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It's that time of the month again
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File: oiipp.png (80 KB, 449x606) Image search: [Google]
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It's that time of the month again
File: GOATs best friend.jpg (10 KB, 195x259) Image search: [Google]
GOATs best friend.jpg
10 KB, 195x259
people unironically still using the >le stoke away maymay
>all time best goalscorer in the CL vs English teams
>can he do it vs Stoke tho?
>"people" think PL is better than la liga

top fucking kek
Partially related.
Holy shit kek, those are some delusional brits
the epl is just too physical for messi
he wouldn't be shit but hazard tier at best, scoring around 15 goals per season + a dozen of assist, not bad not goat either
I'm sure hope these are all ironic posts and people who comment on shit on facebook have finally got some self awareness
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