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Magical Academy Quest Chapter 28
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Twitter: @HeroRena
Tali's Stats: http://pastebin.com/9XdsZ5bC
Tali's Notes: http://pastebin.com/XW3TrhfR
Quest Log: http://pastebin.com/N1XaEFB9

Journal Entry #28: I did my first dungeon run today with the Blue Orb. It went really well, I think and I got a really neat gun out of it. I also may have kidnapped some tiny golems and destroyed a Knight.

Professor Ryuko said she wanted to talk to me. I'm gonna go see what she wants...
You there, knife ears! We missed you! What's up? How's the best girl doing?
But Fallout 4 is trash
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>Tali is sitting down by Faelanerium's tail. The dragon has the long fluffy appendage curled around Tali possessively. He strokes the oddly soft fluff there while the dragon hums contently.

... Which girl is the best one to you guys? I mean I know which ones -I- think are the best...

"So," Ryuko says, "Here's the deal. You seem to be getting along well with Faelanerium. But you gotta understand, dragons are prone to... Swings in behavior. They are fire incarnate and it is hard to work with fire without getting burned." She rubs the scarred side of her face. "So, to protect ourselves we have to create a binding rune that will link us with our dragons. This has multiple effects, see. First it makes it less likely that our dragons will lash out against us, even on accident, and hurt us with tooth, claw, or flame. Or poison... Second, while they are bound to us we can cast any spells we want using THEM as the focal point. Dragons are saturated with mana and as a result any spell cast while bound to and near them will be amplified a hundred fold."

"Huh, okay... How do we do the binding?"


Tali, you look like you've got longer hair! You growing it out?
It's the glamour.
>I mean I know which ones -I- think are the best...
And which ones might that be? Inquiring minds want to know.
This seems very uneven. What other effects does the rune have on the two users?
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"Here's mine." She points to the runes on her chest. "It's simple and does what I need it to. You can make yours as complicated as you want. But even just copying mine would work. Don't do that, though, cause mine is an original work. Don't just steal it. Besides, coming up with your own is better for the two of you."

In my opinion? Well... I really like Vendal and Vaisi. So they're doing well as far as I know. Hmm... I guess right under them is Ninety-Nine Copper. Alisya is pretty cute but I don't know her that well.

"Are there any other effects that come from this binding?"

"Hmm... Sharing power, preventing accidental mauling... I guess your fire magic would be stronger? Or poison.

So, got an idea for your own rune?"

She seems really excited about all of this.
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>... Which girl is the best one to you guys?
Don't act like you don't know.

I guess it works both ways, but it's not like the dragon really has to worry about the rider lashing out on them in the first place...
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I.. you're boning Ceera, but you didn't mention her?


Just posting this proposed binding rune again, it's got the slyph and the poison rune, and can also be interpreted as having either the human or the elf rune.

Tali, just a reminder, did you ever give the twins that device you had made by Gears? You don't want to have to owe them a favor after all.
Would Ceera even count as a girl?
I liked this one from a while back.
Well, until she starts dicking Tali back I suppose.
>Which girl is the best one to you guys?
All girls are best to at least one of us.

So, how are all the girls doing?
And the boys, we'd fuck them too.
And the gender neutrals.
Dragon girl great girl, Ceera when/if they count, Vaisi, ninty nine copper and non body taking fishys.
>"Hmm... Sharing power, preventing accidental mauling... I guess your fire magic would be stronger? Or poison.
So it allows us to draw on the dragon's power, and influences her behavior, but it doesn't allow her any control over us? What does it feel like to the dragon? I don't want to do this if I don't know what I'm doing to her.

>So, got an idea for your own rune?"
That rune doesn't look like it differentiates between one partner or the other.

If we're going to make a rune, I think it should be about something more personal than your species. What best represents Tali as an individual? What best represents the dragon as an individual? What represents our relationship?

Ceera is our best girlfriend/boyfriend. Of course we're going to take care of her if she needs help.
Don't forget the genderless or eculidian gendered
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>I also may have kidnapped some tiny golems
Right, I remember that part.

