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You have 10 seconds to name a more forgettable team than the
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File: 749px-Milwaukee_Bucks.svg.png (134 KB, 749x1023) Image search: [Google]
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You have 10 seconds to name a more forgettable team than the Bucks.

Protip you can't.
Tottenham Hotspurs
Memphis Grizzles
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>implying everyone doesn't check their box score to see how the Greek Freak is doing.
Sac Kings
Tenn Titans
Min Timberwolves
Any baseball team not in NY or Cali
Columbus Blue Jackets
still have more finals wins than the
South Dakota State Thunder Wizards
Vancouver Grizzlies

But still somehow manage to be more forgettable than them. Impressive.
>tennessee titans
this. if it weren't for mariota, people would think the titans were a made up team.
not only do they hold the designation of being "most forgettable team", they also boast the active worst set of uniforms/color-way/logo (not counting the NHL)
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If it weren't for the occasional /sp/ threads, I'd forget they had a team
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D-don't bully :^(
Columbus Blue Jackets

Colorado Rockies
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>you have ten seconds to name something you can't remember.

I think I see a flaw in your carefully crafted thread.
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