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Teams that we legit feel sorry for.
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Hc donbass.
Hc donbass was put in the khl in 2012 and was the only ukrainian team. In 2014 they decide to take the 2014/15 season off for financial reasons and also the war.
Later on in 2014 pro russian militants from donetsk republic loot and set fire to their arena.
2015 they announce they will be playing in the ukrainian league for now.
Feels man.
The fuck is a khl? Is it like the mls but in Russia and for hockey?
it has jokerit senpai
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Can someone feel with me pleaa?
The Bears

All that legacy from '85 and beyond going back to the Staley's and now look at them. Even worse than Cleveland tier.
i feel bad for the marlins.
theres so much talent on the team but loria is literally a fucking downie
On the plus side, we can't say Lokomotiv. They're alive, and succeeding!
Canucks... so sad
The Chargers.

All those Hall of Famers and all that history and the ownership is telling it and the fans to take a fucking hike.

I hope the city buys the Chargers name and history. If I were in that position, seeing Junior Seau and LT's numbers being retired for a team that plays in another city would make me sick.
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