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save >us Jose
>16th (sixteenth) place
P-please no.

The amount of shit talking I've been doing to Chelsea fans the last few weeks cannot be taken back. If Mourinho takes over at United I'll have to do a serious amount of damage control and back-pedalling.
>want manager sacked because he plays shit boring football
>want mourinho
>Mata's face when he realizes Mou is there to bench him again

On a positive note he can revive Rooney
pep is going to citeh and ancelotti to bayern, who else are you going to get
man, just pretend you always wanted mourinho and were playing them. Laugh at them once again
Man Utd fans are good at pretending and deluding themselves anyway, they've been sucking LvG's balls even though it was very clear from the outset he wasn't right for them
so true kek, he'll do a fine job
There is nothing left to revive.
Moyes in tbqh

The forgotten one
Mourinho quite literally just ran a league winning team to the ground and United fans want him?
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