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>67% of Euros total money generated by the tournament was
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>67% of Euros total money generated by the tournament was distributed as prize money for teams participating, the Winner (Portugal) received 24 Million Euro and France Received 23 Million Euro (Portugal received 1 Million for winning the match). Every partipant received 8 Million Euro just for setting foot in France and playing a match.

>Copa America 7%of total was set for Distribution as prize money, the entire prize pool was only 24 Million. Chile got 6.6 Million for winning.

Where did all the money go?
75 Million to US companies and tv
70 Million to Mexican companies and tv
150 Million to stadium/host/cities
*cough* BRIBES *cough*
most of it goes to FIFA officials' fifty grand in traveling expenses for whores and caviar
Non-white subhumans have no concept of accountanility and checks and balances
its why latin america is a corrupt shithole
concacaf AND conmebol is pure corruption
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>America good
>Europe bad

Outside of dictatorships, our financial system is the most unbalanced of all time. We're well past the tipping point that capitalism eventually reaches where a few giant conglomerates buy up every inch and control entire segments. Every time liberals want to put regulations on it the right starts screaming about how they hate their country and quite possibly God.

>Football manager

do all athletes play this?


did you even read the OP?

Reading comprehension Hans, use it.
Nah, I think most guys play FIFA. Football Manager is for autists.

He did use it, your post is just really poorly constructed. Greentexting like that implies that you disagree with the OP, when in fact, you agree with him.

And that last sentence about liberals and the right wing, what the fuck am I reading
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