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Thread replies: 146
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>the city of Nike
love it.

should be able to see it too not like that shitty salmon coloured one
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Mitre Ultimax.jpg
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This is unironically better than their previous attempts.

But in all fairness bring back Mitre.
why does Nike need to JUST themselves like this

the last one looked like some exoskeleton ball that was left in the corner of a paint shop and this one is literally just a fucking beach ball

just goes to prove how based adidas will always be superior. this is the 16/17 bundesliga ball, not the greatest example, but it's not obnoxious as fuck, its mostly white as a ball should be, the pattern is composed of a single/few geometric shapes. They went with a grittier design this year I guess but it still looks like a football and not an oversized bouncy ball, seriously what the fuck nike
The pink sucks but it otherwise it's very well done
they managed to make it worse than last year

Bravo Nike
search: Adidas football desgins

a gazillion better designs than this
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>Nike Balls

into the trash it goes
kek this looks like its made of rubber, and has those golf ball dimples in it

>That kid who only bought rock hard mitre balls

Still better than that faggy kid with the shitty cheap addidas gliders
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the dimples improve grip on the foot
Lmao, I actually own the female tournament ball, Speedcell I believe.
Right now sitting in garage flat because the vent broke and it doesn't hold air anymore.
It was a good ball for 5 years desu.
>that kid who brought his Mitre which cost over £20

Those were glorious times.
Looks pretty cool. What does "Bundes" mean?
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adidas euro 2016.jpg
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Love the recent Adidas ball.
Nike's soccer stuff is almost as bad as Adidas' basketball stuff. They should stick to their respective sports.

"Bund" essentially means "Union", in the political sense it means a federal union of states, just like you have in the US.

So Bundesliga means "Leage of the Union"
Unironically quite like it
if the black bits were white it would look good

sounds a bit /pol/ that desu but you know what i mean
Adidas is fucking garbage at everything that isnt soccer even there cleats are shit
Bring back mitre
Appeals to 17 yr olds just like the quality of Football in the PL
i like it, but only ironically
What's it like being gay la?
Are they doing it this badly on purpose to have a giggle on EPLEL? Can't explain it any other way
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post your ballfu
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nik-la-liga-16-17-ball (2).jpg
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You know Adidas use similar balls in La Liga and Serie A?
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yours or our version isnt much better
ok, I got BTFO
*Nike, obviously.
That bottom right artwork is fucking disgusting
people only watch BPL tbf tho
lol wtf

lol wtf


>being this buttfrustrated over a fucking BALL
kys faggots
>beau jeu

Oh the irony
the colors alone aren't nearly as bad as them with the black bars


Underage Leafy fan spotted
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Comparison of
>Series A
>La Ligal
More pics at:
Lel liga wins desu
Another angle
Ligue 1 also using the Adidas ball
What the fuck is this
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great for striking hard and straight. awesome hoofball
>being so fat he identifies as a ball
best ball ever desu
this is me, desu

Thanks Doc
I agree, the new PL logo is absolutely terrible. What were they thinking?
>So Bundesliga means "Leage of the Union"
Or Unionleague
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no1s picked this baby??
i have this pretty noice dbh
Japanese made it their bitch against Denmark

Mah nigga
The red colored stars version was objectively the best
am i the only one who realizes it'll be incredibly easy to see on tv / in replays / with goal line tech?

it also looks kinda cool, quit being such stuck-up bitches
Am I the only one who thinks this is actually good looking?

no, i genuinely like it m8
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>that kid that always had the newest geniune adidas matchballs
>shit players being exposed by the fucking ball
Every legitimately good player in the tournament had no problem with the ball.
>le 90's nostalgiafags
Balls will never be as good as they were back in the day, am I right guys!!! XDXDXDXD
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1982 wc ball.jpg
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>2002 and 2006 WC
>90s nostalgia
And 80s-90s balls were pretty nice looking.
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Best ball ever.
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adidas or nike?
GOATs to be honest famskis
No it improves the stability of the ball mid air.

Less drag means it tumbles more ironically.
Why are leafs the worst posters in the entire website?
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if you could score from 20 metres in windy conditions you were goat
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over here they're called Supertele
different name, same shitty unpredictability
I like it
the stitching literally looks like a swastika
la liga's is the only one that makes sense
like always
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>being able to give colossal reverse spin
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>Brain Damage: The Ball
My granddad used to play football for Middlesbrough and at the beginning of his career he headed one of these and the laces tore his eyeball open.
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>T-shape will bever come back
Imagine kicking this ball with the same heavy leather boots of the period, even worse when it was raining.
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>There is people who unironically like footballs with more white than color
>There is people who unironically like footballs with white non-outlined panels
>There is people who unironically like footballs with shapes other than pentagons and hexagons
>There is people
I loved goalkeeping this

Had to fly around all the time
nike is a company not a city
how does a ball tumble or do anything ironically?
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This thing destroys keeper hands like no other.
>owning a nike ball

>"Holy shit, some nice goals her...What's that noise?"

Man I forgot how bad that vuvudogshit was. May we never have to experience anything like that again.
this was based as fuck. the best on was 2006 though
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At least Adidas always makes balls with the flag's colors
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yes, a Chinese anus
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based ball

loved the total 90 days
t-they had to know this anon. someone doesn't like Argentina in Adidas.
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recently bought this one (Uruguayan 1st div match ball)

thought it was going to be an utter failure, but its surprisingly good, taking into account how shit is our league

Some kid stole that one out from my grandma's back garden, was gutted desu
This ball sucked
pantyliner ball... it was great
reeeeeeeal fucking high o
Should've closed his eyes before heading

How did they even get the ball in air back in those days?
Based Forlan was able to GOAT it up with it so it couldnt be bad.
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Is that a kooshball?

you can the three faggot ronaldos
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>Ctrl+f 'Derbystar'
>0 results

No love for them?
Omg what an advert that was. I'm certain football seemed to have so much more skill, personality and flair involved back then. I miss it...
Still have mine.
Beautiful Color.
Light Blue with silver flake.
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A cognate of "bind"?
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Objectively and subjectively the best ball.
Waiting for the inevitable LGBT pride ball

pretty much, yeah
edgy af

*ball teleports behind you into the goal*
Psssh… Nothin Personnel… Keeps…
We Catalonia color scheme now
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this, fuckin love everything about the champions league
since i was a kid i wished the stadium they show on commercial breaks was real
>tfw only owned cheap shit like this as a kid in the 90s

The pentagons on the one I had the longest were a mix of red and green
>a fuckin leaf

lol no

less drag means it reacts more violently to air pressure. adidas made a ball that was 'too round', the jabulani, and everyone lost their shit because knuckleball kicks were unpredictable (as they should be)
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Goat ball 2bh
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Tricolore is the best football I ever got to play with
>tfw first ball i ever had was a teamgeist replica that i had used so much i burned the edges of all 32 panels off

felt like a service medal parading that ball around. there is something satisfying about it.
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>First memory of that ball is getting smashed by it in the guts

For some reason I got the feeling that it's a very heavy ball, but then again I was younger. Looks pretty good though
That's why [spoiler][/spoiler]>we won
A faggot ball for a faggot league
you what. they cleats are GOAT. predators are life
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godlike tier ball
How progressive
>there are people like you who can't speak English for shit but still try
why y'all love balls so much?
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This one looked pretty nice
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Thread images: 45

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