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Don't mind me, just cucking the rest of the world at their
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File: MLS-Logo-Evolution.png (39 KB, 400x315) Image search: [Google]
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Don't mind me, just cucking the rest of the world at their own sport
who /2000-2008/ master race here
When will soccer come home bros? 2020s or 2030s?
late 2020s early 2030s is when we will enter a "golden generation" most likely
>not 1996
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>samefagging this hard
Once we enter one it's going to continue forever until we just go platinum
on July 4th, 2026, when we're hosting the world cup on the 250th anniversary of FREEDOM
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got DAMN.jpg
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dubs confirm, it's fucking HAPPENING
1996 GOAT logo tbqh
Why does the line go out of the 2015 logo? It's triggering me.

mls will be a top tier league in 2020
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This, the latinos are already 20% of the pop. or some meme like that, they're gaining fans by the second.
US is a wealthy and large nation, soon when football gains popularity there's no reason why they wouldn't become a major word power in it.
I like the USMNT, they play with heart but god your MLS teams should change their names, it's cringeworthy.
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mexicans don't give a shit about MLS, they all watch Liga MX
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