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>Reminder that teams in American competitions are rewarded
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>Reminder that teams in American competitions are rewarded for failure
>Reminder their cuck fans actually want them to fail and encourage them to do so
can u elaborate this?
The worse your record is, the higher the picks you get in the draft. The worst team gets the number 1 pick, and so on. You also get an easier schedule for the next season. There reaches a point in the season where if a team realises it is unlikely they will reach the play offs, they will purposely play badly to improve their chances in the draft
Reminder that teams in yuro sports are punished for winning
>reminder that in europe, unless a Russian billionaire/Arab oil sheikh buys your team, your team is irrelevant
>literally has no idea what happened 2 days ago
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everybody knows what happened
>team owned by Thai billionaire wins the league

Yes, and?
but historically, how often have 1st overall picks actually worked out?
>reminder that in Europe the leagues are so heavily weighted that the teams are either loaded with talent or struggling
>reminder that in America a team from a nowhere town can turn into a competitor if they have good scouting

All Barca or Real has to do is throw money at a player anyone with eyes knows is great. In America a team from fucking Denver can beat a team from Charlotte in a game watched by 150 million people. If we were Europe it would always be the same teams overpowering each other and people would just bandwagon a team from 1500 miles away because if you didn't you'd just be bored all season

Seriously, fuck Europe, outside of Lester winning the European leagues are boring
>You also get an easier schedule for the next season
That's just not true you retarded britbong
What is wrong with parity?
For the NFL it is. Pats had the "hardest" schedule last year and Bucs had the "easiest"
That's just luck of the draw. You play an NFC division, and AFC division and your own division 6 times. only two games outside of that

The schedule opponents aren't hand picked, dumbfuck. There's a system in place and it's just pure luck if your schedule happens to be easy or hard.
>spent about 50 pence on transfers
No it's not lol. All of the teams in the same division play almost exactly the same team. Even if you have the best team in the NFL and the worst team in the NFL in the same division.

The reason why the best team gets the #1 pick and the worst team gets the #32 pick is so bad teams can actually get good in the future.
More than 32nd picks
No it's not. I can predict almost exactly any teams schedule for next year just not in the order it will be played in. This year the AFC east plays the AFC north and the NFC west. Next year the AFC east plays the AFC west and the AFC south. Every 4 years the AFC east plays the same NFC division. Every 3 years the AFC east plays the same AFC division.
Is this true? Lol

>suck for luck

Is this a popular term with the kids these days? I remember Ahmet down the local kebab shop saying this to my younger sister the other day,
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Can someone explain to me, without any memes, how the opposite system is a better alternative. I don't know anything about soccer, but teams seriously just throw money at players and bad teams have no chance of ever getting good unless they get rich? That seems like a vastly inferior alternative to the Burgerland systems. What is the point of being a fan of anything other than the rich teams? If your team is poor you will never get the good players.

The foreigners bring up a good point about tanking, that it's pretty stupid how mediocre teams purposefully lose games to get better draft picks, but that seems way better than a mediocre team just losing forever because they can't buy the top players.
It's kind of interesting that they still watch, honestly. I saw a thread recently where many German flags were complaining about the bundesliga because it's actually the bayernliga, but it seems they still watch anyway. I wonder if bill gates bought a premier league team and won the premier league the next ten years in a row if people would still watch.
Well once every 5000 seasons a not rich team can win
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AFL has a similar system. The lower your team finishes on the ladder, the better their draft picks are. While in theory your quip that teams will willingly perform bad in order to get better players and then do better the next season seems to make sense, there are more complicated factors at play. Team culture and attitude plays a much bigger part. Time and time again I've seen teams that refused to give up and who played with heart get themselves out of bad situations and return to form. And time and time again I've seen teams who deliberately lost games (though they'll never admit it) get the good draft pick and then not improve but stay bad. Deliberately under performing is like a cancer, and it never, ever works.

A good example of where the draft system has worked well is Hawthorn. They never finished at the absolute bottom, but they did bad enough (while still playing their guts out) to get a number of high quality players, players who have now developed and have made them one of the most dominant teams in AFL history.

It'd be interesting to see how a relegation system would function and work here. Some teams could certainly benefit from a good kick up the arse (Tigers) and relegation would do that. It would also encourage better support from supporters. I can't ever see clubs agreeing to it though. Too much risk for them and given Australia's vast size and spread out population, any second/third/etc competition would struggle. There are a number of state leagues, but my understanding is that a second tier division would have to be national as well. How could you determine which state league was second tier?
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>This is acceptable in the USA
Please let me know if you read this. I spent 10 minutes writing it.
AFL needs to come to America, I enjoy watching that shit.
>this absolutely disgusting misuse of greentext
And they say Americans aren't into irony, sarcasm and satire?

Suck for Luck is something you obviously didn't have a clue about.
I know it's the Leicester season, but have you noticed how it's always the same teams that win in Europe? Premier League has been won usually by Arsenal, Man Utd, Chelsea or Liverpool during its whole existence. Only Blackburn and Leicester have breaken the combo. Same With Real and Barca, or Germany.

I think the burger draft system is good desu.
It works well. Shit teams are bad because of shit management. If they draft high, they'll inevitably squander it, while teams that have just caught bad breaks will be able to turn themselves around.
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>All these people justifying teams literally throwing games
Tanking is dumb as fuck and the drafting system would never work in Europe, but in America it's a great system and I don't see a reason why they shouldn't implement it to create parity.
Tanking never really ever works in the NFL. Many of the same teams are usually picking at the top of the draft because they don't have a strong support structure from their ownership, coaches and GMs. It's why they are constantly turning over their coaching staff every few years.

Most teams want to trade down in the draft and accumulate more picks as the more draft picks you have the greater the odds of more of them working out. And although not as big a problem anymore with the rookie wage scale, if you aren't picking at the top you are investing a lot less money in a pick that had a large % of not working out.

Sure, if a Peyton Manning or an Andrew Luck type of player that comes around once every 10 to 15 years teams can tank to try and get them as they can instantly turn a franchise around, but they are very rare.
No one was throwing games.
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>Premier League has been won usually by Arsenal, Man Utd, Chelsea or Liverpool during its whole existence.
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Why is adidas only making pijamas?
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>implying getting the first pick is always a good thing
>Pats had the "hardest" schedule last year
No, it was a cupcake schedule.
When did Liverpoop win it?
Every poor team has a Youth System to discover new talents and shit.
And what keeps all the talented youth from just joining the rich team programs?
This desu, teams like Sydney & Geelong tend to stay in the upper half of the ladder while teams like Carlton and Melbourne get nowhere despite all the top 3 picks they've received in the past decade or so.

Can't see the Warriors and Patriots falling off in their respective sports either, and can't see any 76ers and Browns dynasties happening.

If there's no "Fiiiiiight and Wiiiiin" culture, teams get nowhere and the draft picks usually go to a better team when they get the chance.
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