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Thread replies: 255
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Me in the middle.
me the one with the helmet
thread moving so fast no one will read that I like smelling flowers
>"Can you tell me what the note your daughter gave you said?"
>no fuck off you nosey bitch

Hoping for a great game for Ronaldo and a terrible game for the Portuguese defence.
You been playing too much FM b
Same. Maximum hilarity.

These days I don't play it anymore desu, since I won everything I can't find the motivation.

Dunno, I thought that at regional level becoming a coach was piss easy, instead you have to wait for FIGC to open the courses even at the lowest level.
listening to Shahbaaz by Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan, pretty cool
ur tune is nice
Need to hang out, m8. Nusrat is based. Love when his songs go on forever. Everyone in the audience clapping and enjoying themselves.
https://youtu.be/kLBFmA87tyg is fucking amazing
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That guy with the womanlike high pitched voice is fucking based
>game hasn't even started yet
>already two official match threads
Premature thread posting.
Where is Chris Coleman from?

That weird part of Wales where Tom Jones was born?
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Soup tastes gorgeous lads
. My soups always look like theyve been regurgitated but the potato has dissolved into the liquid and thickened it so it has the texture of a blended soup whilst a few soft fall apart in your mouth pieces remain. The chicken has all fallen apart as has every ingrediant so every spoonful is full of flavour, rather than many soups and stews where you get one item on your spoon each mouthful

Its all about cooking it until the flavours and textures become one imo

Maybe ive had a few too many whiskeys

Enjoy, m8.
What's the appeal of rap music guys? never understood it
What's the appeal of rock music guys? never understood it
What's the appeal of any music? Can't really be explained, it just sounds good

it like poetry for poors
Poetry with music.
Young Thug > Lautréamont tbf
Bale has such a nancy-pants voice
What's the appeal of music?
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What do ya want lads?
Soup over mashed potatoes is very, very good
40 nuggets and an assortment of various sauces. Irn Bru to drink cheers la'
Some fruit pastille lollies please.
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Let's go Pineapple brothers
An exciting match
Neither side will park the bus right?
Keep your eyes peeled for Ronald on tippy toes.

no small mentalities here, only brains
perisic is crazy af for doing this. respect
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Burger King currently got the better deals over here m8.
>Rakitic the only one not singing
Let's hope so
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one last feel.png
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>all this Croatian heart
Seems weird going to Burger King and not getting a burger desu.
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>Srna crying
that's dedication
Everything about that is terrible.

Don't see that on the menu

If it was their drive through of use it
the deal itself is solid. 90 Nuggets and 20 dips for 14,90€ however they taste worse than McDonalds Nuggets.
one girlfriend pls
>90 Nuggets and 20 dips
thats not for 1 person right
I feel ya mate
>euro 2016
chicken nuggets with curry sauce senpai
what's your favourite pasta lads?

linguine here
The marine one
Already shaping up to be another cagey, scrappy, boring, low-scoring game.
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>not Sweet 'N Sour
the navy seal one
2012 Olympics chicken kiev rant.
Farfalle or Lumache
the chink sauce?

go away
too tense for me
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og you lewa.png
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Absolute cracker of a match
Every game in the euros has been in real need of an early goal to create the pressure
>I'll never become a reaction image

Feel sad man
Is that what you call Mcdonald's over there?
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Are you being sarcastic dude?.png
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this is why people hate portugal
we're playing like cr*p
Tagliatelle desu
This tournament must surely go down as one of the worst in recent memory. It has been total fucking garbage.
that william carvalho guy is absolutely woeful why is his pricetag 40 mio or something?
fuck that turbo faggot nani srsly
This red is such a flaming faggot

I hate this type of 'tough', theatrical refs so much
many shit teams and big teams underperforming, the pitch aren't great too.
How do you pronounce it?
>our manager sees Iceland, Austria defending against Portugal
>let's try that

we literally have no midfield
Shoulda been a yellow
ta glee a tellè
what is wrong with him?
Literally worse linguine
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this was the first goal attempt of the game
He's a meme
If matches get to extra time the ball boys should be given paintball guns and instructions to shoot the players if they are not trying to win the match.


sorry, wrong thread family
I say bring back replays.
>my whole Saturday has been wasted on mediocre football

Think I need to book a weekend over to London soon
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no transition from defense to midfield whatsoever

kill us
I think Nani is a better footballer than cristiano tbf

>my whole Saturday has been wasted on mediocre football
Why do so few players care about international football? No one looks like they give a fuck.

