions* lied about their functions. Not "bugged and nonfunctional", where there is code but it's broken, just flat out lied. If you can't trust the in-game items, what can you trust?
I know a vague backstory behind this meme, but can someone give me a video/transcript of the scene/episode this shit happens in?
Woop woop, it's da sound of da board police!
File: unexpected_warp_jump.gif (2 MB, 200x174) Image search: [Google]
2 MB, 200x174
As far as I've been able to figure out from Google, she's a crazy yandere stalker.

I think she might be the chick I saw in a webm a while ago who baked cookies based on the pussy juices she got while thinking about the MC.
I clicked this half an hour ago, and still haven't stopped screaming.
Ah yes, the Brit. Hasn't had a major military victory without daddy America holding their hand since Waterloo (with some help of the Dutch, of course), still talks shit about others.

And even Waterloo was made possible by you faggots being an island nation. That's always what it comes down to for the Brits: Fail miserably, then run back to your island and wait for better countries than yours to join the fight.
>Out of all these war legends the only one that seems plausible is White Death.

Always alone, not even a spotter, presumably only used iron sights on a shitty rifle. Sniping freezing, starving Russian conscripts. If you're going to question stuff, question it all, Anon.

My grandfather was a sniper, though. Given what he went through, I can accept a lot of this being real. he did all the shit that tends to get attributed to the realm of Fantasy and wannabe badassery. The whole waiting for days for your target, being surrounded by the enemy and still slipping away. He was captured and sentenced to death twice, but escaped both times. And he's just someone who got ignored for being a regular ol' soldier. So what kind of manly man shit do the guys who get called heroes have to pull to get the recognition?
What is this from?

third episode, starts around 11:30

I would have got back to you sooner, but as soon as I heard the theme music I regressed back to my 4 year old self and had to watch a couple of episode before I snapped out of it
Which item in particular?

If you mean the locket, you're a tool
Of the top of my head, there is also a ring which promises slow health regen (it doesn't) and a few other things like that.
File: firearms.jpg (59 KB, 832x540) Image search: [Google]
59 KB, 832x540
Shut Hell.
The sad thing is, because of anime and manga naming conventions, I can't tell if that's actually the name of the book at first glance, or of it's just reflexive /a/ rudeness.
>Out of all these war legends the only one that seems plausible

you have no idea how batshit crazy war is sometimes, do you? When you've got millions of men fighting each other you're bound to end up with one or two instances of ridiculous heroism.
File: americanwizard.gif (483 KB, 578x650) Image search: [Google]
483 KB, 578x650
Hey at least we aren't America, who fails to defeat goat farmers/fuckers armed with AK-47s and has yet to win a war without France winning it for them.
I don't get this one
Wait, how did France win the civil war? I thought you guys backed the rebels.
France won WWII for us?
That may have been the exception but c'mon you where facing America, even Canada can (and has) defeat America.
I believe it's a corruption of the Mongolian word for "the Devil" or "the evil one".
File: ....png (293 KB, 337x367) Image search: [Google]
293 KB, 337x367

Which one is real?
File: joke build in hardcore game.png (112 KB, 540x359) Image search: [Google]
joke build in hardcore game.png
112 KB, 540x359

>Arguing about how to properly shitpost.

Never change desu senpai.

Russia actually. With a side of "Nobody really won, but Germany definitely lost."
File: it's an abstract kind of feel.png (137 KB, 500x454) Image search: [Google]
it's an abstract kind of feel.png
137 KB, 500x454
>He won't be the new companion
Why live
I think once or twice, but he always turned right back. I think the code word was "bad" or something, and being in their line of work, they hear it pretty often.
File: DM's tally.jpg (947 KB, 1412x3203) Image search: [Google]
DM's tally.jpg
947 KB, 1412x3203
She has a dick. Corellon is partial to either gender and 5e states some elves are made in that image.
or just not have these shitty threads and allow the content to be organically inserted where they're appropriate
Your a Saint you angry, angry fella.
Didn't even need the reminder. I can still hear that line as vividly as if I'd heard it yesterday.

