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/trans/ - last thread is dying edition
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>Kante to Chelsea all but confirmed subject to a medical this weekend according to various media sources

>Higuaichoke wants a move to Juve according to Sky Italy

>Mehdi Benatia the permacrock has left Buyern for Juve

>Middlesborough are closing in on Alvaro Negredo, loan deal soon to be agreed, also have agreed the signing of antonio Barragan from Valencia

>Jao Mario is going to Inter if anyone cares

>John Stones is soon to be getting a 50 million bid from Citeh. Another shite defender for them then.

>Kalidou Koulibaly favours Chelsea over Neverton apparently and the telegraph is saying a £30 million pound fee has been agreed.

>Tottenham and Arsenal are gonna battle it out for Mauro Icardi

>Draxler is 100% staying according to Wolfsburg's sporting director. Yet more cuckery.

Thats all I could be bothered to look up la's. Also Italians, is pic related going anywhere?
Pogba to United when
I doubt he'll go la, probably to Madrid in a years time
with kante and matic on the field maybe fabreshit can now finally do something other than lose possession and commit desperate yellow card tackles
Idk. I think Bonucci said he was staying on Instagram or something.
Hopefully not soon, Marotta said they don't want to sell him and Pogba likes being at Juventus. I mean, his buttbuddy Evra is still there after all.



In all seriousness, The memes are ogre la's, it's a sad time.
both of them are 1 season wonders and will flop regardless of if they stay or go next season
Hi, please no anime.
you're safe here m80
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jesus christ we know you guys are salty about losing the title to >leicester but at least try to make it less obvious
Bonucci wont leave for sure, probably Pogba will stay too imo
And i dont think Inter can buy Joao Mario because they see full of debts and cant do the chinese loan shady deal anymore
united, everton, chelsea, bayern play friendlies today
I like how you can chat shit about Leicester and Arsenal fans will take the blame for it, very convenient.
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H-hi guys. Don't forget we're rich now ok?

I reckon Everton will fight for top 4 this season, Koeman is a brilliant manager.
no Leicester repeat :(
>Liverpool have been linked with Bayern Munich playmaker Mario Gotze but the 24-year-old is set to sign for former club Borussia Dortmund. (Bild via Daily Mirror)

>However, Liverpool boss Jurgen Klopp says the Euro 2016 exploits of Wales and Iceland proved he does not need 'big name' signings to restore the club's fortunes. (Daily Express)

All the top players will want to work with Klopp la! Liverpool is a massive club la! Look at out rich history la! Everyone wants to be here!
>people thought gotze would want to play for a mid table struggling team in englel instead of comfy jumping between the top two local teams
heh can't blame the fat boy
our la's beat tranmere rovers 5-0 la, jelly much la?

To be completely honest, not really, no.
So how come Middlesborough can sign a defender but Arsenal can't?
>Everyone snubbing United

>Everyone stepping over each other to get into Chelsea

How the fuck do they do it?
both negredo and barragan are from valencia/lim and have been quite shite for them (and negredo has high wages) so valencia were probably very happy to make them a nice price for the two. And arsenal sucks cock
probably not, and he's probably disappoint anyway
Kantè's Vardyesque snub when?
I know they are shit, but at least they are signing someone. Wenger on the other hand is just doing whatever the fuck he does during a transfer window.
>all these porn threads in the catalog
>they're all started by an Australian
I'm honestly not even surprised.
Only 'News' on it. Probably Bullshit.
>everyone snubbing United
When has this happened this Transfer window?
It's because they keep deleting /nrl/
surprised how many people are completely clueless about Serie A, even though plenty of their players are of interest for EPL
>a seppo
>calling others clueless
>that flag etc
Watford have signed le injure neymar man on loan
>0-0 with newly promoted Grimsby
>only actual right back injured after just 3 minutes with a suspected dislocated kneecap
>bruce falling into the media's trap about the england job

Fucking hell, >we aren't even going to have the customary "survival in the first season" now.
>burton albion in the championship
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forgot image
biggest beneficiaries of meme magic in recent years
Irvine moved to Burton?

