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Who is this Hope Solo and why is she in the news lately? I
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File: youropoor tears.webm (893 KB, 854x422) Image search: [Google]
youropoor tears.webm
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Who is this Hope Solo and why is she in the news lately?

I know it's women's divegrass but what is she famous for? Is she well known on /sp/ for anything?
>inb4 butthole pic with googly eyes
where should I go to lunch? I was kinda thinking Arby's
she's a professional husband abuser

ironic advertising is still advertising
>Is she well known on /sp/ for anything?
Two word Anon:
showed her minge on the fappening
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horrible name
arrested for domestic violence
had the ugliest pic in the fappening
decent keeper on the woman scale I guess

she could rape me all the day and force me to lick her pussy and asshole.

oh and piss in my mouth for sure.
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You know what the weird thing is? It's not that her roast beef is all that uncommon or anything. Yeah, it's no pornstar's that's had some work done on it, but not unusual.

But those were terrible pictures, and I want to know how she thought it was sexy in any way. Jesus Christ, just better lighting would've done a whole fucking lot.

And worse than that axe wound of hers are the disgusting tattoos. I can't believe I had a crush on her. I guess I'll take Alex or my lesbianfu Megan.
what a slut

Wow she's really cute I wonder how her vagina must be I bet it's pretty adorable and feminine.
Would the USA men's football team also be GOAT if yank blokes weren't obsessed with American "football" and swingbatball?


Why aren't there more genocides of you people?
Dont worry the Germans basically genocided themselves.

Ethnic Germans will barely exist 100 years from now
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>you were born too soon to live on a German free Earth
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no more quality piss and shit porn.
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