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Prove to me this is not the best league in Europe >you can't
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Prove to me this is not the best league in Europe

>you can't
this desu senpai
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Sin título.png
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Confront him, not me.
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>yfw he's tracking me and my autism
Answer the OP pls
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I'm not talking about the CL though.
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Netherlands objectively better than Spain
Chelsea ftw xdd
Top to bottom, it is.
Kelly's voice is hot
fucking Nottingham man...
juve actually getting to the final was such a joke
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Prove to me this is not the best league in Europe

>you can't
It's sunday night, divegrass hours are later
Forest are based
Says the guy that scripts
>best league in Europe
>Leicester tops it
>btfo by Monaco and 10 man PSG
>M-muh top 3 league
>Can't even into win EL
>UEFA coefficient determining which leagues are 'good'

Literally if Romania's on the list and you still think it's a good list, kill yourself
It's teams that won the Champions League faggot
Get a load of this guy.
I swear to Allah if Newcastle doesn't get relegated this season I blame Liverpool.

Holy shit I'm retarded
I still think they will.

They've literally had 2 miracles against Mememouth and Liverpoo. The performances were still shit.

They'll get 4-0ed by Spurs next week and everything will be back to normal.

A team with literally only Wijnaldum doing anything can't stay up.
yeah, we got that from your flag
>They'll get 4-0ed by Spurs next week and everything will be back to normal.

pfft, you wish mate
Well mem'd. If West Ham could 1-4 at WHL, the city of Newcastle United can as well.

They got 1-5ed at Palace and CP don't even have a competent striker for fuck sake.
It was back when you had to play about 5 games to be able to win the cup.
Doesn't stop Madrid going on about >muh demica, and if it wasn't for all those 60s wins they'd have a pathetic wins record relative to the amount of money they've spent
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football leagues - average wage.jpg
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It's not the best but it sure is the biggest.
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>England has two leagues in the world top 10
all those french players are at arsenal so that doesn't count

actually it's just that bottome table Ligue 1 teams are too poor to hire foreigners,

also the graph refers to players developed in a certain country, not necessarily born in them
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Where would L1 & L2 fit in?
Its not the best in terms of quality but overall it is the best one
>Greece can out pay our players

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Well, your league has a salary cap, what did you expect?
easy, best teams +best players = best league
Why are we so commie? Portland playing Columbus was boring as fuck. Would rather it have been NY and LA or something.
>adding world cups
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I don't know, but I have this table so pls take it.
England must be boring if that many people attend L1 and L2.
a bar graph of this should be made

the difference in payment from the PL to the others is astonishing
The UK loves sports and its football in particular. It's why sporting events which are held here get good attendances, regardless of the sport.
>Belgiumm on par with England's division 4 and Germany's division 3
Oh lawdy
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League attendance - per capita.png
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The GOAT attendance/per capita country is Portugal.


>English 4th division is bigger than Belgian Premier Division

>Belgium are number 1 in FIFA Rankings
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Football league pyramid.jpg
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Is tier 22 just a bunch of fat cunts kicking a ball around and then getting hammered after?
>we actually are the 6th best league in the world


our all-time low was in the late 00s, now we're climbing back up again, I guess, with all the new TV deals, Profut and clubs beginning to modernize
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that table is old, with the sinking of the currency the clubs dropped a lot economically.
It is.
All the top 6 from last year are still playing in Europe.
Man Utd, Arse and Chelsea might end up in the Yuropa League this week.
SO along with Spurs and Liverpool, these 5 teams will surely do justice to the co-efficiency right?

In reality the Prem is too overhyped and the batshit insane wage bill will eventually kill the league.
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The Real is slowly climbing up again, give it a year or two and it will go back to where it's been for the past decade and a half.
>kill the league

They nice English lads that are getting pushed out by the brazilians are welcome to come destroy our league if they want.
I'm serious but our league wants pirlo and lampard rofl. Bet Rooney is next.
Salary cap is the least of MLS' problems right now.

First you gotta cut that college soccer shit out, or you'll never compete with the kids everywhere around the world who have been playing it nonstop since they're 4 yrs old.

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>Bet Rooney is next

I fucking hope so, he is seriously shitting up utd along with LVG
I think they are moving toward setting up youth academies, but I could be wrong.

Until more money is guaranteed for the players, it is difficult to dedicate a life to soccer here.

You may know better than I, but what is the academics like in European or South American academies? What is the backup plan if they fizzle out?
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His movement and positioning are still world-class, even this season.

Literally everything is Van Gaal's fault, you hired the biggest managerial fraud in the past 20 years and you'll reap the rewards until someone higher up sees some sense and fires him.

