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Why is basketball popular with Filipinos if they're not
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Why is basketball popular with Filipinos if they're not tall enough to play it?
Same reason Soccer is popular in England
Don't know. Should just get on the short football players bandwagon with Japan.
Cause they're the niggers of asians.
See >>68749191
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>speak cuck spanish
>eat disgusting food
>every male pinoy is a swag fag
>pinoy girls at the absolute most solid 7s
>perpetual manlet size
>only good athlete has been BTFO repeatedly

is there a more beta country?
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>Not tall enough to play
>Gets rekt in 3 weeks time by Flips
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they get all cultural cues from Korean and Chinese TV, where basketball is more popular than in USA (I don't have to be the first to point out how many NBA teams have toured in China or have Asian language ads in their arenas)
Filipinos have embarrassing teams though
this is actually the cleanest logo I've seen from a team lol

We have a basketball team?

I thought Rick Nash's brother retired
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>Fact: filipino's are the most powerful race in the world
they're good nurses and some of the grills are cute

but filipino men are generally shitty fathers / human beings who can't hold jobs
>Fact: filipino's are the most powerful race in the world
You got 2 NBA first draft pick in your roster
Wiggins and Bennett

Kelly Olynyk and arm killer, Cory Joseph and Sacre
Why is the country Ph but the race F?
because they're retarded

thank fuck i'm white
Idk but I had this Filipino guy at school who was like 5'5 but would kill everybody on the court. Dude was so quick and had massive hops I couldn't believe it
One of the best countries for traps tho senpai there bodies were made for it

Same reason sex is popular with Canadians when their dick too small
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Admiration of nigger culture
Admiration of nigger culture
Okay, let me give you a serious answer.
There's a reason why Basketball is popular here, and Volleyball. They're the two most popular.

It's because the fast, exciting pace of both fits very well into Filipino culture. We like fast games with a lot of things happening.

That's also why people barely watch Soccer here. 40 minutes in and nothing's happening.
>Be Filipino
>Father wanted me to be a male nurse
>Wanted to break the stereotype so I became an IT instead
I'm a nurse and most of my coworkers are mostly Filipinas
I think it's crazy how there are like one or two degrees of separation between all of the nurses in my area regardless of shift, department, facility, whatever
I've called nursing homes / LTACs to give report before and they've been, like, really resistant; which I understand cuz change of shift sucks, I know
But then if a Filipina coworker talks to them they immediate take report, realizing that we all can't drag our feet or nurse with seniority will throw a fit the next time they see eachother church or whatever

do you give any of them filipinas the pipe?
fuck that they all want to get married to the first guy who shows interest

This is why I date latinas instead of my own filthy race.
you from Cali or TX?
Looking at the 2 cunts in OP's pic makes me wanna bash someone.
they are all short. problem solved
Filipinos fucking suck and their food is the weirdest shit. MacArthur should have just fucked off and thrown them to the Japanese. We should have added in the Japanese surrender conditions that they are required to continue slaughtering Filipinos after the war has ceased. Maybe the chinks too.

more lumpia for me shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit
The reason is because it is cheap.
Shitty homemade hoop, cheap ball, done.
Volleyball is for college girls.

The national sport of the Filipino is rape gangs after Red Horse, Tanduay, and shabu. Or raping your daughter after drinking Kulafu.

Do you have a white van?
Because they wanna seem african american
I think I might actually know the guy on the right in that picture but I'm not sure

It bugs me every time
Their food is literally just rice and meat, I spent a month there and after about 2 weeks I completely couldn't stand it anymore
is it true that people use limo tint to prevent being carjacked?
>britbong went to the philippines
>claims to have eaten rice and meat every day for a month
>instead of tranny cock
1 Filipinos think it looks soooo classy
2 It is sunny here

Notice that most put the tinting over the windshield, too. That is a good reason not to drive at night here, since no one can see. Even when they drive with brights on constantly.