I'd recognize those flowing locks anywhere

Might end up watching some championship this year desu
yes apparently they broke their club record for him
who's this spastic melt on the left?
Curtis Good is technically with Newcastle too
>not knowing the son of god
any updates on the javi martinez to liverpool situation?
full spastic
>shite fake smile
>dead eyes looking into the roaring 1920's of american detroit
>full retards haircut
>dad's a drunk buggerer
>mom has left after finding out he doesn't respond to her smashing pots and pans, thought he was deaf, nope mum, just a spastic innit
Ya think Skrtle is regretting being dumped on Fenerbache?
Lovren the Slav Thommo and Sahko the Nigger Drug Cheat are still at Liverpool.
daily reminder that being linked with liverpoo is a sackable offence
besiktas offer 7m for mathieu
Why the fuck do players still go to Turkey? They get bombed almost daily and are on the brink of a civil war
Coup leaders heads to leave their bodies undisclosed fee
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Which makes Vardy the one true hero sticking to the team that made him big.
Footballers really are of low intelligence.
Look at all these French niggers leaving Leicester for 'bigger clubs'.
Scum of the Earth.
for free
He hasn't snubbed United.
United haven't struck a deal with Juventus yet, apparently Pogba has already agreed terms with United.
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'2015-16 has been like a fairy tale story, with the prince and the princess getting married, only to find she's got herpes.'

- This is one step further, AIDS, she has AIDS

some lester fans taking this quite badly
They won the fucking league. Learn to be happy with what you have you ungrateful cunts. Kante was replaced weeks ago so it should have been obvious he was leaving.
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Can't wait to see the lads strzzzzz strut their stuff zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
It's because it's Chelsea for 30m. If it was PSG for for 40m it would be 'good luck ngolo we love you'.
Leicester and Chelsea have hated each other for a long time, and he's going for money to a not play in the CL.
t. Leicester fan.
>lelster fans

they clearly forgot winning a league title does not automatically make you a big club

just look at blackburn
Ah yes play in Europe instead where rapeugees will blow you up if you don't say the prayer to Allah correctly.

>falling for any lie made up and spread by your trashy tabloids

Also, why would Pogba decide to betray Juventus, the club that promptly gave him first team football and has now become one of the 16 best teams in Europe with guaranteed continental football to play this year for a club that struggled to achieve the Europa League qualification last season and never really believed in him in the first place?
Reminder that Vardy was always talentless scum and will be nothing without Mahrez feeding him

He'll soon be the Robbie Savage of the Championship, though that's better than he deserves

Should still be in League One
>Leicester and Chelsea have hated each other for a long time
lol Chelsea don't care about you lad.
As always, money.
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>Ah yes play in Europe instead where rapeugees will blow you up if you don't say the prayer to Allah correctly.
There's this thing called money
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>Why the fuck do players still go to Turkey? They get bombed almost daily and are on the brink of a civil war
I'm talking actual Chelsea fans. It's probably like pre-history for most of you, but it did happen.
Monica you hate Pakis too why do you always defend them?
>this whole post
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look, another multi-trip shit cunt, just what this board needs
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>transfer ban incoming
>literally no signings in sight

Really makes you think
please don't reply to him, thanks
>he's going for money
He would be going for money anyway if he went to either باريس سان جيرمان / Чeлcи.
>replying to poleaboo
>any year
Because when you lot hate on pakis, you're hating on me too

I only hate specific kinds of pakis
but Chelsea now has little to do with the Chelsea you used to hate
they were actively rooting for you last season

some fans expected everyone to stay and i can understand, but it doesn't taint last season's achievement one bit
i'm worried though, Kantè was fundamental for them last season

EL should not be a problem though
>implying money can buy loyalty
Pogba is staying at Juventus for another year at least to try and win the CL with them and then joining Real, he's smart enough not to destroy his career in the forevermore overrated English "Premier" League
They signed Morata.