Ronaldo cares but only insofar as his own ego and his desire to be THE hero who saves the day. He cares about the potential platform for glory but not about the national side.
Teams adopted counter attacking tactics to compete against the possession sides, now there are few possession sides left and no one wants the ball.
now that we're a free country again, this should be mandatory in the new EPL
So we agree that England is going to get walloped by Iceland right?
>Ronaldo cares but only insofar as his own ego and his desire to be THE hero who saves the day. He cares about the potential platform for glory but not about the national side.
Where did you learn to read minds like this?

No, it's coming home.

the ligue 1 curse
>my whole Saturday has been wasted on mediocre football

Sounds like my life for the last 20 years. Gets me out of the house though I guess.
Nice mind reading lad. What else is he thinking about right now?
That was a fukcing red
I think that if a player misses a penal/FK the game should be stopped so that the whole opposite team can play soggy biscuit and give it to the player that missed
Scrappy one nil to the iceman
We might lose on penalties.
Turkish bathhouses.
>a red for accidentally stepping on someone
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god exists.gif
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It started raining

England to win it in extra time.
Should play red arse with anyone who misses imo
Well it keeps me in the house.
At least with the league you only have to watch your team and other "big" games.
In the euros nearly every game should be a treat. I should be delighted my whole Saturday was watching football .
Calm down McCarthy
what the fuck does yfmoc means?
nice skill by Joao Mario. Also I can't get over how Cristiano's adam apple is big FUARK

he should just be ass raped by the whole opposite team
yer fat mam on cock
it's okay guys THE REAL tournament starts at quarterfinals hehe
Quads confirm
It looks like his neck has an elbow
>dat not so good looking qt again
one of em was fine
>the real tourney starts 10th july
I miss lads like Nani, Quaresma, Ben Arfa, pre Real madrid Cristiano. Football is too mechanic and less human nowadayw

it starts on the 2th nahmean
What does yfmoc means? Your face made of chocolate?
If the score is 0-0 at half time, we all get 10/10 low self-esteem gfs and land £££ jobs
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Spanish Referees are a scourge
dubs prove it, happening lads
what a dive
>we concede in 82nd and then start playing but it's too little too late
The one on the left is OK, but she has this big smile that's just heart melting
What sport is this?
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He is so obviously favoring Portugal is not even funny.

If you have to ask you don't belong in this thread, move along
Low self esteem gf sounds terrible, and £s even worse!
>land £££ jobs


I was talking about the ones with black hairs... I don't remember well anyway

>low self-esteem gfs
what for
I think it's time to drink!
alri lads
to dominate her
Hey hun u OK?
yeh good cheers lad, weather's nice, footy's on, got some booze, no work tomorrow
Nice, enjoy
what the fuck !!!!!
How do I unban myself lads?
Farfalle and Tortelloni.

Made some lemonade for a cheeky Radler.
Alt + F4

press the green button on the router
what drink are you drinking lad?
it is nature
>I don't get the alri thing

am I missing out on memes?
means alright
You did it!!
I did the reset, I can post from the phone but not from the pc :(