Inb4 butthurt richfags start crying that their Manila neighborhood is different.
that's illegal in TX but I had really strong tint on my back window and couldn't see SHIT if it was overcast
and forget wearing sunglasses lol
tint on the windshield would have been killer
in CA we can tint back rear and have a front strip across windshield. but driver/passenger side have to be clear enough to read license through it. fuckers

Basketball was cucked into Filipino culture during the American occupation

they actually have the 2nd oldest basketball league in the world (1975)

the reason why its really popular is because any traces of soccer was killed by the Americans and it caught on because you can put up a ring on the sidewalk with bent steel and a board, they fucking play that shit on the street over there, causing traffic on small streets and alleys
that's really lame man
I stopped caring about car modification though cuz it kills resale value
>that flag
>that topic
opinion discarded
I honestly would tint my left driver side windshield because its way too fucking hot and I hate the uneven tan it gives you

pic one.

They're truly disgusting and smelly brown and poor manlets.
It's illegal here too.
The difference is that police don't do anything except extort money. I am sure a traffic cop would be in the top 3% in income in the country, if bribes are counted.

Soccer was always rare here. This wasn't a British colony, fatboy.
yeah no Soccer used to be big in the Philippines before it was cucked by the US

they even produced a Barca Great
>that flag
>that topic
>Robbie Lawler
>They're truly disgusting and smelly brown and poor manlets.
And bad drug addiction, horrifying crime, corruption in every government employee.
Literally the Mexicans of Asia!

He moved to Spain when 3 years old, with his Spanish father.
You are an idiot.
is there a league for people under 5'9?

that would be interesting
im sure there's plenty of under 18 leagues
In 1916, Alcántara's parents returned to the Philippines and took their son with them. There he continued his studies in medicine and played football for the Bohemian Sporting Club. He helped the club win two Philippine Championships; in 1917 and 1918. He was selected for the Philippine national football team in 1917 and represented his country at the Far Eastern Championship Games in Tokyo, helping them defeat Japan 15–2, which is still the Philippines' biggest win in international football. He also represented the Philippines at table tennis. Meanwhile, Barcelona had failed to win a major trophy in his absence and the club pleaded in vain with his parents to allow him to return to Spain. However, he contracted malaria in 1917 and apparently refused to take the prescribed medication until he was allowed to go back

>dat self hate
keep cucking m8
Football is cheap. If we want football to be national sport, let's start at futsal like those Brazilians do. I don't know if the Rio favellas have a full size football field but those guys play good due to street soccer.
Basketball is good and all but I prefer Boxing as our national sport. Way more practical and useful as well. Anyhow I hope the beating of the memeiors finally put an end to those swagbois who bandwagon gsw because they came from the bay.
>>dat self hate
>keep cucking m
Um....you might rethink that. Maybe I am a Westerner trapped here for 3 FUCKING YEARS while being ineptly blackmailed by the police and immigration. Maybe that is why I am bitter and hate this country.
Murifat influence.
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Why so white boys love that der tranny cock?
Idk we just do, flip ladyboys are GOAT
Are you one of them? Walking around in makeup over your unshaved face, hair pulled back desperate to look like a ponytail, wearing your sister's dress?

Walking around Malate or Makati trying to find a tourist to fool? Except you are so repulsive no one will walk within 10m of you.

All of that, just to get 1000 pesos to buy your meth and red horse for the day. Not even gay, you are just a pathetic addict.

Am I close about your life?
>let me tell you about your own country

Soccer was never big here, never was and never will be compared to apehoop

Apehoop to us is like Baseball to the Japanese
> They're truly disgusting and smelly brown and poor manlets.

Dude some people say the same shit about Mexicans..
> Maybe I am a Westerner trapped here for 3 FUCKING YEARS while being ineptly blackmailed by the police and immigration.

Holy shit you need to elaborate
He´s probably trapped in the sense that he dislikes being there but dislikes even more X something that would happen if he leaves, because there is no way the murrikan ambassy wouldn´t get him out of there if there were some actual trouble.
Maybe he´s tied there because of work?
i love betting on PBA at 3-4-5 in the morning. truly comfy times
Check your embassies website for Phillipines, and what they can do if you are arrested. The answer will be nothing. mEmbassies don't interfere in law enforcement.
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