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Thread replies: 255
Thread images: 85
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This game's going to be shit. Why am I getting it instead of Vikings-Raiders?
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let the misery commence
Will a miracle happen today?
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goku spirit_bomb.jpg
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/sp/ we need your energy for the Detroit Lions!
4 weeks ago I predicted that the Packers would lose 4 games in a row to the broncos, panthers, lions, and vikings.
Half of it has come true so far. fug
what's the point?
That game doesn't come on until 4pm you fucking idiot
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i want off this ride guys
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>not knowing how NFL TV scheduling works

CBS has the double header this week, mongoloid.
The only way we can win is to give constant energy!
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>mfw none of my receivers have functioning hands and the footballs bounce off their chests

can you please fuck off and shitpost in the /hoc/ thread instead?
Hopefully Calvin plays
He's active
Lets have a good game lions! :^)

likes hes gonna see the ball

>OL breaks down in less than 2 seconds

Am I ruining your safe space?
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>tfw Lacy was my favorite player outside of Rodgers
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>have Sunday ticket
>throw on the Packers game
>Buck and Aikman commentating
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Lions > Puckers
Yeah...with the way the Chiefs destroyed us Im expecting a blowout.
This is gonna hurt
Does Stafford have a neckbeard?
>Those few ignorant motherfuckers who spoke during the silence
>Over the top patriotism

USA pls
That man has a fucking beautiful voice. No homo
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want to end up like multicultural eu?
sorry f.am thats gay tbqh
Stafford is a potato and therefore has no neck.

>he isn't proud of his country
ISIS please go

Hi, this is Kelly. Matts wife. Say that again and ill push your shit in so far your breath will reek like turd.
Who /PackersfandespiteneversettingfootinWisconsin/ here?
I live in Detroit.

This past week I saw more people in GB jerseys than Lions jerseys.


where else do you live?
>Implying Islam would want to invade the shithole of Wisconsin

Don't kid yourself. The only reason there's a muslim in Green Bay right now is to play football
although they're terrible outside it's fun to see the Lions outside of a dome

>Erin Andrews
Fight me
Fuck those bandwagon faggots
Gus Johnson should be Fox's number 1 announcer, the guy is hype af.
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Oh look, the Puckers figured out how to play football again...

Is Green Gay going to think they're the best again after this game?
Royal Oak, Birmingham, and Clarkston.

At least the Eastern Market is warm today. But even here I see a couple people in Green Bay jackets. And nobody gives them much flak for it really. It's like they start to say something witty, and then just give up and mope.
Fuck no

They lose to the first real team they get in the playoffs
do you have 4 houses
Send em to brightmoor
WTF is up with Fox it says the game should be on but they are showing a 3 hour Bob Hope advertisement.

Not if we get home-field :)
Who /gay/ here?
anybody got a stream?
matthew stafford looks like he was in a frat

but then again every nfl player was probably in a frat
What this guy said
So how many Lions fans here are actually from Detroit?
no one in the NFL had time in college to be in a frat
Welcome to Detroit sports. Everyones either on the piston bandwagon or classic red wings one (they suck as well lmao) whenever the loins are being loins
They need Carolina to win 5 or less

Not happening
most people here are from the Detroit area

I'm in Dearborn
Where else would we be from?
Fuck off streamfags
Be glad you don't have to watch this shitshow

#1 draft pick here we come

Was born in Detroit senpai
>lush us
You fuck off!
One of the few reporting.
me too bro fuck the arab right.
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How is she so perfect?
Born/raised in the metro area but moved out west cuz michigans boring as fuck (unless you got chicago finance money and have vacation homes up north)

>So how many Lions fans here are actually from Detroit?

