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Why do clubs still fall for primeira liga players-meme? Danilo
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Why do clubs still fall for primeira liga players-meme?

jackson martinez
david luiz
i cant believe they still have the balls to start this piece of shit in so many games
Matic is good.

Most players that come from porto end up failling because they get enhancement drugs there, but when they leave they must stop taking it. Name one player that left porto and performed well.
>mfw Mexican players flop in Primeira Liga
>Name one player that left porto and performed well.
Alex Sandro
Luis Fabiano
Gianelli Imbula
Ricardo Carvalho
Paulo Ferreira
James Rodriguez
Radamel Falcao (until his knee got rekt)
Joao Moutinho
Raul Meireles
Lisandro Lopez
Jose Bosingwa
Diego (at Wolfsburg)

and I'm pretty sure Thiago Silva had a short spell there too

Meanwhile, Coentrão, David Luiz, Enzo, Ramires, Markovic, Rodrigo are all setting the world alight, and no other portuguese club sells jack shit

You guys are top memesters as well
tbqh hulk looks like he never stopped taking drugs
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>Having portuguese scum on your team
Diego in Atletico was pretty good too
>taking drugs at porto
when jardel left he became shit because of all the drugs they let him take at sporting
he had that first year and that was that
>having spanish shitlords in your team
inb4 casillas flopetegui thousands of madrid fags in openings games...
Real Madrid literally fields Pepe.

Nothing more to say.
pepe is great imo
Pepe is good you pleb, this isn't years ago.
Diego at Bremen as well
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