They really don't need to sign anyone with the squad they have bar people leaving.
Mulsims litterally took a shit on you yesterday and you're too scared to fight back. Fucking dirty cucks.
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>tfw no signings

Just hire Big Sam already FA so we can get >Moyes
I don't blame anyone for leaving Leicester

All the tabloids were praising Vardy and not giving the other guys enough attention despite them being MORE important to Leicester success

I'd leave just to see him fall flat on his face
Has there ever been a transfer like this before?
>guaranteed first team starter
>not ageing
>leaves league winning team for mid table team
It's just bizarre. It's like Shearer leaving Blackburn for Chelsea in 1995, why the fuck would that have happened?
I do as I please you fucking runt.
incredible amount of bitterness from a trip fag.
different scale this lad.
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>Mulsims litterally took a shit on you yesterday and you're too scared to fight back. Fucking dirty cucks.
>they were actively rooting for you last season
And actively raped the team before this season has started. You can't expect them to get thanks for it.

Fuck him anyway, the word is that Mahrez is staying. Kante can go and sit in a new dressing room on his own without his sperg shield.
>be part of one of the most notable team achievements in history
>fuck off two months later to whoever because le media didn't give you enough column inches
kill yourself

Dortmund survived various purges.

So will Lester. Accidents dont happen. Lester made it, because of good management, good transers and a solid club philosophy.

They will rebuild with new players like Dortmund did and they will stay top 7.
Leicester fans should have been aware of what happened to Southampton since Pochettino took over.

>get ripped to shreds
Wew lad. Even some local players will sell you out for a quick buck.
Kante got pretty much nothing compared to Vardy

and if he stayed it would still be the Vardy show

Regardless, the main reason he is leaving is surely because he wishes to surrond himself with players of similar QUALITY

He doesn't want to carry the squad and not get the due respect
Pogba won't stay if he has the chance to move on for more money, was gonna leave last season but Juventus refused to sell him for a reasonable fee.
Not many players are 'loyal' anymore. Also the EPL isn't a career destroyer, Serie A is a literal nobody league with 1 great team in it. The EPL is made up of a lot of decent teams, not many great ones. If you can play well in the EPL you can usually play well in any other league, whereas playing well in Serie A isn't indicative of anything.
EPL is overrated but it's still better than Serie A overall.
Also Juventus won't win the CL this season, they screwed up their best chance to win it in the 14/15 season
are you seriously implying that there are more bombing in Europe than Turkey?
>the word is that Mahrez is staying
Are you dense? Lestah will be back to midtable next season while Chelsea can offer bigger wages and MASSIVE investment to ensure top 4 every damn year.
What's the alternative? Play terrible on purpose so your players don't leave?
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Alri lads

Have we signed anybody yet
did u watch chelshit last season m8?
Don't overachieve in the big leagues I guess.
Yes, but that's bullshit.
I was asking if something happened like this before, I know why he's gone.

Anyway all that money didn't ensure anywhere near top 4 last year did it?
I'm sure your source of "I want Mahrez to stay" is much more reliable than the Guardian
Turkey is Europe
They have conte now
>people actually believe this

Are you that dense or is this shit bait? When United finished Seventh no one was saying that they were now a mid table team were they? No they're a massive club that's why, same with Chelsea
>aiming to get lower than 7th every year
That's not how competitive sport works senpai
United are midtable now
>Anyway all that money didn't ensure anywhere near top 4 last year did it?
Ah yes because that is there standard. Nevermind who won it the previous year....
Unless you're Coventry City of course.

>when Coventry last finished in the top 6 of any division, the Beatles were still together
They finished mid table, that's what I meant.

The question was has anyone ever moved from a title winning team to a club that finished that much lower than them for career progression?
I'll take an itk over 'France football' says something and the Guardian leeches off it.
>'it is understood'
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>big club

I suppose Man City are too?
What a fucking prick he is.