> and destroyed a Knight.
Well, destroyed the body, but kept the core right?
Speaking od golems, how's the progress on that spare body for us?
do we have a dick rune? that would totally represent tali.
>That rune doesn't look like it differentiates between one partner or the other.
Maybe except for the part that human is on top?
What about Ceera, you faggot?
Ceera is a hermaphrodite
we should show maolin the core. price of life is the same core type she has, so she should know all there is about how to make a body it can link to.
What does the slyph rune do?
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lol runes
It might've meant dragon, it's been a long time since I made it. As in, Fael is a poison dragon or something. I just misread it when I reposted it.
Yeah, it's dragon. Went and double checked again, the line doesn't intersect the smaller triangles.
So it's poison dragon + human/elf.
Homura, pls.
Do we have a rune for pussy and a rune for destroyer?
there is indeed a rune for destroy,
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... I need to refresh my rune knowledge. I don't know what some of those mean. Wait, is that the elf rune? No no we can't use that. It would be too obvious.

She's a girl. Now, at least.
She even has boobs.

Ah, no... I kinda forgot. I'll do that today!

So.. Everyone?

"So will this rune change how she behaves?"

"It basically makes it so they won't accidentally harm you in a fit or on accident. They will, however, still be able to harm you if their rage is great enough. So... Don't piss her off? It's mostly just a way of making sure her rider doesn't die on accident."

I actually wanted to do that. Also on my to-do list.


>Tali draws out that one. Faelanerium leans in and watches.

"How's this?" Tali asks when the drawing is done.

"... It needs more fire."

"More fire?"

"Yes. More fire runes. But... It is nice."

>Ryuko comes over and looks at the rune herself. She stays silent for a while before nodding.

"Alright. You both agree on this?"

>Both dragon and rider nod.

"Good," She says. "I'll have it pressed into your armor and we can begin the ritual later today. It's a short thing but very vital. You can go back to class, Tali. And remember, don't tell anyone about this."

"I won't. Bye, Faelanerium."

>Tali goes to walk away. He feels something holding onto his cloak with an iron grip.

>Faelanerium is holding onto his cloak with two massive claws.

"I want to go with you."
I'm concerned arcane forces might understand it a bit too literally.
hnng my heart
Well, can she make herself smaller and hide the draconic features? If she can, then I see no reason why not.

That'd be great! Does she know a way to shrink or anything?
>Who, this dragon?
>Just a friend, not bonded with her, nope
>There's no way I could be a dragon rider, why would you even think that
>What, you think that every person being followed by a dragon has to be a dragon ride? I'd never break school rules, of course.
Tali, don't do it. Without a bind, you're risking Fael killing/maiming/BURNING your classmates if she goes with you. However, if you do let her go with you, she'll be easier to bind. I highly suggest you leave her at home.
"You are very large and the passageways are not. How do you propose we solve this?"
Well, can she shrink herself down? If she can and promises to be on her best behavior, I fail to see why not? If she can't shrink we need to make a spell first.
yes, explain that the school is too small to fit her magnificence.
As long as she can disguise herself as a student, I see no problem with her request.
Can she come with, while also not being easy to recognize? I mean, this is a secret.
Once the binding is complete possibly. Explain that a Dragon moving freely within school grounds is something that needs to be prepared for properly or else something bad might happen, and then instead of being fun it'll just be a miserable experience.
How can you possibly say no to your dragonwaifu?
There is... how do I put it diplomatically... a little problem with logistics of the whole thing. We would have to make her more human-sized.
Also the thing with being prone to fits of rage and spitting poison. She's basically a Space Marine.

Just hug her and promise you'll be back soon.
Well the only thing about the school that we'd care to show her are the people there, so what if we promise to introduce her to our friends later? If she can't fit inside, anyway. If she can into shrinkage then I don't see a massive problem.
You know, if her passing would be the only concers, she might as well force her way through. Dragon will not be restrained by couple bricks.
Bring her with you, it will be good to build a rapport with her
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Hah... Yeah...

