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memes aside, who can stop them? +101 run differential.
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File: cubs sweep.png (96 KB, 534x725) Image search: [Google]
cubs sweep.png
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memes aside, who can stop them?
+101 run differential.
Injuries and a series of unfortunate events
bartolo colon
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no one that's fucking who. no one.

jamie vardy and riyad mahrez GOAT

lifelong reporting in

Life longs and cub fans broship confirmed
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An unbreakable curse and
Opposing meme magic
Remember a few seasons ago when the A's looked unstoppable?
The 1906 Cubs still hold the record for regular season winning percentage.

They lost to the White Sox
baseball before 1970 is completely irrelevant.
dont worry the cubs always manage to find a way to fuck things up
Shit weren't the Cubs the fucking favorites in 2008? They won the fucking NL Central

I just don't get why everyone's acting like this is somehow so different. Because they choked so unbelievably hard in the wild card round that year? Well just wait Cubsfags, we'll get to that part

what party of wrigleyville are you lads from?
Why 1970?
Boystown, like all Cubs fans
cause thats when athletes started to become professional and not just guys who were really good at sports.

Diets, training programs, shit like that.

Actually ive always been a south sider but I just got my first apartment in the city off sheffield. Working in park ridge.
>all these cocky underage banneds cusb fans

It's like the Sosa days all over again. You'll get your next curse
>what bandwagon are you referring too?
You mean fans that have been placing the cubs in top 10 tickets sales for almost 2 decades?

to whom?
umm the curse thats still on your team?
That curse was broken when Theo sacrificed a goat at the Temple of Jerusalem

could have done something with that. Plus Geovany Soto and Kosuke Fukudome didn't completely suck yet, in fact they were pretty good in 08
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>only 8 years ago
>almost every name on that list is retired
i for one am happy they're still not making headlines.

>Colon hits HR

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