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Listen guys, guys, listen, what if, what if we make a motorsport
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Listen guys, guys, listen, what if, what if we make a motorsport where the only conditions for car design is that it fits inside a box of a determined size, everything else they can do whatever the fuck they want.

How amazing would that be to see the different designs every company comes up with, how they can push everything to the extreme without retarded regulations.
What kind a tracks are we talking about? I'd like a mix of drag, oval and road.
stfu u fucking retard
The tracks also fit inside a box.
Hotwheels orange plastic
I love you too.
can we call it deathcrash?
Only if they have those roller things that boost the car speed. Now that's a racing sport I'd watch.
More like Sennaracing imaright guise?
Everyone will build F1 cars without the limitations.
Wow great change.
>Can use entire box
>Make a flat car

German "engineering"
>Everyone will build F1 cars without the limitations.
F1 design has changed greatly from its inception, and mostly to accommodate to new rules.
But the formula doesn't change THAT much even when all construction limitations are removed.

>reduce mass
>reduce wind resistance
>exploit ground effect
>But the formula doesn't change THAT much even when all construction limitations are removed.
Yeah, im sure F1 is at its limits of speed and engineering bruh.
Every car would be designed to shit up the air behind it so that no actual competition can happen.
>shit up the air behind it
>urgay in charge of motorsports
You want free designs in motorsports? Go watch WEC.
Thread replies: 17
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