"Faelanerium... There's a few problems with that?"


"Well... You don't really look like a student. I mean... You're a giant dragon. Any way you can fix that?"

"Hmm... I am already tiny. But behold, Tali! Witness the power of the Dragons!"

>Faelanerium lets go of him and steps back. She then bursts into flames.

>With a quick spell Ryuko shields Tali from the flames, diverting the dangerous poisoned fire away from the elf. She gives him a 'See what I mean' look.

>Eventually the flames die down.

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>The dragon stands triumphant, her entire look changed. Gone are her horns, scales, and wings. Instead she stands before Tali in a Petal class uniform, clearly inspired by his own.

"Ta-da! I, Faelanerium, now resemble a normal tiny human. We are good to go, correct?"
Rolled 2 (1d20)

Tali! Whatever you do don't mention the tail! It's too adorable to let her think that she looks proper human!

Can you hide the tail too?
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kuro has a tail. we can blame the tail on any number of things.
.. Somehow I don't think even hiding the tail would help now.
hug her, do it now
Can't we shrink her?
That size ain't gonna work, Tali. And unless you can glamour Fael down to size, this isn't gonna work.
Still far too big Partner, also tail.
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Still too big. Also, the tail is kindof obvious.
clearly she is the victim of a gigantism spell.
Hug her. Now. Also take her with us, nobody will notice.
And even if they do notice, it's not like they can stop her.
>[x]Touch Fluffy Tail
Also Tali, when we leave make sure to pay proper respects to Fael's Mom. She's helped us alot and we should try and stay in her good graces.
The obvious response. I'm honestly surprised it wasn't suggested sooner.
...I can still see the tail.

>He strokes the oddly soft fluff there while the dragon hums contently.

Tali is quick learner and touches fluffy tail without being prompted to.
Um... she's still about as large as a dragon. The school is built for human-sized beings. There are spatial issues in our way here.

Wait, we know the rune for "small". Could we improvise a spell to shrink her?
Convert target poison dragon into small poison dragon, mana source dragon?

Using the staff as well of course.
Do we need a trigger to stop the shrinking? Otherwise, she might end up tiny.
Who doesn't want a pocket dragon?
More importantly, could we reverse the spell? Amplify Dragon Body? Add Dragon to Dragon? I don't want to get her stuck in a small body.
I suppose Tali could just stop the channeling at a suitable slightly shorter than him height.

I'm in no position to draw the rune at the moment though, someone else has to do it.
Don't we have generic dispell magic?
Dragon onahole
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I suppose that might work if we attached the shrink spell as a target.
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"I'm sorry Faelanerium but... You're too big."


"The school is built for people my size.It can't someone of your... Magnificence."

"So? I will tear the walls to make room for me."

"No, no! That is not a good thing! Uhm, Professor, is there a way to shrink her?"

>Ryuko shakes her head.

"Nope," She says, "It's a mass problem. We shrink her then where does all the extra stuff go? Or you may end up making her more dense which, as far as we can tell, does not work well on organics. Trust me, the riders have tried to find out how."

"Darn. Sorry, Faelanerium. Maybe another time? I could bring my friends here an-"

"No!" The dragon stomps her foot on the ground. "I am a dragon! No one tells me where I can and can not go! Not even you! I am going to the school!"

>She storms off, her footsteps shaking the earth and echoing loudly in the chamber.

>Tali looks at Ryuko, his eyes wide.

"Son of a... Shen! Go stop your daughter!"

>The older dragon stares down at Ryuko. Then, with a puff of flame, she looks away and moves a little to make herself more comfortable, a clear sign that she has no intention of moving.

"Shen! Dammit Shen that is your daughter! Go get her!"

>The dragon responds by opening her mouth and shooting a bolt of lightning near Ryuko's foot. She closes her eyes and pretends to nap.

"You..! Tali, you have to get her!"


