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I feel bad for him...
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based green.jpg
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I feel bad for him...
I fucking dont
I do not feel strongly either way.
I have no respect for a man who would hit another man in the balls like this piece of shit does. He's literally the reason I found myself rooting against the Warriors.
I don't. Homophobic faggot
This smells fishy
On the bright side, he can grab people's nuts all summer long and not get flagrants for it.
He played with heart in that game.

Probably would have been Finals MVP if Curry didn't brick it away.
There are people who actually like Green? I hate Curry but understand why people like him, but Green acts like a piece of shit.
And if Kyrie didn't make that meme shot
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daily reminder
Never should have called the king a bitch. NEVER
at least he was smart enough to push lebron on that last dunk. saved his team from being an eternal laughing stock
On the court he's an asshole because he's competitve af. Off the court he's a genuinely good person. Also respect his game because he is one of the most dedicated players there are, 2nd round pick and 2nd in dpoy voting back to back years. He played fantastically this game and he deserved that ring.
That white cuck had it coming
how did it save them from that? they still lost
He played hard and it was classy of him to go into the middle of the Cavs celebration mob and congratulate and hug Lebron after his earlier behavior.
I spy a monkey.
He was the only one to come straight over to Lebron and hug him and congratulate him. Curry and Thompson's bitchasses ran straight to the lockerroom.

He's a fucking nigger coon on the court during games, but he's a very, very good sport and competitor that respects his opponents.

And he was the only one on that team that fucking showed up tonight.

I don't feel "bad" for him, but I have more respect for him and what he means for that team.
he actually seems like a pretty chill bro, so i feel for him

In the summer of 2012, Green moved into an apartment in Emeryville, California. Green considered it too expensive to live in San Francisco as most of his Warriors teammates did and explained his choice of a modest apartment: "I've been pretty broke my entire life. I'm not going to live that same life, but I'm going to keep those same principles."[71] He identifies himself as a Christian.[72]

On September 14, 2015, Green donated $3.1 million to Michigan State University, which is the largest pledge from an athlete in the school's history,[73] to help build a new athletics facility and fund an endowment program for scholarships.[74]"
well said.
That dunk would have been legendary.

Bron Bron still had the block of the century, tho, so they're cucked no matter what.
uhh can you image the highlight reel? lebron capping a 3-1 comeback for da land with a monster dunk, would've been in instant classic. probably one of the best plays in history
Went god-mode tonight, but the splash bros were choking faggots.
no hes a nigger on and off the court

please stop
Had a great game

too bad he couldn't carry the trash brothers
Hes white he deserves it
did you see his postgame interview now? I despise him on the court, but he's a great guy

Green was the only one that had his mind focused on this game, Curry, Thompson, Livingston, Barnes and Iguadola played like shit.
Nah fuck that gorilla nigga
Nah he went at people's nuts until the NBA finally couldn't let it slide any longer. I think they would have won that game five with him, but oh well.
He will be in prison within 5 years. Cap this post.
Has any player destroyed his reputation as fast as Barnes?

At least Curry occasionally looked like himself. Barnes just shit the bed the entire series.
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I have no strong feelings one way or another
Iguadola had a busted back, the others have no excuse.
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Shrugging guy meme_00.jpg
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yeah, the guy simply vanished this series,
he was doing good against OKC.
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