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Monopoly vs 40k
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which game do you think has worse rules?

Monopoly or Warhammer 40k?
A combination of the two

>hotels have a 2+ save
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Monopoly doesnt have formations.

>checkmate atheists
Probably Monopoly

At least 40k ends
The shoe and dog are overpowered as shit, and the thimble hasn't gotten a new codex since 2e. The iron is decent, but it gets or run quickly in a car-heavy meta. And then you get newcomers all playing the very same horse armies, because Hasbro favors them big time in the fluff, and the players want to RP their favorite Jockey Scions.
well, i haven't lost friends over 40k yet
I have never met a dog player I could crush with my battleship army.

Shoes should give me at least a little trouble in theory, but the only shoe player around here fucking braindead.
Keep trying, anon
>No one mentioned money bag armies

They were underpowered anyways.
>Not playing top hat
Fucking scrubs
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>top hat
Have fun getting bodied by wheelbarrow every fucking match.
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As shit as 40K is it's nowhere near as bad as Monopoly.

>My sister has asked for a new copy of Monopoly for Christmas
>MFW the whole family will be expected to play it on Christmas day

Fury of Dracula and the new Thunderbirds game will (hopefully) be sat in the same room as we do this and will not get played.
You've probably haven't made any either.
>your christmas gift boardgames will go unplayed
>family knows your hobby
>your imouto asked for board games as well
>she only asked for it so she could spend time with you
Be a decent brother for once.
>I have a 5+ save against houses.

She's 11 years older than me.
That's even better.

Onee-sans are best.

Please stop trying to turn my life into an anime.
I think you should try harder.

Joking aside, she did probably ask for it to spend time with you. Would it kill you to talk to her outside of a holiday?

I see her pretty often anon, typically once a month.

Not wanting to spend Christmas playing one of the worst games ever made isn't indicative of some kind of familial dysfunction.
Sounds like you want to keep liking your family as much as you currently do, actually.
Monopoly is the boardgame version of telling your preacher father your 16 and pregnant.
>telling your preacher father your 16 and pregnant
Maybe next time he'll use a condom. Or are we talking about Catholics?
Damn protestants
Ditch every houserule that puts money back into circulation. No taxes in free parking, no double cash for landing on Go.
Also, auctions. If a player chooses not to buy a property, it goes up for auction. No exceptions.
Almost every bad experience with monopoly comes down to shitty house rules making the game worse. Play the game with the actual rules and it is a much better, faster experience.
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Why not both?
>Play the game with the actual rules

mortgage rules are shit
Your joke is dumb, boys can't get pregnant.
But anon, that's my fetish
>Almost every bad experience with monopoly comes down to shitty house rules making the game worse.

No it's because it's a shitty game, I've only ever played it with the actual rules and it's fucking awful.
Literally Rules as Written. I saw a recent print of Monopoly and these were the exact rules. Auction start at $10. I liked it because it got the game going a lot faster than it usually does. After an hour I had 3 complete sets of properties then sat in jail and collected rent. Why post bail when I can be a slumlord from the comfort of a jail cell that I probably own?
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