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You have until page 10 to name a sporting club with worse fans.
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You have until page 10 to name a sporting club with worse fans.
manchester city
Arsenal , Man Utd , Leeds , Liverpoo.
RB Leipzig
Real Madrid
is this one of those clubs brits hate because their dads told them to or are they still relevant enough to be hated ?
They have no fans, jokes on you!

Both maybe?
New England Patriots

in terms of being trouble - cardiff and birmingham

in terms of being annoying dickheads - liverpool and manchester united
Beitar Jerusalem
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Proof: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=efeZAKKhDmc

>rioting in a 50,000 population farmer's town because a team barely scraping it in the Eredivisie denies you the title
I was at Saint Mary's watching Saints v Millwall and the Millwall fans were behaving disgustingly even though there's no rivalry between the 2.
Both sets of fans are bitter, spiteful sectarian bastards.
i fucked a chavvy millwall fangirl
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>win several title in a row in a league with no competition after the fall of Yugoslavia allowing them to escape the mediocrity of the 2nd league
>get to the CL group stages
>get to the EL group stages
>earn millions and put the club on sound financial footing

>followed by one (current) season when they're no longer the best
>still second in the league and only 3 pts away from the top spot
>fans come to the training ground and physically attack players
>fans force the players to undress their kits in a home game because they lost
>most of these players are the same as those that got them all the success
>the stadium whistles and boos after 15 minutes of game time because they're not "good enough"
>the fan group puts out a badly worded explanation (like it was written by a 16 year old) shitting on everyone, the club, the FA, the journalists, etc)
>they constantly accuse the FA of rigging games against them to the point when 2 players of the team they're playing against get sent off getting them an easy victory but they still maintain its a conspiracy and the only reason they got sent off is so that they'll be suspended in their next game against their rivals.

Literally the worst fans in the region. Entitled whiners that think football started in 1995 when they won their first trophy and think they're an "institution" not just a shitty football club no one gives a fuck about outside the country. They think they're the footballing region of the country yet their team has zero home grown players, worse yet half their players are from their rivals city and are pretty much mercenaries.

Its gotten so bad no that upward of 10 players are rumoured to have handed in transfer requests as they do no longer feel safe in the city. And all this because they're 2nd in the league. Second, for fucks sake.

Sorry for the long post. Pic related, undressing their own players for what they think is underachieving.
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I hope their entire club falls apart like a house of cards.

Liverpool easily, I doubt any other club's fans have racked up as many kills as they have
>hating based millwall
doesn't get more reddit then this
Kevin Muscat pls go
He's never actually been to South London or The Den: The Post
Milton Keynes Franchise
Manchester City post-takeover

I would say Leeds but they're being resilient as fuck to Cellino's bonkers activities.
Feyenoord. Stadium filled with chavs and bottomfeeder scum.

Ask any Italian to back it up.
Juventus fanbase started getting pretty shitty lately.
the 96
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Oi m8 you talking bollocks??
Golden State Warriors

What does it have to do with Slavs lad?

Throw in Real Madrid and you have won.
ADO Den Haag

It depends where you live, I live in South London so I come into contact with Millwall fans on a regular basis, half my extended family supports them too.

Most people only hate them because of fetish movies such as Green Street and The Football Factory, it became trendy to hate Millwall. Most Millwall fans are just normal people who haven't been cucked into being politically correct, if anything old school Chelsea fans were scarier as half their fans were in Neo Nazi organisations and even had genuine terrorists from loyalist paramilitary groups in Northern Ireland in their ranks but they all mostly got banned or keep silent because Chelsea sold their soul and will remove any fan who causes a ruckus.
Man city. Valencia in Spain.
birmingham fans are trouble?
Green Street faggots
>turning on your team the moment they hit a rough patch instead of supporting them when they need it the most
So based amirite
>either of those clubs having fans
Leeds and Chelshit
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St. Pauli
Club America
Liverpool, Wolves and Cardiff.

That was easy.
they are such fucking cunts
they sent death threats to the guy who scored against them as well
Even Milwall tend to behave at Wolves, their "firm" are right cunts.
>you will never protect her
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>all these ABRMs
Lmao stay mad
>butthurt gills fan
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seattle fightandwins
I use to work with a father and son Millwall fan combo. They and some friends had plotted:

>get one of their mates to attend a game in a wheelchair
>get access to the disabled section
>get out of the chair during the game and open the fire exit
>let in 20 odd Millwall fans into the disabled section

They are proper scum.
Reminds me of back in the day when Leicester took over Norwich but gave up out of pity.
You would get you shit kicked in for being a foreigner at Millwall. Doesn't matter if you are white or not.
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this one
They sing "no one likes us, we don't care" They have been singing it for years, well before green street/ football factory, there is a reason why.
Actual Millwall supporter here. I remember a season or two ago groupon did some offer for cheap tickets for a game. The ground was literally filled with foreigners. A bit of banter here and there but fuck all happened. We're still pretty much living off our reputation from the 70's and 80's.
>Not supporting a club that fully embraces gender equality

actually aussies are hugely welcome at millwall, I couldnt think of a team were an aussie would fit in more
>chatting shit
Congrats, you've summed up why Real fans are scum without even saying it.
Partick Thistle for Scotland kings
All those faggot football """fans""" in Texas.

>UT becomes shit
Start bandwagonning Ass to Mouth

>Ass to Mouth becomes shit
Start bandwagoning TCU

>TCU becomes shit
Start bandwagoning Baylor

>Baylor doesn't win anything
Start whining about how other schools steal Texan talent (like it's their fault that nobody wants to play for shitty Texas teams).

All of that in the span of like 6 years. I swear to fucking God if the Houston Texans won the SB all those Cowboy shitters would switch allegiance overnight and claim they've been Texans fans since before the team even existed.
Makes sense. Based Cahill did start his career there.
Any Philadelphia team
Red Star Belgrade
As mentioned above, beitar Jerusalem
Legia Warsaw
Lower league Argentine/Brazilian teams have really rough fanbases. There are assassinations and soccer related crimes on a daily basis in Buenos Aires, even for firms associated with semi professional teams
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