It's just alright as spoken with an accent

Northerners use it as a greeting a lot
alri is short for alright which is short for hello m9 are you alright?
Delete 4chan cookies
alri, alri
novelist on the mic
its for yall badman riddim innit
i spit bars and i dont know why
life is hard and i dont know why
grime is shit and i dont know why
eyyy aye its for all the badman out dere feedin dere famili wif da glock nahmean
I'm going to have a svyturys ekstra, probably my favourite.
oh ok crazy northerners
james blunt might do fucking shit music but he's a humorous lad tbf

show some frickin respect, he stopped WW3
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i'm a top shop man

i'm a dan

aka the bossman

nice lad. got a cheeky bottle of kah anejo i'm working my way through. tasty af desu
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alri! thanks lads
tfw i could be outside avin fun right now
Kalinic IN
>tune in to match
>48th minute
Strinić is disaster
go now
Capo (GBE) coming on im the biggest flexer im ya dad

im in pijamas rite now in my bed and I'm tired
>the state of these replays

Jesus France
qts spotted
>those same "cuties" again

poor camera work
are we really this bad or is Portugal worse?
Cameraman has a crush
Why don't they just score?
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same ones as last time. As I'm saying, the one in the middle is the best one
>that shot

Top kek.
this is an european competition, the nationality of the directors is not french everytime m8
i think both teams are good and evenly matched
Yeah, i thought you meant her, but the one on the left has the best smile

I don't, both teams are scared
France provides all the video
all replays and things you see on screen are all from the one director
fucking hate it when you get two teams who are too scared to lose to actually try and play. kills the game.
Renato Sanches is quite good lads

switch left and right
with good reason. this is basically the semi final
le vida loco
no tsu forr u
>outa my way spic fucking shits
nice kick
the director for this game is Jamie Oakford, he is english
based strinic putting nani to SLEEP
the boy who cried wolf is a real and valid lesson for us all. especially diving spics.
hah, you went and found out?
youre a mad man pierre, but a good one!
brexit when?
I already hate the Brexit meme. It's going to be two or three decades full of -exits for everything, just like the stupid -gate shit.
Frexit for sunday I'm afraid la
gexit yourself from this thread
itll be two years before they even exit, if they ever do

i love a good portmanteau, but brexit is just shite
this game is giving me an ulcer
get exit yourself?

shame for you theres no Euro 2016 Nentrance
the mong that came up with it should have all his fingers broken desu
More of a Bremain man are you?
I want to walk barefoot on a pitch

Brexitgate will go down in history m8
why lad?
I've always been Brits Out
got my bits out right now desu
that was for >>68910302
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will anyone score.png
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Irexit yourself too
feels good, damn now I want to walk on a warm beach.
for the lads?
>vote exit for the laugh
>the lads do it too
>the lads tell their friends to do it too
>the uk being some shitty ass smalltime country everyone ends up doing it too for the banter of course
>end up isolated
good fucking job
Man, this game is driving us to politics
wish someone would remind the croatia players they can actually win this without having to drag it out to penalties if they step it up a bit. they'll lose if it gets to penalties.

It's just a bit of banter innit, the EU needs to lighten up
I blame the EU, la
That's a pretty good summing up of what happened
>the EU

At least youre actually in that!! ;)

Seriously though, GOAL NOW PLS GOD!
William is absolutely dreadful
playded ass creed syndicate last night, roamed in the game even genuily felt sad about brexit despite being anti EU, felt like I lost a friend
Who /breget/ here?

If these Euros were more exciting we would have voted Remain

It's all a French conspiracy to get rid of us, they're probably slipping tranquilisers into the players' food or something
i find wales voting out the weirdest bit of it all desu. they had more funding from the eu than any other bit of the country. just weird that they all ignored it and thought that a london-centric government would happily pump the same amount of money into wales that the eu did. strange desu.

Can't we rip the EU up and start again.
Feels like I'm watching ligue 1 desu
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>we might get extra time for this match
I don't really care but I admit its also a problem as I have family and friends in the uk (london only, no northern shithole) I wonder what's truly gonna happen
Who'll choke harder in the benulties? Ronald or Modrić?
Think because of this whole steel industry thing

Funny thing is it's our government that opposed protectionism for it
While im complaining,
Theres been no meme player yet who'll get snapped up for stupid money by a big team then fails utterly.

going to the toilet real quick...
Reminder to support based DiEM25

Modrić (sorry)
who was the idiot who thought more team would make the euros better?
it was me, sorry lad
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Thread images: 64

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