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Fury BTFO by SJW's
he isnt fighting the mandatory challenger

anybody who follows boxing already knew this was happening

Read the article, you lazy fat cunt.
i guess he chose money over belt
he'll be furious about that hahahaha
Ah I see
No big deal. He can unify the division after he gets rid of Klinchno-KO.

Twitter forced the IBF to strip him of the belt due to his recent homophobic comments.
It didn't fit him anymore, gained weight after the fight.
This is the kind of shit that has ruined boxing.
Maybe he will learn not to be a sexist pig over this, I guess.
It is 2015 and some boxers are still not feminist. Come on.
>SJWs will now think their niggrety had any impact on anything at anytime in this universe

Their bullshit will pile higher sadly.

What, having so many belts?
Boxes need to realise they're not wwe characters and just get on with being sportsmen
He only got the klitschko fight because he was a mandatory challenger himself

Piece of shit
If you know boxing, you knew this type of shit would happen. The belts are a joke.

"SJWs" have nothing to do with it.
hope you're baiting mate, but i honestly can't tell these days
Gaynigger lost some belts on doping control or summin too. He wasn't bothered either.
lol, do you think mayweather would've even made half as much money with his boring fighting style if he wasn't such a dickhead outside of the ring?
well you're a genuine fucking retard if you can't see his post wasn't serious
>The contract for last month's title fight in Dusseldorf included a clause for a rematch, for which the date and the venue have to be decided, and Klitschko - who had been world champion for 11 years - announced last week he would take up the option

What's he supposed to do?
That contract has no legal or boxing body binding

It'd be tossed out by anyone
i'm a member of mensa you bogan inbred
There's no such thing as a rematch clause in boxing, klitschko wouldn't be entitled to shit

Fury's taking this because it's the only way he gets another fight with vlad and another massive purse
>autists can't into reading comprehension

I'm not surprised
Mfw SJW's on Twitter actually think this is due to his comments.

But nobody wants to see him fight some bum the IBF think is good. Klitchko at Wembley was and is the obvious next fight.
what exactly can't you comprehend? other than how to grow a crop other than potatos to not starve to death
>does not use punctuation at the end of a sentence
>does not use a capital letter at the beginning sentence

Work on your autism my sub 100 iq friend.
has literally nothing to do with SJW. This is fucking boxing, they LITERALLY have no say in this. They may only have a say in whatever bongers have out there about personality of the year.
maybe you should worry about not getting completely overrun by "refugees" first my turkish friend
hahahahahahaha! I enjoy your humor, Nordbro
Did the other governing agencies require the rematch? You figure he'd be fucked out of at least one of the belts. More faggy championship fragmentation from the retards of boxing...

It is seriously fucking hilarious seeing all the asspained faggots on Jewbook take credit for this, though. "Now if only the other bodies were as progressive as the IBF..." and shit like that. Fucking idiots.
This literally is what boxing should be. A rematch despite losing a title over it. Fuck these meme belts.
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>4 belts

good yarn, good yarn indeed xD

Soon he'll be out of personality of the year too

SJWs literally have no idea how big of an achievement beating Wlad was, this was more shocking to me than Buster Douglas beating Tyson. He changed the sport completely and these 'people' care about their feelings. It's a fucking disgrace. I don't agree that gays are the same as paedos and I don't think abortion is particularly wrong, Fury is a twat but his accomplishment is still absolutely amazing and I respect him as an athlete.

And fuck the IBF, they would have taken their sanctioning fee knowing the terms of the contract. It just makes them look like jokes.

>only 4

Off the top of my head

WBA super
WBC diamond

It's a joke.
Mayweather went on 2+ years without facing a mandatory or even fighting the the weight class he had belts in without getting stripped.

Ward has gone on for something like 7 years without getting stripped.

IBF should know there would be a rematch clause. It's like the only time you shouldn't enforce a mandatory is when the sanctioning bodies actually decide to enforce it. Fucking retarded.
fuck that belt then

everyone would rather see clinchko get doo doo'd on again
There should be 3 belts, across all boxing

fuck all this cruiserweight, featherweight, bantamweight crap
no, i do not.
that's not even the worst of it. now consider there's multiple belts for each of these divisions. it's ridiculous
This. Fuck belts, get money.
>180 lbers should fight 260 lbers
>112 lbers should fight 147 lbers

Basketball does't have separate competitions for short people so I don't see why boxing should

Why are you comparing Boxing to basketball instead of literally any of the other combat sports in existence?
Short people typically don't die playing basketball against tall people.
>>180 lbers should fight 260 lbers
fighters need to either gain or lose weight
It's funny how Wilder has been ducking his mandatory for months fighting bums yet he still keeps his WBC belt, and not even a few days pass by and they strip fury of the belt its all bullshit politics.
Not necessarily actually. This time it was Povetkins fault. Povetkin also took a voluntary cause he wanted to stay active and not wait around. But After Jan 16 Wilder vs bum fight theyll have to fight or else.

Thing is, yes it sucks but Ive read IBF follows its rules exactly, and they are the only belt that makes no exceptions. Of course Duva and Main Events couldve taken step aside money but they eg decided to be douches and put the rules into effect so their bum fighter could get a good payday or two. So its you know, whatever
Well wilder was name dropping Briggs, and then eventually picked some bum to fight but whatever. Let's go champ.

Well honestly it doesn't really matter too much ultimately if he loses one belt, the IBF is probably going to go to some paper champion and Wilder is going to fight some bum to get his hands on it. I'm just saying if it was Wlad they probably wouldn't have stripped him of the belt. Either way, Fury is still going to be ducking Wilder for awhile too, it's not like he needs to fight that fraud anyway.
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>all balding white men look alike
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Wew lad.
England is the biggest joke of a country on the entire fucking planet
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