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Jesus fucking Christ

It's 2015 and some of you child molesters are still not ordering the appetizer sampler as your main entree at restaurants.

Who the hell do you think you are? Look at how delicious that looks!!!!

Some of you shit heads need an attitude adjustment, ASAP.
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your one of us moron
Poopy dick
I just get the grilled chicken sandwhich and a few drafts. If i really want to splurge ill grab curly fries with it. You should head over to /fit/ before your heart implodes under that 40% bodyfat
fug, i just had this from bdubs during the aldo-mcgreGOAT fight. and it was heavenly
>grilled chicken
>calling them "drafts"
>curly fries (subconscious for male pubic hairs)

I'd rather be fat than gay....like you
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That flag this post amerifats my senpai
>that one slice of salami
>the absolute mad man
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> mfw the local independent wing joint shut down a year after b-dubs moved in

burn in hell you black and yellow bastards
Terrible macros to be honest with you family member
Thats good. None of us fags at /fit/ would touch you hambeast

Your board is a shithole of fugly bastards who think abs can make up for a train wreck of a face. Enjoy your man tits and roided bald spot by 31 you retarded faggot
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>I have a cheat day
>projecting this hard
Relax fatass

>implying its not true

kill yourself mountain jew
Why are you so angry? Is it because you "can't" lose weight?
>all this unwarranted hostility towards being fit
I forget how sad you all are. I just come here to shitpost. Im sorry you hate your body family
Just to be clear this sad fellow couldnt deadlift my ohp. Thats not /fit/. Find something of someone bigger. And gayer
Diets dont fucking work you neanderthal. Read the research over 90% of people regain all the weight. How about you put down the roids and pick up a book. Ill never look like dwayne the rock johnson without the massive amounts of drugs that you no doubt shoot into your ass
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>diets don't fucking work
>trying this hard
If you only tried half as much at losing weight as you do at trolling...
Thread replies: 26
Thread images: 8

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