"I'm not gonna be that Dragon's rider! She could destroy me!"
You've gotta bind her with the rune, Tali. THE BINDING PROCESS HAS TO BE DONE NOW.
Go somewhere private and take her through a realistic illusory school! It's fine if she knows your innate magic since you'll be bonded anyway.
Put all the mass into her tail, A long long tail.
Or.. could you void it?
Cast comfy magic on her
Hug her and pet her. She is the most adorable dragon ever.

YOu have to find a way to shrink her to human size.
just have her visit the school auditorium, park, or open area.
Tali! Stop being a pussy! You're a man full of elf syrup, so go tame that dragon.
Besides, you're good with people she'll understand. Maybe she can join the classes outside and we can get the teachers to hold outdoor classes or something sometimes.
Comfy Magic, ALLL the comfy magic!
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Right now: Run after her, you fool!

In the long run, I can think of two options.
One to get her a human sized-simulacrum she could "ride" to hang with you.
Two to roll with the shrinking plan, just because the Dragon riders couldn't do it so far, doesn't mean you can't. After all, they didn't have such a wonderful advisor by their side like you do.
Quick Tali, talk some sense into her, or she'll level the academy.
is a great time for golems. get a golem body she can possess and explore with.
>It's a mass problem. We shrink her then where does all the extra stuff go?
Mass is energy. Convert that mass into a convenient kind of energy, and then store it as energy, like in a large capacitor or the world's biggest hot water bottle.
>[x]Touch Fluffy Tail
Remember the three cornerstones of deep leadership, Tali: swearing, threatening and baseless promises.
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>Tali runs after her. The dragon has the advantage of a longer stride but Tali is able to quickly advance through areas that she has to duck under. He catches her in the old training grounds of Thorn Class.

>Tali grabs his spellbook and casts his Comfy Magic on the dragon. She stops in her tracks and slowly turns her head towards him.

"You dare try to use magic on me?"

We're dead.
it's comfy magic!
Rolled 1 (1d20)

Rolled 16 (1d20)

Hope you remember that shield spell, knife ears.
GG been fun rolling with you knife-ears, but looks like your ears are about to roll.
You know, 'cause they're on your head, and your head is gonna roll. So your ears will- you know what, forget it. I'm not going to waste my genius on a corpse.
Stop using magic on everyone who acts unexpectedly, you faggots.
You were moving too fast for tail rubs, so we have to use a long-distance substitute
Whelp, it was fun, but go down with a fight.
turn ground into icecream!
How else are we supposed to make you comfy when you keep moving your tail away
Let's make couple things clear.
One, she is a big girl
Two, the next step in her plan might be crashing the whole place.
>[x]Touch Fluffy Tail
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>Tali can see something building up in her mouth.

"Well... You're just so fast, Faelanerium. I couldn't hope to keep up with you. I was trying to pet your tail from afar. I know how much you enjoy that."


"And how else can I make you comfy when you're so far away if not with magic?"

"..." She spits something onto the ground. A green glob of fluid eats away at the earth there, making a sizzling hole over a foot deep. "Oh. I'm sorry. I forgot your legs are so short."


"They really are. I also wanted to tell you that I have a way you can explore the school."

"... You do?"

"Mhmm. But first I need you to close your eyes. Can you do that for me?"

>She stares at Tali for a while before nodding and closing her eyes.

Oh boy. This is gonna hurt.

>Tali casts the biggest illusion he ever has, all centered around her. It will affect almost all her senses, even, with great effort, her sense of hearing.

>When the dragon opens her eyes she is within the school.

"This is..."

"Welcome to the Magical Academy!"

"Tali... How did you do this?"


Oh god I can not keep this up for long. Where should I show her?
The Science lab, Eastern appreciation club, a dungeon?
Classrooms and the science lab?
Show her the classroom, of course, and her protagonist's seat.
Since we don't have much time, let's let her decide. Tell here what's around and ask what she'd like to see first.
Show off the people having fun, whatever you do don't show her anything valuable
The easy parts. Classroom, along with a fake Holly. Make sure to use your Mana gem to keep the glamour up.
remember you have that mana gem. tap that for some extra.

talk to '99c' over there.
Time is short, hit the essentials.

