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Dwarf Fortress 0.42.2
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Bug fix update of Dorf Fortress is up! Praise Armok! World Gen should work, as will temples!

How are your fortresses doing today, /tg/? Have you made your vast underground hotel dwarfadiso yet?
Not playing without df-hack.
Made a kea-man adventurer, flew through the land, stole some wares from some lord's keep, and gave in to starvation in the middle of the sky.
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Lurk more.
>tfw I can't wrap my head around this game no matter how hard I try
See >>44030074
> Trench, a Wall that's like 5 stories tall, surface buildings, and a GIANT generation.

Damn, that's pretty hardcore. How long has this fortress been going?
That looks to me like it's one of the NPC human cities rather than a player created fortress.
No shit, you would die of FPS death loooong before you finished such an inefficient fort.


This update sparked my desire to get back inna Dorf-matrix but I couldnt get through world gen even with a bitchin CPU. I was wondering what was the issue.
Did you dick around with the parameters?
Also WG tends to crash fairly frequently after 300~ years, gen a world with a 200 year history to fix that.

I was doing a high civ high monster gen. So im sure all that civ interaction was what was providing opportunites from those bugs from what ive seen.

Probably going to make a pretty basic/ezmode fort tomorrow to get a hang of the changes. Its been a while, but I played after they implemented the militia system so at least I'll have a handle on that.
I've been meaning to try dorf fortress for quite a while, but it's always intimidatingly complex. Anyone have a recommendation for how to get started?
>*always looked
Fuck, I'm tired.
Treat everything as a learning experience and also be prepared to lose few forts to stupid oversites or random events.

1. Wiki
2. Losing is !FUN!
3. ....
4. Profit!

Theres actually a decent starter thing on the wiki for the basics, and for the rest you can just pause it and look shit up as it comes along.

Also dont use tilesets, they're for filthy casuals.
I wish there was an ASII tileset that made the box's square.
Don't try to learn everything at once. I mean there's a good chance you'll lose the fort eventually anyway, so just focus on understanding one thing at a time. So first just work on figuring out agriculture and brewing and don't bother caring when you get invaded but have no military, and then next fort work on getting crafts for a trade surplus and a halfassed military, and then maybe work on figuring out what you need to make steel or actually start figuring out defenses.
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Just fine; the latest patch seems to have made the game good and stable. I like most of the new additions but i'm running into what is always the problem with DF: 4-5 years in, nothing to fear from anything and FPS dropping to 20. Currently Im carving out a huge library... But does anyone have any nice ideas for a mega project?
Also: I cant wait for Therapist and Hack to be available for the new version...
You are ensuring that you keep pathing simple to save FPS and are atom smashing or magma'ing any unwanted clutter?
I kept a 300 person fort above 25FPS until I breached HFS that way.
Usually i just use DFHack to clean items and destroy all the clutter. But my FPS usually falls to 20-25 at 200+ dwarfs. I guess I'm not as good at pathing as some other people.
burrowing your crafters into smaller regions saves FPS
Dedicated haulers saves FPS
Using minecarts properly saves tons of FPS
Ensuring you pathways are wide enough saves FPS 3x is good enough for normal pathways
yeah i know the tricks but Im just lazy.
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A massive, above-ground tower made of bauxite, with two accompanying farm domes on either side
The Library of Alexandria made out of obsidian
Unless you somehow get like 10 layers if marble in which case use that
I know that the tricks help with FPS but my main problem right now is that I haven't found a stupid project to do yet. 5 years in all forts become unbeatable, unless you make it harder on purpose, and you just need to start building something fucked up.
Nahhhh... Maybe a big in or something...
I have alot of gold....
A Giant Gold Statue of Armok complete with magma eyes and a spoilerite hammer
No! I will level the local mountaintop and up there i will construct this: http://www.crystalinks.com/LibraryofAlexandria.jpg

In pure gold so that everyone may radiate in its shining glory! I will buy tomes and scroll from every land to fill it with!
Good Luck
See you in 2016
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Still trying to port over muh mods. Creature imports are simple enough, but getting the entities to work have been spaghetti: some transition just fine with the changes, others cause everything to crash.

I heard invasions work again, and am quite excited.
I love this game, but I cannot play without the Lazy Newb Pack. I can manage playing on ASCII Graphics, but the aquifiers are too much.
It's trivial to remove aquifers, LNP has become a crutch.
I tried walling the aquifiers off, but they just kept generating more water than my pump could keep up with. I know I'm terrible, and this is likely a trivial problem, but it's just so frustrating.
You can open the raws in notepad and find and replace [aquifer], that's all LNP was doing for you in the first place.

Don't forget your save has it's own copy of the raws it works from.
in that case consider the pillar of dirt method
I'm not quite sure what that is. Is that when you carve out a cork of dirt, rest it all on a single support, and then drop it into the aquifier?
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That's the one.

I just mod them out personally, they're just a nuisance once you've defeated them. Which is a pity, because they're incredibly useful, when you're not accidentally breaching them after digging through them successfully.
How do they work when you have multiple layers of aquifier? Do you need to repeat the process?
I think that method is good for up to two layer aquifers, the wiki goes into more useful detail.
How do you shape your societies /tg/?

I'm trying to design a society that'll let me assign people as I go and have dwarves living at their workshops, but there's so many issues with trying to force such fine-grain structure on the little shits.

You make the cork bigger so you can carve out another inside it.
My original seven, the few good immigrants that arrive like high level smiths and doctors, and the greatest war heroes live like kings and get elaborate houses, tombs and offices, and are the only ones allowed to manufacture goods. The rest either become soldiers or slave haulers who sleep in a dormitory.
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Returning with first update! The mountain peak has been cut smooth! But the Undermining took the better part of a year.
As the dust settles Dwarfs hurry to build a temporary wall around the construction zone; to keep out unwelcome guests. Meanwhile the scholars and scribes have multiplied and ample writing material has been made available for them.
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