No one actually -lives- in Detroit.
hello ahmed
Can we please make fg's that hit the uprights and still go thru worth an extra point?
2016 draft class is looking like shit
>TFW Krosby is the most famous football alum from your university
>Fuck Kordell tbf
arabs here seem pretty chill and americanized. I'm in Westborn though so I don't see them as much though

not excited for the Syrian refugees to come here though
Most people from detroit cant afford a TV or they stole and cant afford TV or they stole the TV and cable but they get shot the next day
They should be worth 2 because of a shitty technique.
So famous that you get the name wrong
6Mile and grand river here.
>Only a field goal

Holy shit, the puckers are garbage. Why can't they ever be shit when the Lions are good?

OT's are good
glad to see americans generalize towards their own people
That's stupid and you're stupid for suggesting it.
I was living in Lafayette Park but I moved to the suburbs because I couldn't afford any worthwhile housing thanks to hipsters and yuppies moving into the city
Most Lions fans you see here either live in other parts of Michigan or live in the Detroit suburbs.

I actually live in the metro area though
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lions lead the nfc north.gif
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That happened in 2013

Detroit just choked on dick that year
holy shit I am so fucking tired of our run game
\O/ Pls Detroit!
>run twice for -1
this game is over
You mean the year we went into Green Shit with only Reggie Bush starting? Puckers are the luckiest team in the NFL

Pitiful offense
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What run game?
>6 mile

Nigga pls
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>Mr.Throwitbehindtheline man

Getting real sick of this meme
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What a fucking waste of a draft pick. We already had Pettidrop to fuck every play up, why get another retarded TE?
Last Lions win in GB was December 15, 1991 how old were you /sp/?

We did....
>living across the street from Lambeau field

How often does that lawn get pissed/vomited on?
8 months
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>get a new monitor
>can't get the gamma just right
>my face
Mcnichols faget. Went to Redford high school
4 years from being born
a fetus
Get a colorimiter you fuckin noob.
I was still a strong swimming sperm in my father's ballsack
Negative 2
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You guys look as bad as the Lions
waiting 3 years to be born senpai.
4 lol

>Holy shit loins
Glad to see that even though Austin has pure shit to work with, he still manages to get shit done
New guy to football here. Why's everyone hate Buck so much?
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Winnie the Packers fan.jpg
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this game is going to be much closer than it needs to be

0,5 months away from birth

I was so close to a Lions win in Lambeau in my lifetime
3 years from existing
it's mostly a meme but he's just kind of bland and annoying
Because he's not a war hero like his dad
I don't
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>We wont keep Austin after the offseason

The only good coach and we're going to lose him

Reddit meme
Good point from Troy
>that flag
>this topic
God, please don't trade Stafford
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>Favre wasn't even a Packer the last time the Lions won in Green Bay
Buck is fine. It's only retards who thinks he's still shit. He's gotten much better over the years.
at least Matthews is still good
Would you raise the child if Clay Matthews impregnated your wife/gf/bf?

[ ] Yes
[ ] No
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alright enough practice lets get 1st quarter TD
I thought the Kansas City game was bad, It's like they honestly don't even care anymore, not that I can blame them.
Why couldn't have Favre died instead of Reggie. Reggie wouldn't have texted dick pics to women.
>3 points against the worst defense

You have no room to talk senpai

>Typical puckers question

Is this a common occurrence over there?
but you cant get boipussy pregnant
If I see you at casino Windsor or wheels inn, i will stab you i swear on me mum
You're the one who's Canadian
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>Reggie White is still dead
why remind me
I'd wonder who he fucked since I don't have a wife or girlfriend and don't want one.