The back of the school building, the bathroom, the gym storage room, an unused classroom, the nurse's office, the out-of-sight spot under the stairs.

All the best spots for boning. This is her only chance to get the double-peacesign ahegao schoolgirl experience so you need to make it count! Finish inside!
Petal Class! She's even wearing the uniform!
>[x]Touch Fluffy Tail
Sweet Dragon Christ, suck mana out of the gem while you're doing that or something
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"Well, where would you like to see first? There's Petal Tower which is my classroom, the science labs, library, the-"

... Really?

I'm barely able to manifest a fake version of me. That's just...

And she's my dragon!

"I want to see your classroom! Show me the way!" Faelanerium says, her tail swishing back and forth in excitement.

"Then let's go."

>Even though he is drawing mana from the gem he still must make it quick. Making something of this size is draining even the vast supply in the gem.

>He takes her through Petal Tower, shortening the amount of steps there really are, and goes to the common room. Inside is Tessa, Vendal, and Lan.

>'Vendal' walks up to the dragon.

"Hello there. I am Vendal of Petal Class. It is my pleasure to meet you."

"Greetings, snakeperson! I am Faelanerium, Tali's partner and dragon."


"Oh," 'Vendal says, "It is nice to make your acquaintance."

I have never done stuff like this before... It's really hard to keep it all up.

I need something less taxing...
>... Really?
No. I mean - there will be other opportunities.
If you can manage to make a fake Fuwa, you'll be able to recoup some of your energy through napping.
Tali, just trust us, we will happily take over your mental faculties and shape your illusion for you so you can focus on maintaining everything.

Plan semi-hostile takeover is go
Okay, guys, Tali needs a hand. Figurativelly speaking.

Remind me, how did it turn out the last time he tried to power a spell with us as a source?
Whatever happens, make sure you keep up your aura of girly-ness.

Also, if you are about to lose the school illusion, make sure you tell Fael about it being a glamour beforehand, no need to risk a dragon-sized temper tantrum.
It killed us.
We could tell her that we're running low on energy. If she lets us take a break and bind her, then we could use her to power the spell.

That's how it works, right? Could you use her power for your natural elf magic?

We managed to create a small amount of solid matter, cracked, and lost consciousness.
Ask Fael if she can lend you some mana.
we cracked and went unconscious.

get rid of any windows, land and tessa should leave, only one character should be present at a time.
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Cosgrove, stop.
Maintain the illusion for only parts that are currently visible.
Tali you don't need fricking huge illusions around her, just really tiny ones in front of her eye, maybe surrounding her head so she can turn her head.
What about senses of hearing, smell and walking around?
good idea.
Here's an idea. Take her somewhere else in reality, then make an illusion of a human-sized version of her and take it with you through the school, while showing her an illusion of what the copy sees and have it match what she does.

Would this be easier for you? I think it might be easier to copy something you're currently seeing than to make it all up yourself, but I'm not sure if it works like that. I also don't know if you can maintain the illusion from that far away. What do you think?
Small but close to her head. Touch is just going to have to be on a case by case basis
Its not me. I'm busy and only barely able to even watch this thread.
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That would work if not for the fact that my spells work less when they're not immediately around me. So, all in all it would be about the same difficulty.

>Tali has Tessa and Lan sorta just... Slide away. The pressure abates somewhat.


Can I really trust you guys? Cause if I can just focus on maintaining the magic while you take her around...

Alright, I'm trusting you guys.
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>Alright, I'm trusting you guys
Oh boy, here we go.