You could replace Lang Baal with even a second-tier manager like Nuno Espírito Santo, Bilic or lol Gallardo and the team would still improve.
I don't want him being wank in MLS. We already have enough of that.
>What is the backup plan if they fizzle out?
You just keep going to school.
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Not even close.

>most exciting
Without a doubt.
>The Real is slowly climbing up again

just wait until the R$100 billion government deficit is officially announced and credit rating agencies relegate Brazil to trash.

defensively he's a great manager, offensively....holy shit I want to gouge my fucking eyes out, this is the first time since I started watching utd as a child that I can't actually watch them play anymore, it's fucking excruciatingly dull

he'd probably do pretty well t.b.h. he'd most likely be the best player in the league it would suit him better all round I reckon, it doesn't help that he's playing in LVG's shitty system. I hope he does got to the MLS
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Lad, please. Everything is cyclical.

I was young enough to remember the catastrophical, debt-out-of-the-ass, privatize-fucking-everything last year of FHC's administration in 2001-2002. I've seen this before and I'm sure I'll see it again.

If you think this is bad, check argentina's peso compared to the USD. Now THAT'S terrible.

>our third & fourth tiers get tter attendances than most countries' first tiers
>"hurr durr england is boring"
>being this ABE

ABE is a mental illness.
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for reference
>watching shitty play in the 4th tier
>indication of nothing better to do

Pick two my friend.
You're stupid as fuck. The currency lost value in 2002 because Lula was elected and everyone panicked.

Argentina is a shithole where 15% inflation is deemed as a great thing.
No it doesn't you spastic.
Sure it does.
You're shitposting on here, got nothing better to do?
I'm actually at work right now.
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>The currency lost value in 2002 because Lula was elected and everyone panicked.

Meme rhetoric, stop reading Veja. Investors don't care about "mass panic" and media manipulation.

FHC and PSDB are synonymous with public debt, illicit licitation processes and mad privatizations.You're clearly too young to remember all the debt and the disastrous FHC final year, with more contitutional ammendments, so let me remind you with pic related.

And no I didn't vote for any of those faggots.
>with more contitutional ammendments
*than ever
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>most excting
Without a doubt.we are parity
The devalue of real in 2002 coincides with the election of Lula, then when he was put in charge he rose interest rates to 22%/year and made Meirelles command the economy, appeasing to the market. Furthermore, public debt is not the same as have government deficit, which even during Collor years didn't happen. That table is completely false, last year public debt to GDP was 60% and this year it'll be over 70% which is insane for a country with 15% interest rates.

You're a dumbass who was probably handed government scholarship to do nothing but sit on your ass and defend the holy Party.
>That table is completely false
>Source: Central Bank
You get pretty desperate when facts don't align with what the media tells you.

> who was probably handed government scholarship to do nothing but sit on your ass and defend the holy Party.
>everyone who doesn't agree with me is a PT affiliate

Actually I graduated UFRJ's law school in 200, which you'd never have a snowball's chance in hell of getting into, and have been working ever since. Also never voted for either party. But keep projecting :^) but keep projecting my illiterate friend
Can you two get a room?

fucking mobile
>actually believing debt to GDP in Brazil is 33%

can how one be this delusional

>law school indoctrination camp
>talking about economy
Não sou o fagote que vc ta respondendo.
There is a chimpening happening ITT
>Brazil in charge of knowing the proper online etiquette

Why do Europoors allow this in their threads again?
How can anyone honestly think PL is better than La Liga, Atletico would storm to the title after about 30 games
Being competitive doesn't make you strong, stupid fucking britbongs
>Being competitive doesn't make you strong, stupid fucking britbongs

No, but it makes you entertaining, which is what sport is all about you clueless cunt.
>Watching Memecastle 2-0 Liverpoo every week is fun

I'd much rather see teams perform, if you only watch for the result without appreciating the way the game is played you can fuck off to basketball or some other African sport where teams score every two seconds

Spanish football is much more technical, probably why they're actually a threat in Europe which can't be said of any English team this decade
>watching Liverpool fail isn't fun

Sorry let me go watch osasuna beat real betis. That is so envigorating. Or how about SV Darmstadt vs literally who?
If you wanted to watch players fuck up you can just watch MLS

Top seven teams in La Liga+Bilbao are better to watch because they're more skilled

Seriously if you're sitting for 105 minutes to watch Manure get 1 shot on target and then try to brand that as entertaining you need your life reevaluated
Absolutely true.

I watched Atleti vs Valencia last week and it was more interesting than most EPLel games I watched this season (some 15 or so).

Not to mention better tactically.
>Leicester is the best team in yurop right now
It isnt in europe though
Fuckin danish eskimos man
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