The soldiers parroting it back just makes that scene.
Jesus fuck that is the luckiest bastard in the world.
I'll see your taunt and raise you the Wooden Wall.
This makes me wonder what the social status of draw futa is.
File: Excuse me.gif (380 KB, 200x125) Image search: [Google]
Excuse me.gif
380 KB, 200x125
I'm a different cat entirely, the other guys is dead, or doing other things.
Well the drow don't follow Corellon anymore, so perhaps they simply don't have them.
File: roll to disbelief.jpg (367 KB, 599x1500) Image search: [Google]
roll to disbelief.jpg
367 KB, 599x1500
File: sassynecromancer.gif (147 KB, 300x189) Image search: [Google]
147 KB, 300x189
File: My PC's Ex Military.gif (1 MB, 245x180) Image search: [Google]
My PC's Ex Military.gif
1 MB, 245x180
Yup. That's the one. I think it is referring to that actual scene
File: PCs crash a family dinner.webm (3 MB, 1280x533) Image search: [Google]
PCs crash a family dinner.webm
3 MB, 1280x533
A fake, by the way.
File: Tis but a flesh wound.jpg (43 KB, 433x800) Image search: [Google]
Tis but a flesh wound.jpg
43 KB, 433x800
File: tg discussing characters.jpg (321 KB, 640x1440) Image search: [Google]
tg discussing characters.jpg
321 KB, 640x1440
File: subtle magical realm.jpg (488 KB, 1344x612) Image search: [Google]
subtle magical realm.jpg
488 KB, 1344x612
What is this from?

The war of 1812, dude.
File: Spellblade with timestop.webm (2 MB, 1280x720) Image search: [Google]
Spellblade with timestop.webm
2 MB, 1280x720
I am torn between thinking that's edgy and trying too hard, and that that's actually kinda cool.
which of the two do you want it to be?
Goddamn I love Spirit Circle.
I really wish he could have gotten that movie made and released. Even if it didn't stay true to Dune, it would have been kickass and 14 hours long.

It would have been an unmitigated disaster, like every movie that madman has made. Jodorowsky is the kind of person who would play with his shit, had he not discovered film first.
File: 10 ranks in acrobatics.webm (3 MB, 720x404) Image search: [Google]
10 ranks in acrobatics.webm
3 MB, 720x404
Tried to find that one the other day.
File: Tom and Jerry.webm (2 MB, 720x404) Image search: [Google]
Tom and Jerry.webm
2 MB, 720x404
Someone who loved the anime here. It's from a show called "A boring world where the concept of dirty jokes doesn't exist".

tl;dr because dirty jokes were outlawed, this girl didn't understand the concept between love and lust and how to properly handle it, so she did a "heartwarming" thing by adding her "love nector" that overflows from her whenever she thinks about main character right into the cookies.

Other hilarious powers include:
-Ability to recognize the main character's boxers on sight AND smell
-Ability to detect where main character is because of this
-She is a Russian transfer student, so naturally she can suplex bears and has super speed.
File: Spoony forgot his meds.webm (2 MB, 1920x1080) Image search: [Google]
Spoony forgot his meds.webm
2 MB, 1920x1080
File: TechPriestsCelebrateSanguilana.gif (2 MB, 500x289) Image search: [Google]
2 MB, 500x289
Hi front fucking page of reddit.

Seriously, put in an effort at least

To know that you must also go to reddit. Get the fuck out.
>For the love of God Montressor!
Here ya go http://justporno.tv/1/1621448/japanese_cosplay_porn_girl
File: an average day on teej.jpg (22 KB, 383x700) Image search: [Google]
an average day on teej.jpg
22 KB, 383x700
many thanks
Based on my observation of the folds in the skirts being identical, I am forced to conclude that the large womanoid is the real one and the two slim women are fake.
File: scrapcode.jpg (52 KB, 357x500) Image search: [Google]
52 KB, 357x500
DESU 1812 was kinda a victory for both sides.

>US wanted to stop impressment of their sailors and the British support of native raids on their land and got it
>British wanted to keep Canada and got it
File: Bard missed a session.jpg (345 KB, 1018x1400) Image search: [Google]
Bard missed a session.jpg
345 KB, 1018x1400
File: DM Changing PC's Backstory.png (868 KB, 1268x4500) Image search: [Google]
DM Changing PC's Backstory.png
868 KB, 1268x4500
Huh. I didn't realize that "to be quite honest" was filtered. Oh well.
It's less of a victory for the US though since we had our capital burned.
File: DM Merit Badge.jpg (87 KB, 500x500) Image search: [Google]
DM Merit Badge.jpg
87 KB, 500x500
Yeah but the US launched several destructive raids into Canada for the first half of the war, one of which wound up torching Toronto (then York).
File: Every female player.jpg (107 KB, 600x675) Image search: [Google]
Every female player.jpg
107 KB, 600x675
This is unfortunately true. Most likely true, anyways.
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