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I don't think so
I wouldn't mind seeing based ibra get 1
>team with Ibra winning the CL
File: Classic DL.webm (2 MB, 936x530) Image search: [Google]
Classic DL.webm
2 MB, 936x530
>beats 10th place
>suddenly everyone pretends they're contenders
How can anyone even argue EPLel isn't the most prestigious league in the world
>tfw Wolfsburg wins the champions eagle
the ratio of brazilian per m2 is impressive in that webm.
Nope. They'll crash out against Barca or Bayern. I'm hoping Shitty will get rid of them before that, but english teams are utter shit so it might not be enough.
Nah. They'll thump City, in fact I'd go as far as to say that if they don't win by at least 3 goals on aggregate that they're shit, but they'd lose to either Madrid, Barca, Bayern and maybe even Atletico.
I just want ibra to raise the cup senpaitachi
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