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>Scrawney nigga literally dominating the NBA and changing
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File: drake_zpsa6d8127a.jpg (31 KB, 603x444) Image search: [Google]
31 KB, 603x444
>Scrawney nigga literally dominating the NBA and changing the way the game is played by shooting threes all day
>Cam Newton dominating the NFL
>Floyd vs Pacquiao literally happened
>Honda Housey gets shrekt
>Conor McGregor kills Aldo in seconds
>Klitschko loses
Find me a stranger year
Only people surprised by McGregor dominance are idiots

Dude is the embodiment of martial arts. Like a modern day Bruce Lee.
File: Cam Givin out Pointers.jpg (6 KB, 240x162) Image search: [Google]
Cam Givin out Pointers.jpg
6 KB, 240x162
Obvious is Obvious
>Bitch nigga
Don't forget

>Roylels and mest world series
>Roylels W.S champions
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>Klitschko loses when he fights an Irishman
>aldo loses when he fights an Irishman

File: mcgregor.jpg (13 KB, 400x400) Image search: [Google]
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>the embodiment of martial arts. Like a modern day Bruce Lee.
File: costa.png (599 KB, 396x634) Image search: [Google]
599 KB, 396x634
>4/6 are mma & boxing
>Chelsea F.C. Literally getting relegated this season

>Patrick Kane raped a chick
And the other two aren't really surprising. I mean. Cam is doing alright. But I wouldn't say he's dominating the NFL.
Leicester City is leading the league 16 games in.

This year might be GOAT as a neutral all around desu
thats every year
His numbers are pretty average. I hadn't really been paying attention to them until all of this MVP talk. I would hate if won MVP with mediocre numbers because the overall team went undefeated. It made perfect sense when Brady won MVP and went undefeated, because he threw 50 TDS had less than 10 INTS. Cam will be nowhere near that.
Cam hasnt done shit in his career
>cam dominating the nfl

The bar is that low now eh?

what was so cool about bruce lee anyways? he was a stunt actor.

jackie chan is way funnier desu

bruce lee is a meme
And the cubes in the NLCS.
And her name was NHL

This 2bh
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