You call that ahegao? This is ahegao!
So Fael, wanna see the bathhouse?
vendal says 'i like your tail, it is very fluffy'
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>Alright, I'm trusting you guys.
>I told the elf to let us control his mind and he actually did it the absolute madman
Dragon girl a cute. CUTE
Protip: never trust us
>Alright, I'm trusting you guys.
Ha. Ahahahahaha. HAHAHAHAHAHA.
Nigga by the time we done she gon be begging for elf cream like a fatalpulse MC after her third abortion.
Alright, let's at least try not to fuck this up. Remember, dragon mom will murder us if we mess with her kid's head
Rolled 18 (1d20)

alright. obviosuly we need to show her around, like our nice fluffy bed. and also let's make her feel like she's being petted- but like, all over her body.

But seriously-

Guys. Let's blow her mind (lewdly).

Then make her our wife.
It's scary I know what you're talking about
Guys, can we NOT screw Tali over?

Because if we screw him over too quickly, then he won't trust us anymore and then will throw us away or something. We need to bide our time and wait until the right moment to unleash maximum lewdness onto the world
Hi, Fael! Can you hear us? Is it working?

Tali's magic is getting a bit hard for him to maintain, so we'll be showing you around the rest of the school. How are you feeling so far?
I'm in favor of playing this straight
yeah guys. we nee to decide between a little fun now, or a lot of fun later. i vote a lot of fun later.
I'm with this guy, let's play nice. For now.
You can trust at least half of us, Tali.
We shall do this without pranks or whatever, we won't screw you over, boy.

But we are going to act romantic and compliment Fael.
>Alright, I'm trusting you guys.
Not too bright, is he?
Just figuring that out now?

Remember the time we tricked him into assuming the form of a human girl?
Alright, let's feed some more power to the illusions and conclude the school tour. Her mom will turn us into an ornament in her hoard if we mess with her.
This, we can fuck him now or we can wait until he's better at the whole magic and women thing to fuck with him
What, that was a decent disguise as any other.

Let's show her the library, where The Book of Spells is in. It's a very important artifact...if she lusts for it, she could be an accomplice to steal it from the school.
>That would work if not for the fact that my spells work less when they're not immediately around me. So, all in all it would be about the same difficulty.
We could probably enhance your range with runes. Transfer Elf Magic to Target? Infinite AOE Target Magic? Elf Magic Follow Target? We've got to be careful so we don't end up accidentally giving someone else your powers or something. It would be handy if we had a rune for Space or Distance or something like that.
Guys we have to play this (mostly) legit. If she catches on that it's an illusion then she'll both realize Tali is an illusion-elf, and get really angry. Our life is at risk here.
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I can hear you guys, still! I swear if you try to molest that dragon I am going to take control and... Leave you in a box for a week! Or something!

And if her mom finds out we are both gonna be murdered or worse!

I'm not the best with spellcrafting... If you have any ideas let me know cause you guys spellcraft better than I do.

Alright, I'm gonna stop talking for a bit. Don't kill her. Or molest her. Don't do either of those things.

For reals.

"I like your tail. It looks very fluffy. Mine has scales on it."

"Oh? Thank you very much. I make sure to brush it whenever I am in this form. That is the one thing I do not like about my dragon form. No flesh or fluffy tails."

>Vendal nods in understanding.

"Tali," Faelanerium says, "I wanna see where you guys keep your hoards. Can you show me?"
Rolled 17 (1d20)

Unzip your pants, Tali. We'll show her your "hoard", alright. It's even got a syrup flavor to it!
take her to our room and show her our pile of stuff.
Show her our room and what we have, don't need her getting ideas about the school's repository.
Turn into that one girl that's carrying around a small fortune of artifacts at all times, explain that they just wear their hordes and Tali's dirt poor.

Show her our hoard.

Our hoard of WOMEN.

Basically tali's bedroom, where Ceera, vendal, varsi and 99C lie in wait.
Bedrooms seems like what she's asking for. Human hordes are pathetically tiny and spread out though Passing Anita on the way seems like a good idea though.

Freak wears her horde.
Um, most of the smaller races don't exactly keep hoards. We have possessions, but we don't do that thing of putting them all in a pile to display. We generally leave them around our living space wherever they'd be the most useful.

