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15 years. You have 15 years, rest of the World. 15 years
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15 years.

You have 15 years, rest of the World.

15 years until the USA becomes a superpower in Soccer and is constantly winning world cups every 4 years. You think you cucks hate us now just wait until your women are wearing USA kits.
Isn't this what they said during WC 1994 in USA?

It's a jersey you faggot

Take your shitty sport elsewhere
I'm incredibly proud of this post.
1000000% this

Divefaggots need to be airdropped en masse to Moldova
>CTE becoming a huge problem in the NFL
>middle class parents put their children in soccer programs instead
>the next Messi will be American born

The age of American Soccer Dominance is almost upon us Ameribros. Hopefully /sp/ is still around then.
In 1996 actually is when Project 2010 was launched with the expressed purpose of challenging for a World Cup by then.

Didn't happen obviously, but few countries have come so far in the last 20 years.
Yes, but OP was born yet, so let him have is 5 minutes
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> 15 years until the USA becomes a superpower in Soccer and is constantly winning world cups every 4 years
> USA becomes a superpower in Soccer

lmao k bro
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Well, look how close the USA got to advancing deep
That would have mean a tie, not winning
when the US has been dominating the sport and when top players in the premier league, la liga, etc are American born it will be known as Soccer universally
>15 years
>USA lasts that long
As the new president of Kansnia and Missourgovina, I laugh.
>ameriblobs unironically believe this

in 15 years China will be more of a football superpower than you lot have professed to become in the last 25 years
and it's not going to be even close
El peruANO
USA has been 15 years from being top football country for the last 20 or so years. Nothing has chnaged.
True because they aren't limiting their league with a stupid wage/salary cap or whatever the fuck
You need to reform your league to have relegation, no salary cap, and have youth cademies before you do that familia.

You already have more players than better countries than you do, you just have a shit system.
The teams would die
No owner would invest in a team that could be relegated
but then there wouldn't be competition nor a selective system to generally improve the quality of the league

>always fought against communism
>an abortion like the MLS exists
this shit doesn't make sense
>15 years
by then all men sports will be banned and replaced with Stacys trying to play those sports but failing miserably
accept it youre beyond cucked, in 15 years your wymin team will be the only US team
More like 55 years m8. It's a long process.


Lol ok. Why not India as well?

The league fucked up since its conception.

You'll be shackled to shit youth development and absolutely no drive to compete domestically until they implement relegation.

Not the person you responded to, but China actually has a good national sports development program. They train kids from early childhood in specialized sport schools. They also pump them full of PEDs. Not saying China WILL do it, but they definitely have the capability to get pretty good at soccer.

India is only competitive in cricket.
>tfw usa cucks the entire planet by winning multiple world cups in utter blowouts
>we take their beloved sport and rename it soccer because we run shit
>eurofags give up sports altogether and just play edm music in basements alone for the rest of eternity

>>tfw usa cucks the entire planet by winning multiple world cups in utter blowouts
which is less probable than Zimbabwe qualifying for the curling world championship

15 years rest of world
15 years until US soccer fans become the most obnoxious and hated fanbase around the world.
you are never going to become a superior until
a, call it football
b, fix your shit youth system
No one cares about soccer here
>country of malnourished manlets will be a superpower

You should be embarrassed of your sport if you let that happen.
I'm crying lids

>spics getting schooled by an average USA team when they don't even care about football

this sounds like a kanye west song. Like Golddigger to be exact.
This is pretty accurate. This is one of the worst teams I have watched in recent memory and we also don't care about the sport.
22 years ago you guys defeated Colombia. A week or so ago you got completely dominated by them.
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You clearly don't know how soccer works my "white" friend
I am sure you could find something like this about most national teams you retarded chimp. What point does that even prove?
You are improving but there are dozens of teams improving far more than you. Cunt.
This team isn't even an improvement though.
Team, not side
Field, not pitch
Jersey, not kit
>The teams would die

good. Cull the weak.
>doesnt know WorldCup is every 4years
>thinks there is a WorldCup in 2031

US has a much bigger player pool though. They just need better coaching at youth level then they will be world beaters. It's happening.
World Cup is actually every 2 years since the only relevant teams play in the Eurocup anyway.
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I'm not sure how it works here, but in other countries these kids basically have their childhood taken away from them and the play soccer all the time.

Here, kids don't do that. They will play multiple sports and do other things.
Football in the USA is stagnated and in a weird place, it's not european enough to be competitive and not american enough to be more popular in the USA

and the whole "Mexicans are gonna make us love soccer" thing isn't really taking off because they're all still chicano retards who flock to Mexico games

no they don't, no fucker plays it
47000 went to the USA-Ecuador game. The Mexico-Chile was sold out this thursday (68500) when the match is this saturday
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