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>team A plays a soccer game and everyone gets a participation
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>team A plays a soccer game and everyone gets a participation ribbon cuz it's a tie
>team B plays a soccer game where everyone gets a participation ribbon cuz it's a tie
>team C wins the championship as a result

Yuropoors will defend this.
I have no idea what you're getting at. Are you talking about Leicester winning because Spurs tied? What the fuck else was going to happen. They have the points from a better season.
burgers prefer 10 irrelevant months then 2 weeks where it's "HYPEEE XDDD"
>participation ribbon
>Burger """""""comprehension""""""""""
>gets a participation ribbon cuz it's a tie

You'd prefer it if only a losing team got one, right?
>nfl game tied after 4 quarters
>flip a coin to see who goes on offence first
>team A scores on offence
>team A wins

Congrats. I didnt think it was possible for something to be more anticlimatic than a fucking drawn game
>team a wins all matches
>team b wins half matches
>they both have as much chance of winning the league
Americans will defend this system
b b b b b but homefield advantage
Anyone have a link so I can watch the highlights of the championship game Leicester won?
b-b-but t-the h-hype

e-europoors have n-nothing close

>ignoring the multitude of cup competitions in football
>"The libruls are raising a generation of fags who can't handle failure by giving out participation trophies. But I can't wait to see who is the #1 draft pick!"
A 0-0 can be a thrilling game to watch to0 0sometimes, Ameriblobs will have there tiny minds blown by this.
Yes, this is because of the specific format of a club league.

See, in this kind of competition all teams will play a total of 2 games against eachother: one game at their home stadium, another game in the other team's stadium.

The goal is simple: whichever team has the most points at the end of the season will be crowned champions.

But now the hard part will start for you. Because there is no play-off system, you need to be able to track other team's performances at the same time in order to calculate a team's chances to win the title. It will take some practice to wrap your head around it.

As the season draws to a close, the amount of games -and thus the amount of points to be won- will be limited. This slims down the number of possible scenario's. A given team may have gained a significant lead in points that exceeds the maximum amount of points the second-ranked team can accumulate over the remaining games. In this context, team A can be crowned champions if team B fails to win the minimum amount of points to keep their mathematical possibilities of winning the title real.

I know this is a lot to process right now, but soon enough you'll get a hang of it. Good luck, Amerifriend!
It's almost like when one team clinches the conference because the team below them loses
>World Champions
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>lets have a season that doesnt mean shit
>muh playoffs is real deal
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