Speaking of which, inviting someone to our living space is generally considered a somewhat intimate request. Are you sure that's what you feel like doing?
>More fire
I know I'm late to the party, but how do you feel about the fact that Fael basically just painted you in flame decals like some kinda tacky automated carriage or whatever your fantasy analog to a hotrod is?
No, no, bad anon.

Vendal strolls away, giving the excuse of classes and an apology, and Tali appears to say, "I hoard knowledge, actually. I could show you my spellbook, if you want."
Uhhh... who has the most bling around and isn't a dragon? Or just the most stuff? 99c store?
Adding "nothing lewd" to mine
Alright let's show her Tali's room, and like, the stuff he's collected so far. It's a pathetic little hoard but.

...actually let's inflate it a little. Have there be a tiny pile of gold there too.
Not bad then we can explain that the other creatures hoard different things like little miss 'I totally got this and am not turning into a Ceer'.
I actually suspect that if Vaisi and Ceera start spending more time together, they might.... bond in very interesting way.
Ceera's breasts shrink
Vaisi's stomach grows
That's kind of an odd request. I don't think we have something that matches that exactly.

Would you like to see the library? It's where the school keeps its books, and they've got a lot of books.
'Erybody gettin sum Tali
I agree, but mostly just because I Fael has a smile worth protecting.
I'll support this. It's actually pretty reasonable.
I, uh

I don't have much of a horde.

I'm really embarrassed about it.
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"Well, we don't really have much in terms of hoards... I can show you what I've collected if you want."

"Yes. Show me your hoard, Tali."

>Vendal smiles.

"Well, Tali, I have to go to class but I'm sure I can entrust her tour to you, hmm? You seem to be doing such a good job already. As though some divine hand from above were guiding your actions." The undine says.

>She waves goodbye and leaves the pair alone. Tali takes the dragon through the school, seeing Anita on the way to his room.

"We humans don't have much in terms of hoards and our most valuable stuff we tend to carry around. See?"

>He points to Anita.

"Ah..." The dragon says. "But aren't you worried you'll lose it?"

"It tends to be pretty secure."

"Hmm... And what is her name?"

"She's Anita. In Thorn class."

>Faelanerium stares at her for a while longer before continuing on with Tali.

She wants dat booty.
she do
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>When the arrive at his room Tali's treasure is on his bed. Without hesitation the dragon pounces upon his meager hoard and rolls around on it.

>She ends up on her back looking rather displeased.

"Tali... This hoard is pitiful. This is not comfy at all."
Explain you've only been hoarding for a short while. And promise to get better.
In your defence you only just started collecting interesting stuff

"I'm working on it, now that I'm doing dungeon dives I've got a lot more opportunities to increase it."
Tell Fael that's because we want to improve her hoard. It's why our hoard is so pitiful. Let's take her on a dungeon run to improve it.
It's a starter hoard. Don't worry about it, it'll get better in time.
Tell her you are self conscious about the small size of your hoard.
I just got started, And I'm not a dragon.
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Just think, in a few thousand years even you might be worth something.
Humans tend to hoard various things. While dragons with their broad tastes might hoard anything from world-ending ceer artifacts to shiny rocks, humans tend to focus on one or two things to collect. Tali, for example, while he does hoard Ceer artifacts, tends to prefer hoarding magical knowledge instead. It's not nearly as comfy to lay down on, but comfy magic can fix that, so it solves itself.

Besides, how big was your hoard when you were Tali's age? Or size?
"I'm just a little elf. Of course my hoard would be nothing compared to the splendor of a dragon."
I'm trying though. Check out these artifact panties I got a little while ago. They're the comfiest.
pretty sure they're still keeping Vaisi busy
Well, we don't generally sleep on our wealth. We tend to keep it in safe places and rest our bodies on soft objects.
Tali gave those to Vaisi, because he's a terrible person, and a bad hoarder.
Tiny hoards for tiny people. but worry not, Tali is working to build a hoard big enough for him, you and maybe even a couple of dragonlings.
We should go check on her. Make sure she hasn't been so ruined by tentacles that not even the magnum dong can blow her brains out.

