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If Messi is so great why isn't he playing at the EURO'S?
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Thread replies: 13
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If Messi is so great why isn't he playing at the EURO'S?
Would Spain have not won in 08,10,and 12 if they had the National team choke
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Because Argentina is isn't in Eur...oh...
Nah, if he managed to get in the final in 2014 only with the help of Mascherano, with Spain (and Iniesta, the anti-choke man) could've won
he's in jail
Because he is american
Because he joined Argentina instead like the autist he is
It wouldn't be fair
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Who does this look like?
Is Jail what you call suiting up for Italy which pretty much every white person in Argentina tries to do and or has done?
he is in the pen
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Maxi Rodríguez
Gareth Southgate
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