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>tfw when you cant even hold an internet relationship
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>tfw when you cant even hold an internet relationship
iktf bro. I'm so awkward and shy that it's hard for me to carry conversation. I never know what to say ;-;
it means you're boring. Don't feel bad most guys can't hold a conversation more than 30 mins. I get many one word replies too
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Right. Would bang.
Seems the same for me. Not sure what happened, but the man who kept trying to get me for a year stopped after I finally opened up more. He had just called me his girlfriend and then poof.
It was my first experience with having a relationship and I feel like a fool.
Ten bucks says you're a guy and he stopped talking to you after he found out.
We would play video games while mic chatting and I have a pretty feminine voice I don't think guys can imitate.
Are you just really ugly then? Or maybe you're really hot and he got nervous and insecure and bailed. Have you tried talking to him since he stopped talking to you?
Dw anon, Internet relationships are often more difficult because you have to find more ways to occupy the both of you and you have to fill in the gap left by physical stuff
Very rarely do these things last
I have a decent face and a feminine shape, but I was overweight and he didn't seem to be happy that I was losing the extra pounds. The only somewhat negative thing he's ever said was when he told me to please not lose too much.
He's a good looking guy who was normally very masculine and bold, so it's weird to imagine him being insecure.
If it wasn't because my losing weight, insecurity is the only other thing I can think of since I had recently told him my sappy feelings when I'm normally too shy and he does all that.

I have tried talking to him and he did once, but his replies seem like he's busy and he doesn't respond fast (days later) or with much in return. He recently sent a message as if he's been busy with school, but he plays hours and hours and hours on Steam at the same time. We have hardly talked since the end of February.
> but I was overweight and he didn't seem to be happy that I was losing the extra pounds.
Maybe he has a chubby/bbw fetish then? Idk, you're definitely in a weird situation, sucks to be you I guess.
He did say he used to like bigger girls when he was younger, but not so much these days. I don't even think his last girlfriend was on the chubby side. From what I got, he just likes all different kinds of women.

It's a bummer, but maybe it's for the best to just stop trying. Since I've never been in a relationship before, he at least made me realize what I do want in a man.
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