Relationships are for people who are so desperate for sex that they willingly give up their freedom.
-18 months
Fuck dude that sounds like some college streak where like "Ohio state hasn't lost to Indiana in the horseshoe since 1967" or whatever
College has a bunch of those
Yes. Women would rather have the seed of football royalty in their womb then that of beer chugging, brat eating, cheese filled beta faggot
1.5 years
Tipping intensifies
cobb pls
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>5:00 left in the first
>Lions have a grand total of 2 yards
thank you based drop god
stay away from ebron
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>Football royalty
Remember last years game Lions are playing for a bye, how do you fucking go to shit so fast?
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Hey buddy! Leave my pack friend alone guy! Even if he is canadian.
by being the Loins
These levels of euphoria shouldn't even be posssible
Why do the lions suck so much dick this season? Weren't they in Wild Card and were stolen a playoff game last season?
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Superman stop it.jpg
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>"We just need to get our swagger back" or any other response like this
Mayhew is complete trash

>Let the entire interior D-line go
>Only have 1 good CB

I don't know what he was expecting
By raising a statue of Satan in your city
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where's the offense senpai
This game sucks, anyone wanna do a bump with me?
Yes, gladly
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We storm the front office if that happens
I wish I had some weed senpai
The offense is fucking ass
Packers fucking suck
quality quarter -___-
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Mike Stoklasa Packers.jpg
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fuck this offense
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>Puckers are shit today
Detroit also has the largest Satanic church in America. Hethans.
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>Queens are going to win the division

Fucking kill me
We don't need to fire everybody. Austin needs to stay no matter what. Tate is our best receiver if we end up trading megatron. We need to keep Stafford, part of our troubles is that we're constantly firing and hiring players, We don't keep anyone so we don't develop depth.
Keep lifting your hands! The Lions need energy for all stages of play!
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Please fucking stop handing it off to Cobb. I know he's supposed to be le gadget man but just do normal shit to get the offense back on track. Are we sure McCarthy still isn't calling the plays?

>mfw this offense without Jordy
back to reddit
They said his name. Drink
>Jim Bob Cooter
>Jim bob cooter
You gotta be shittin me
Jim-Bob Cooter???
You can't make that shit up
o I am laffin
\o/ Help us baby football Jesus
how is this news to you?
WTF is he doing
what a shit game
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>Stafford throwing the ball at Caldwell

You can't make this shit up
This fucking o-line makes me want to kill someone. Stafford literally has no time to throw.
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alright now lets get our elite offense back maybe
Cockadoodledoo pals
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Mike McCarthy fat.jpg
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>We need to establish the run game
Our teams are both shit this year.
I'm a corn shucking yokel from the thumb desu
Thats Wisconsin skinny

packers just meemed out their wins at home with the offside free plays. they show their true colors on the road
10/10 catch
So no stream?
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this is a skinny running back in wisconsin
I thought the Packers were good at home?
Teryl Austin is a fucking genius.

Please let him be our next head coach
battle of the terrible offensive lines
no shut up the Packers are CLEARLY a top 5 team and Super Bowl contender
>Puckers cant even blow out a 1-7 Lions

Top heh
Puckers have one of the best in the NFL

Fuck off sneak
Homie been throwin back too much of the high life

show some respect

this is more of a top wew


I thought your mom was good on my dick
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go lions
I would say they are NFC favorites and 2nd after the Pats to win Superb Owl
Are you fucking kidding? Rdgers almost gets a whole fucking minute to throw the ball.
Should the NFL start allowing women to play in the league?
fucking cowboys suck.
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dog barks internally.jpg
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>mfw final score of 3-0
That's Carolina you dumbass puckers fan
>start allowing

There is no rule against it now.
They are not beating Carolina on the road and they are not going to overtake them for 1st in the NFC
youuuuuuu may or may not have austim
Go play the game Aaron, you can troll for boipussy later

this fatass should be on the d-line
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>mfw Lions beat Packers 7-3 again


we need more safe spaces than Tom Brady's pocket as well
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Lions > Puckers
epic burn m8!
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>Rodgers hurt foot

god, it's the calf all over again
Mandrama is no longer welcome here, please fuck off
autism confirmed
>This is the only Packers game I've been to

Kill me
>They are not beating Carolina on the road

Because the Panthers are unbeatable at home? 8-0 does not make a whole season, Packers have experience.

Also I am a lions fan, and would bet on packers over panthers.
What's wrong with the Packers offense?
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Thread replies: 255
Thread images: 85

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