>select all pictures of beds
Captcha my nigga, you know what's up.
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"Well... I've only been collecting for a while. And my thing isn't really gold and artifacts. I'm sure you dragons all collect things that appeal to you, right?"

"Mhmm. I like shiny things. My mom also likes shiny things. But Meenarium, that jerk, likes to collect oddly colored rocks and shells. But she's stupid so..."

"Well, jerks aside, I like to collect knowledge." Tali shows her his spellbook with all it's runes and new spells. "Secrets, spells, runes. All of these are a part of my hoard. So, while my treasure pile may not be that great what I have in here is far more valuable."

"It is?" She stares at the book with renewed interest.

"Mhmm. But... I would love to make a bigger hoard. With more, greater things."

"As would I."

"Then we can make that our goal, hmm? Let's work together on it."

>Faelanerium nods.

"We shall have the greatest hoard. ... I will admit, this soft stuff is rather nice... It reminds me of when I lay on my mom's stomach... Warm and..." She begins to snore.
Tali, end the glamour. It looks like the comfy magic worked after all!
Ok, drop everything but the bed and get some breather...
That is adorable, just don't get too close lest she grab you and never let go. Or squish you, either/or.

The beds a glamour too.


End everything. See what shes sleeping ontop of.
Prepare a quick slideshow for Tali to look through once he ends the Glamour, so he can see FOR HIMSELF that we didn't illusion Fael being gangbanged. By werewolves.
Where is she sleeping?
When she wakes up we can say we carried her back, right?
>Thorn is hurling fireballs at her now. She finds it comforting.
her mom obviously.
Sorry for crushing you, Gears. Dragon thought you were comfy, though.
I wonder if we can be friends with her too. We can get oddly colored rocks and shells.
We'll tell her the dorm head asked us to carry her out, because students are supposed to sleep in their own rooms.
Put her to bed and go do your errands
Also give her a goodnight kiss
>Also give her a goodnight kiss
cough, poisonous drool, cough
Bitch I have got the ODDEST looking rock over here at my place. It looks EXACTLY like a beaked human skeleton covered in misshapen nodules of spongelike bone, garbed in robes of smooth scales so slight they flow like water whose movements fill the air with hollow chitters and echoing clicks reminiscent of the workers in the hellish dream-hive that hollows out my soul to nest their dark brood.

Dragons LOVE that stuff.
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>Tali ends the illusion. The drain such a grand illusion had on the gem is noticeable and it feels somewhat depleted of it's massive store.

>When the illusion breaks he sees Faelanerium's mother, with the smaller dragon resting on top. She strokes her daughter's hair and hums a soothing tone. She looks at Tali and says 'Thank you' in a heavily accented voice.

>She then motions for him to run off while she keeps her daughter sleeping and calm

... You guys didn't molest her or anything right?
Quick, check what color her panties are.
she has a big mouth, we can kiss the part that isn't poison.
no, we really wanted to, you have no idea. but your dragon is still pure.

Nope. Now get yourself to the library and do the thing.
It's telling that you hear "goodnight kiss" and immediately assume frenching.
A chaste press of the lips doesn't swap spit, nor does it need to be against her lips in particular.
anyway as long as she doesn't have poisonous vaginal secretions we're good to go for a kiss on the "lips"
Foreheads and cheeks are okay for kisses, anon
>You guys didn't molest her or anything right?
No. But we did tell her about your syrup. She said she wanted to try some after her name.
No Mam'! All that happened was a tour of the academy.
Nope. But we really had to restrain ourselves. You owe us, okay?
We did not molest her. You got lucky.
Of course not, you tree hugger. Everything went perfectly fine.

Now get those chores done. We'll be back soon enough to bind her!
She's pregnant. 99c is the father.
I'm as confused as you are.
how DARE you?


I say we should look up some books on dragon anatomy. Just in case.
Take a look for yourself.

Could you see those?
>... You guys didn't molest her or anything right?
Only a little.
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