Isn't Dybala his designated boipuss?
Still, I'd rather choose City or United or even Spurs given the state of Chelsea's dressing room last season.
>I'll take an ITK over one of the most respected papers in the UK
>arsecuck detected
Lol Chelsea literally have the most premier league trophies behind United
Mahrez rejected a new contract, any player with a head on their shoulders would move to a big club given the chance.
It's not every season that the big clubs come looking to sign you, it could be their only chance to move to a big stature club. Leicester could be completely found out this season and Mahrez career could be over.
Chelsea have more chance of year in year out European football than Leicester based on record. Which club has been in the Champions league more? You don't know what the future holds as a player and Chelsea is a career progressing move.
fuck, only 2m for giaccherini?
cant wait til forest smash them at home first game of the season and make nigel clough cry because he'll never be his dad
Player power rules Chelsea, some guys like the idea of that I'm guessing.
Yes. They attracted Pep Guardiola. Any other questions?
>Lol Chelsea literally have the most premier league trophies behind United
And liverpool have the most trophies full stop behind United, so fucking what?
Are PSG a big club?
Mouyes happened lad, he's a cancerous cunt.
They played like shit but the players still have quality
>Implying Conte will let any player be a primadona
I hate Chelsea, and a lot of their players. But Conte is a no shit manager, they will just be benched if they don't put in performances. He doesn't care about big names.
pls don't try to make this fag cunt a meme
i hate his fucking shit eating mug more than anything in this world
Yes? Are you one of those people that is of the opinion that if you have money and are successful in recent years then you aren't a big club?

>muh history
They attracted him with 20m a year, not stories of them in the lower divisions most of their history.

City and Chelsea are not big clubs. They would be in the bottom half if the table was ranked on stature
Again, I know why he's moved so no need to tell me how great chelsea is, that wasn't the question
And look at Liverpool now, shit tier.
exactly, history means shit
>hating on Gundogan
>any player with a head on their shoulders would move to a big club given the chance
Unless their wife wants to stay due to being pregnant and under strict monitoring by the same consultant that saved her life a couple of years ago when she nearly bled out giving birth to the first kid?

Screencap this post, he's staying for another year.
You're right but money trumps big clubs these days. It could be Northwich Victoria offering more and they'd go.

Look at China now, embarrasingly minor teams signing world famous players. Or what happened in Notts County that time with Sven and Sol - soon as the it became clear the money wasn't really there they disappeared.
>b-b-but muh 2 european cups

as a forest fan history is the only thing i live for and i cry myself to sleep hugging a framed picture of cloughie

>muh history
>muh tradition

Liverpool have spades of history, but they can't attract anyone of note? Hence they are a smaller club than Chelsea. If you want to get into history I could say a club like Nottingham Forest should have players clambering over their dying mothers to join them. But no they aren't. You know why? History doesn't make a big club. It's all about global stature, financial pull, success, the squad, and the manager. History contributes I agree, but it's far too overstated a factor. See AC Milan, can't buy big names anymore, because they aren't successful anymore, they don't have an attractive project and philosophy that a player can get behind.
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>Or what happened in Notts County that time with Sven and Sol - soon as the it became clear the money wasn't really there they disappeared.
that entire scenario was top kek
HAHAHAHAAHAHAHA. Players forced the best manager in the clubs HISTORY after one season of bad results/not pandering to them. I'm sure Conte will be different and not like AVB and countless others.
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Liking how active the thread is desu.
I literally argued none of this. I agree, Chelsea and Man City are extremely rich, which is why they attract players. But they are not big clubs.
notts county are hillariously bad now, their average attendence is somewhere around 3500 iirc

