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Why are they so shit at marketing?
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Why are they so shit at marketing?
it's probably difficult for canadians to understand how irrelevant hockey is in the US

literally no one gives a shit. whatever ratings this kobe game just got will be 10x anything the hockey playoffs get even if the finals go to game 7
10x? This game was watched wordwide senpai, probably had like 100 million viewers across the globe.

Stanley Cup finals have trouble managing 5 million viewers depending on matchups lmao
because the "worldwide leader" got butthurt in broadcast rights negotiations a decade ago and the zombies that watch that channel stopped caring.
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fuck off coal burner
haven't seen a single piece of advertisement for the playoffs. When do they start?
That's what I mean. They do a god awful job promoting games and their stars. They could have turned Crosby and ovechkin into Kobe and LeBron. They have the worst social media presence and least original memes. You never see anything hockey related trending on Twitter or Casuals talking about it. Even in Canada today sportscenter was all Kobe and Warriors.
Because no one gives a shit about this irrelevant sport. And if someone gives a shit he's probably a uneducated scum. At least here in Finland.
Well considering no Canadian teams made the playoffs i'm not surprised.

They aren't, hockey just has very little appeal for Americans south of the Mason-Dixon Line.
It's pretty hard to translate a sport played on ice in areas where there is rarely a chance of temps below freezing, that's for sure.
>They could have turned a Canuck and some Russian who play the 4th-most popular sport in the country into Kobe and Lebron

Lol, ok. And most of basketball marketing focuses around the fact that these players sell shoes, most of which are never even used to actually play the sport. So Nike and Adidas have a huge interest in promoting these guys as much as possible. It's an advantage that basketball has over other sports, that's why Lebron, Durant, Rose, Harden, Kobe, Curry, and Lillard are all getting paid $150 million+ from Nike/Adidas while Messi and Ronaldo barely crack $100 million.
kobe and warriors is all time history its like when jeter retired. 100 years from now this shit will be relevant.
>>66810182 this and >>66810454 this desu senpai
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