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>"I prefer the whore that is your sister" What
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>"I prefer the whore that is your sister"

What did he mean by this?
Did banter win Italy a world cup?
File: Zidane's cabezazo, 2006.webm (2 MB, 1920x1080) Image search: [Google]
Zidane's cabezazo, 2006.webm
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Zidane is literally reddit the player. He would go full damage control at the first lel.
This game was fucking awesome.
tfw Matterazzi and Zidane have more class than a hockey player who had his daddy beat him and he cried about how Burrows brought it up ten years ago. Stays on the field.
his sister negotiates for sexual intercourse with strangers
nothing, he just tried to piss off a muslim

which is the easiest thing ever because they are fucking retarded

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what did simeone mean by this?
Seriously thought, a headbutt to the sternum like that must hurt a lot
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Of course it hurts. I'm a paramedic and to wake up someone that's been knocked out we use a small technique where gentle force is applied to the sternum using our thumb. This Italian guy took a HEADBUTT there. I'd be crying in pain.
He should have stamped on that scumbags face as well.
I thought it was 'Fuck your terrorist mother'.
While his mother was seriously ill in hospital.
No, the game was fucking dogshit and dead, it made no difference.
look at the clock.
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This WC was so based
he's not wrong
muslims get upset over literally everything
Honestly, it was pretty forgettable aside from the game in your pic, the Italy-Germany game and the final

Last year's was way better, 2010 was pretty shit though apart from Uruguay's games
>Forgetting the Argentina v Germany match where Pekerman basically went full retard and cost them a match they should have won
Also there's the dirty cunts killing their keeper but that's another story
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a-are you a muslim

Probably not. If he was a muslim he'd be too autisticly enraged to respond with a self-ironic reply.
Italy confirmed for bringing the banter.
France confirmed for can't handle banter.
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wew lad, calm your tacobells
push up
This. I don't know why people say it won them the WC when it actually made no difference. Also, Italy hit all 5 of their PKs, and Zidane is not a goalie.
I was on the edge of my seat for a second there
There was that mass brawl after the shootout that everyone seemed to forget afterwards

>you will never banter so hard that you win your country a World Cup
He was saying his sister gave better head than him. Zidane obviously disagreed
Brazil - France was probably the best.

Top kek.
>Not defending your sister's honor
Found the cucks.
That's a cool pic

That was the most incredible part, if you take into account that every single time Italy went to PKs in the previous WCs or ECs they lost.

>zidane hit him in defense of his sister's honour
>family honour is a thing for muslims

post yfw france lost a world cup to islam

topest of keks
Zizou is not a practicing muslim. I know plenty of people who get pissed off when you shittalk their family.
>an argie playing for france

meme overload
I thought he converted to catolicism...
no, >>64314066 is right, he's a non practicing "muslim", basically he doesn't give a fuck about religion but he'll say that when asked, like most kabyles

his kids are catholic though, baptized because of their mother
>wearing wedding rings at games
>Becks looking like a fucking boyband faggot
Why were the 90s so awful?
Because their self-esteem was ruined at that moment?

I said: france lost a cup to islam motherfucker. and it is funny. now scram!
>get headbutted in chest
>instinctively grab face because you're so used to flopping
Does it matter? Look at the clock. Plus Zidane already won a world cup due to Ronaldo's seizure and Romario's injury. He should be fortunate that his team didn't have to deal with the RoRo attack.
Nigga, Zidane did that shit to fire his team up
Getting this Çucked. Your children not having the same faith as you.
>world cup can be decided by pks

why is this allowed?
Playing 120mins is not enough. WTF do you want 150min game?
>why is this allowed?
uh, why not??
They should make overtime a six-on-six golden goal, unlimited overtime with unlimited subs desu
muriga: the post
Why a headbutt? Why not a punch, a take down, or a kick?
It's a topic that is also discussed inside FIFA. There already had been other ways to decide tournament matches in overtime like golden goals or silver goals but it was given up again.
Zidane is a creative guy
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ayy lmao
Then you sir are a pussy.
He revolutionized the term "creative" midfielder
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>this muslim hothead is someone's favorite player

sure he's one of the best midfielders ever, but he cannot be considered one of the GOAT's
>last game of your career
>extra time
>plan to do something that you know will get you red carded
>not doing it hard enough to injure the other guy so they have to play a man down too

This was the fatal flaw in his plan. Should have just kept wailing on the guy while he was down in the hopes of breaking his leg or something
England-Portugal also was good
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m8, until he did that we didn't even KNOW you could headbutt somebody in the chest and fuck them up like that. Revolutionised the game.
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but did he have a point?
Tobi pls
nice moustache
the 90 was the best thought
Based Materazzi. Made a goal and sent off that cunt.
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mexico kit.jpg
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this man is totally right. 2006 was absolute trash tier. The fact only WC Germany 90 has a lower amount of goals scored is enough proof. All the teams playing hoofball and the games ending in penalty shootouts
top kek
>The fact only WC Germany 90 has a lower amount of goals scored is enough proof.

that was in 2010, rather.

Problem with 2006 is the champions relied on set pieces, like 70% or more of their goals came from them. And almost all the established "stars", and there were a lot of them, didn't perform close to expected (see Brazil, Argentina or England).
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0828 - oLiFCjC.jpg
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friendly reminder that this animal is some peoples GOAT player

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that game had everything. 16 yellow cards + 4 red cards, young ronaldo getting chopped to pieces, countless missed chances to equalize, young robben diving while he still had hair, young van persie / sneijder, cocu still playing and hitting the bar, figo and van bommel 'headbutting', that hilarious handball red card, maniche..

it even has its own wikipedia page.
underrated, seriously though, so sad one of the all time GOATs had to end his career like that
best fucking game ever
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