im a forest supporter and so's my mum but my step-dad is a magpie and he might be one of the few people to still wear county shirts without fear of humiliation
Not that guy, but it was obvious that Mourinho wanted to get back at Roman somehow. He caused divisions in the dressing room, played Hazard even though he was crocked. No wonder they forced him out, publicly humiliating players, saying there is a 'rat' in the dressing room, slandering club employees isn't going to make you friends
what constitutes a big club then
It didn't help that Mourinho strategy was the opposite of what Chelsea had planned when it came to buying players. Look at this summer, first buy is a literally who youngster bought on potential.
Fuck me I'm bored. Literally no sports to watch.
muh history probably
is Wenger enjoying his holiday?
>publicly humiliating players
The same team that was embarassing themselves every week won the title last season, all he did was call out players not trying, sounds like something that guy would applaud Conte for doing.
>played Hazard even though he was crocked.
He must have been crocked all season then. Even when Mou left he was God awful, only showed up for the last few games that oddly gave him a great bounce going into the Euros..
>saying there is a 'rat' in the dressing room
Is there a source for this comment? I know he did that at Madrid but I can't recall it being said for Chelsea
>slandering club employees isn't going to make you friends
Yeah he fucked up there, stupid act. If it wasn't Hazard's waifu he would still have a job though.
City have millions of fans all over the world

It doesn't get much bigger
Gonna have to disagree with you. Chelsea are a big club globally, not citeh.
Kante should have just held out a year then he could have gone to any club in Europe bar Barcelona

Same with Koeman, could easily been Barcelonas manager after Enrique
Utd v Wigan is on in and hour.
>they are actually showing chelsea's friendly on sky
Are they this starved for football? the euros ended like few days ago
I remember them showing leicester v monaco a few years ago for some bizarre reason
Is that when you became a fox? I did in December.
They are showing Oxford United - Leicester the 19th as well.
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>Mata benched already
>Pogba not even in squad
No, that match was three years ago: https://www.theguardian.com/football/2013/jul/27/radamel-falcao-monaco-leicester-city

>It was as the first half entered its final stages that Radamel Falcao was able to breathe a sigh of relief. One of the world's most feared strikers, a man Monaco spent £52.8m on this summer, scored from close range and, at last, could reflect on getting the better of Wes Morgan.

>It had become that type of afternoon in the east Midlands, as the bizarre matchup of Leicester against Europe's latest big spenders produced the bizarre sight of a man who, last season, had torn through the likes of Barcelona and Real Madrid struggling against a defender who, to put it kindly, is no Gerard Piqué or Sergio Ramos. Up until he struck, it appeared the Colombia superstar was not going to find a way past the former Kidderminster loanee.

This now makes zero sense.
Has pogba actually been signed?
it's completely normal if they don't play players that were at the Euro
Well Giovanni, this new tv deal has kicked in, gotta show the fools something.
mata already getting used to his new position

I feel like trophies come well down the list of what makes a big club.

Global fanbase, stadium attendance, even revenue all trump it. Hell, you could look at how many times a team is on TV in a year. The FA Cup couldn't make Wigan and Portsmouth big clubs but you have teams like Newcastle packing out stadiums.
I've missed Shaw's bottom
TFM - bailly - blind - shaw
--herrera - >carrick
lingard - ayran - memphis

I'm happy for Shaw desu, he didn't deserve to get his leg broken like that. He's a class player
Whats wrong with Carrick?
Surprised Herrera is playing desu, thought Mou wouldn't want him.
Even if you add Martial and Zlatan, this team doesn't scare me. Am I being delusional?

Herrera will play a lot, poor old Mata though.
nah, it's mostly a b tier squad
what about martial?
Newcastle are a weird aberration because they were somewhat good when football started to explode

For example Sunderland get big attendances too but nobody gives a shit about them
It's the Europa League FA/CC cup team.
Utd will have about 60+ games this season including internationals.
probably getting rested desu. Euros just finished init
Half of the squad are resting due to Euro's. Still a decent backup side
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Unbeaten Season confirmed
He did say it desu, it was everywhere in the media.

With Hazard you could see his form and overall play improved drastically after Hiddink gave him a rest and allowed him to recover.

