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> dominating the Bundesliga at age 17 > just called up
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File: pulisic.jpg (100 KB, 1310x873) Image search: [Google]
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> dominating the Bundesliga at age 17
> just called up to the national team for the most important game in years

Is he, dare I say, the best young talent since Leo Messi?
>has a young talent show up to help you potentially achieve something at the WC
>fuck up qualifying
What are you, Belgium 2010?
>Not choosing Croatia
>Wanting to play under memesmann
Poor life choices
guatemala doesn't stand a chance. pulisic hat trick guaranteed.
File: 1071313_original.jpg (900 KB, 920x2126) Image search: [Google]
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Yes. Based Pulisic.
does he even feel croat at all?
his name is Mate

dalmatian cunt
I wouldn't think so. But who knows, Americans do like their muh heritage stuff.
probably not. I think he's 3rd generation so...

I don't know anything about him and wish him luck... if he ends up any good I'll probably cheer on USA just as I like Australia.

what's his position? CM?
Winger or CAM.
Does he even speak German?
we're stacked there for many years to come, he would have issues coming into our u-21 squad
Yes, pretty well actually with a sexy accent.
really well actually
He does. They have interviews of him at Dortmund speaking (what I assume to be) fluent kraut
We have better youngsters anyway
We have better youngsters anyway
what the fuck
What le fugg 0_0
Was a double post, calm down.
ITT: butthurt hrvatskis
>implying pulisic isn't a poor mans ante coric
Literally who?
Ante Ćorić, Josip Brekalo, Andrija Balić to name just a few... there are more than 10 exciting players developing... in 20 years of our national team we didn't have so much talent. Exciting times for our football
my bad, I thought you were replying my post
USA needs more Croats so we can cuck them easier
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