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>Real Madrid next season You are so scared right now /sp/
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>Real Madrid next season

You are so scared right now /sp/
>Manlet as a DM

Why not make the fat one play there
>De Gea

Yeah Navas is better
Can Veratti play as a dm? I thought Motta and Matuidi usually handled that role for PSG.
> Verratti leaving PSG

Only way PSG wil let him leave is if Madrid are planning on breaking the world record again
You're a spic m8.

>inb4 Chicano

Nah I'm of Irish decent you disgusting wetback

Almost as bad 2bh
>this autism
>defending spics
>shitskin talking
Did some cholo steal your gf or something geez
Build wall

>De Gea

I wouldn't touch anything for next season desu. 0 signings. There are some players and positions that I'm not currently much happy with, like the DM.

But I can't think of any player atm that would sign for that position. Not one good and worthy enough for Madrid.

And De Gea is pointless when we have Navas.

Maybe Morata now that I think about it.
Why would PSG sell their best player?
dont see di maria on there

jorginho as dm > verratti
>di memeria
Because at one point he'll want to win real trophies
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