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what did he mean by this?
Is that a sexual innuendo? Did they give each other sexual favours?
reminder that dani alves already accused uefa of using hot balls during a cl press conference two seasons ago

reminder that somehow a club managed to win a ''''''''''''''champions''''''''''''''' league this season without facing a single champion of league or cl in the elimination rounds
>man city
>i-it's a fluke, it can also happen to any other team
top keks
>Spain always drawing top pot 2 teams since we won the wc
>meanwhile France had easiest draws for the last years
It's about ratings, viewers and the CL schedule

You want a bit of action with Barca, Bayern, PSG and AM in the beginning because they can theoretically progress. This ensures bandwagonners keep watching

Then the traditional giants who are scrappy appear in the knockout phases, to keep the historyfags there too.

Like the other spaniard here, Real need to reach the finals, they rake in big bucks, and need the CL money to do another galacticos spending spree
Im shocked
Nobody should be surprised, Real always fucking gets the easiest road to the finals
I was talking about international football
I am sorry, I get very nervous when discussing football here, even when reading posts, I am trying to impress you Europeans
I remember some Halal spanish fags in the Spain celebration thread were telling me it's a conspiracy that Halal receives obvious favoritism lel
This is why Arsenal always fucking gets Bayern or Barca, because UEFA know it's a "big" clash, but it won't really threaten their darlings going through

Take a look at this gif (sorry too big to upload to 4chan). Look how well the uefa faggot 'mixes' the balls to take out the madrid one top keks

>muh consipiracy
>everybody can get roma, wolfsburg and city too, it's just a lucky draw
they know no shame, they never did
Alright let's keep going backwards

Real 2015-16
>Group: PSG, Malmo, Shakhter
>Roma, Wolfsburg, City, AM

>Group: Basel, Liverpool, Ludogorets
>Schalke, AM, Juve

>Gala, Juve, Copehagen
>Schalke, Dortmund, Bayern

>Dort, Ajax, City
>United, Gala, Dort

Obvious bias compared to BAR
And they barely made the cut against Wolfsburg. You know, the team that completely broke down in our league.
I don't love UEFA and I'm definitely not ruling out them being corrupt but one thing about the "hot balls theory" never really made sense to me.

The draw is made by a different ex footballer every time. If they were, in fact, rigging the draw, they'd have to let in 3-4 ex footballers on it every year. I find it weird that not a single one of them ratted them out when approached or used it to sell his book years later.

If the draw was rigged, it would've made 100000 times more sense to have an UEFA official drawing the balls.
There are tons of unwritten rules for everyone in the business. Almost all officials were players before. Pretty much every coach was a player before. Players aren't innocent pawns. They all manage to keep a lid on the excessive doping going on in the sport, almost every player has some kind of agent and everyone knows how to do politics, how to act in transfer poker and the amount of empty phrases you get from players, who get coached how to work interviews, are astounding. This isn't a huge conspiracy, just people acting in their own interest.
It still makes no sense whatsoever to involve 50+ people in a conspiracy, including new ones every year, when you can do just as well by involving 3
Well as an uneducated American that definitely sounds like a huge conspiracy.
I'm sure we can trust good old Honest Sep LOL

theres some deep corruption in football, but hot and cold balls would be the least of our worries.
>barca fans with tinfoil all over their shitheads
all of these are good runs except for the last one
>dani alves already accused uefa of using hot balls during a cl press conference two seasons ago

A Barcelona player complaining about rigging? Why I never...
Well, it makes it look like all of this is legit and an open thing. They do it, because there is no real risk involved of someone talking. It's just about football, it's hella easy to tell yourself, that's what you gotta do, to climb the ladder. Maybe there's already dirt for some of them, but I'm willing to bet the pressure of no chance on a job after you're done with your player career is enough for people to keep their mouths shut. If you're done with football, you have nothing as an athlete.

The word conspiracy has had a few rocky years. You get people who think the earth is secretly flat, we're all the product of aliens and shit. I don't like the word conspiracy, because it makes people think, there's an organized effort of people sitting in a dark room, plotting stuff. But it's just everyone walking along the beat, each person is dispensable, like a Mexican cartel, just less beheadings.
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>drawings are random
have to realise the amount of famous people who made the draws that are corrupt. What a fucking shitshow, but of course , it's kinda normal for a semen slurping sport. And yes, posting my opinion on a North Korean chicken raising forum makes it pointless.
Löw should know this
kek, Zannetti was nervous as fuck.

But I feel bad for Atleti, it looks like this was their last chance. (Besides Ramos' goal was ilegal)
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let's suppose the CL is rigged, real madrid still drew and then beat, in a minigame, atletico madrid in the finals. They won fairly - in accordance with football rules - against the team that did all the hard work. I didn't see simeone raging that the game was taken to penalties
>They won fairly - in accordance with football rules
They did not. Their only goal was blatantly offside. Offside goals are not in accordance with football rules.
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Thread replies: 33
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