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this only proves what I think European football Europe is shit
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File: euro shit.jpg (63 KB, 960x540) Image search: [Google]
euro shit.jpg
63 KB, 960x540
this only proves what I think European football

Europe is shit

Europe is for fucking

and players who jugan in Europe is stupid
come to America, we'll dunk on you and fucking chuck in your face
File: The Best.png (408 KB, 640x966) Image search: [Google]
The Best.png
408 KB, 640x966
quality is the best soccer of the United States and Canada

everything that comes from Europe sucks
No man, thailand is for fucking, literally. I bet you even have family memberw who work in the trade.
why you so upset?
you live in costa rica, be grateful famm
First, I'm from Costa Rica

secondly, I at least see if quality

not as garbage that European
Spain, while the bantz was good I'm going to have to give you a D- for getting the flag wrong.
I hate football Costa Rica (my country)

Costa Rica football is shit
you come in here everyday and do this same thread
you must have a nice life, anon
Oh shit I thought it was thai flag lel

Well, not much better, my brother lives in cr. Everybody is an ignorant coke head there
File: mierda.jpg (26 KB, 620x465) Image search: [Google]
26 KB, 620x465
then I blame my hate football of my country and my hatred to Europe

the bastard of navas
I fucked up, can't check the flag properly on mobile. Fucking countries with the same flag, wtf is wrong with them
It's a Costa Rica thread

>Is there any state in the US that soccer is more popular than the other major sports (NFL, NBA, MLB, NHL)

You are getting very close to be a meme, keep going with the good job
why is they taking pants down over donuts?
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