And for humiliating players, I'm talking about laying into players after pre season games which mean nothing. The guy burned a lot of bridges at the club and was rightly removed
1. Man Utd
2. Liverpool
3. Arsenal
4. Everton
5. Aston Villa
6. Chelsea
7. Tottenham
8. Man City
9. Newcastle
10. Leeds

Note this no longer has anything to do with whether players want to play for you or not


Might be OK at championship level
Forgot Title
>Big club power rankings

>Villa bigger than Man City, Chelsea and Tottenham

Hazard was shit for most of the games under Hiddink as well and spent most of the season vying for a move to PSG
Carrick is class lad, the classiest class of classy class
even the players that are resting were pretty underwhelming in the euros/prem desu
fuck off summerfag

Do you even watch football? He's happy at Chelsea.
Can't wait for Mou to bench and sell all academy players and alienate the club while the media still worship the ground he walks on

Expect Smalling, Shaw to be benched
Rashford permaloaned
Rooney will still play week in week out
Carrick, Jones, all leave
Surprised Wijnaldum, Shelvey, Mitrovic, Sissoko haven't left yet. Is it likely?
You forget the other top clubs had off seasons. LvG at Utd, Pellegrino at Citeh, perennial top 4 for Arsenal
Not with the prices Newcastle have put on them
Probably want rid of Shelvey due to high wages but what PL team would sign him

Sissoko is just shit

Only one who could leave Wij
It's all about money, honey.
>literal shitposters

The fuck is going on today? First there's the porn threads, now these.

>ramires having to be held back by a coach

I know this is bait but
Why would he give Carrick a new Contract only to fuck him off?
Stated Rashford is a striker who will learn under Ibra in his press conference.
Shaw and Smalling wont be benched, Smalling is overrated anyway but he doesn't have enough FB/CB to bench them unless he wants to play Academy players.
Jones is shit, and Rooney will probs play as CAM week in week out.
Wasn't sure what you meant and then I refreshed the catalog. Probably just bored /b/ children.

This. Clubs will be interested, for sure, but Newcastle want £25m for players that got them relegated. If they can afford to pay these players' wages whilst in the championship fair fucks to them though.
wtf is wrong with him
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>Falcao before he became Torres-tier
Don't make me say it..
Dortmund have an excellent youth system who they get players from

lester don't
how shit is Wenger at transfers when he can't even sign Jamie Vardy
7 titles vs 4, 5 and 2 respectively
1 European cup vs 0, 1, 0
You can make a case for Chelsea but not the others
he is deluded by and falls to squad cohesion meme
>He's happy at Chelsea.
Do Chelsea fans really believe this? Like...really?

Trophies don't make a big club on it's own or Sunderland would be higher than City.
wigan v man utd friendly thread if anyone's interested
>Dortmund have an excellent youth system who they get players from
Not really. The only youth player they have who's a starter right now is Schmelzer. And I guess Götze counts if he comes back.

What they do have is good scouting, and good connections for deals.
Is LRL here?
Yeah but Sunderland turned into a yo yo club in the 50s/60s and never really recovered.
Yanks are going to be fuming at this post.
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>no Liverpool rumours
>still no Javi Martinez


And Villa have just been relegated after battling relegation for years so I don't see how Villa's trophies a lifetime ago are relevant when Sunderland's are not?
>banned for ban evasion
>as if I won't just evade again

Reminder that all mods, without exception, are faggots
cant do much with money if you are dead
Good meme
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Pepe a cute
Pulisic is a good talent, but not a starter. Just like how Passlack, Burnic, Fritsch and Larsen are good talents. Maybe they'll end up being starters, maybe not, it's too soon to tell really.
they're signing Chillwell, and Klopp wants another CM and CB
Man City are a bigger club than United.

Champions League > Europa League
>Champions League > Europa League
And City have won neither.
>no Sheffield Wednesday
>that flag

I don't know why I'm responding but I just want to say you're a mong
United fans do realise that they now sound like Liverpool fans right?

Nobody cares how good you were 20 years ago
rekt city
desu a yank would be more qualified to say who's a bigger club since they are the foreign market clubs are chasing
any updates on the paul pogba to manchester united situation?
>muh history

Well done, you're no different from Liverpool.

Here's some stories from shit tier tabloids
Yeah, turns out pogba isn't that good
Na lad, I'm the guy that was arguing against muh history
see >>69568509
in that case, he'll be perfect for united
My back is all fucked up lads
Is Pogba a muslim?
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