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Washington thread As usual, age/sex/cityorareacode/sexuality
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Thread replies: 194
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Washington thread
As usual, age/sex/cityorareacode/sexuality


It's pretty nice out today :o
Kinda wish I knew any traps in the area
It's been a while since I was out there. I'd like to move to that general area eventually
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From the Tri-Cities. Kinda looking for hook ups with guys, but haven't had any luck with it.

But if not hook ups, then someone to hang out with and maybe play some videogames or something.

>pic related, from local gaming station at mall
What the hell is up with the 509 area? It goes from the state line to Moses Lake (at least)
24 m 360 Kitsap bi

Same as everyone else
It's okay. Everett has quite a few homeless people and meth heads. Not too much to do unless you like going other places. Or pot.
I have no idea. Pretty weird, honestly.
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Basically anything east of the mountains is 509. 509 is huge like my coc

a-cola bottle.
That's weird. So I guess I should elaborate, I'm in Spokane.
yeah I am Spokane too, but I have lived all over the state. Can't stand the traffic on the west side.
41/M/Snohomish-evt/425/--> st8

kinda ..bored
425/28/m bi partnered bear (245 lb) with a hall pass looking for someone to make me go down on them and put something in my ass
contact info?
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21/m/u district

Who's going to the solstice festival tomorrow?
I'd like to, but going to Seattle = huge PITA
not to mention asshole who 'save' 1/2 the block....!
kitsap best county desu

transplanted 13 tomato vines today

idk what im gonna do tommorrow- anyone got a suggestion?
21/M/Capitol Hill

whatever straight stuff there is to do.
23/F/360 BG

Sup broskis

Going to be up all night guys, perks of working graveyard.
Wait, what is the festival about? What is there to do there?
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weird socialistic-themed parade w human-powered floats. crowds.
Oh, and nekkid 'protesters' ppl on bicycles, rollerblades ...walking? ~ whatever, usually body painted
That sounds fucking gay
Show us the pussy.
48/M/360 Straight. Rainy as hell. Kinda bored.
I got a snapchat. Does that work with you?
Well it is pride month
pride month?
> whitehouse.gov/the-press-office/2016/05/31/presidential-proclamation-lgbt-pride-month-2016
> Now, therefore, I, Barack Obama, President of the United States of America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim June 2016 as Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Pride Month.
wow what a piece of shit
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Kik: orangeflames64
25/m/bi/360 near Only

But ya. Fuck the weather today. And that thunder scared the shittt out of me. D:
I mean near Oly. Fucking auto correct.
Blah. Bored. Shit week, and I really just want to drink. But that could be bad; I may end up screaming at the universe a lot. I could go to a bar, but I really kinda hate people. I'll probably just fucking stay home and do nothing until I fall asleep at some point.

fuck you/M/Seattle, unfortunately/straight and poly, although I can't get a good date to save my life, it seems
Kik dkellian, spokane area


Makes me wonder who this Tyler person is, though.
Friend of my gf's. He's always bitching about his shit work and his shitty dates
20/ M / Seattle area
I'm like into people without penis' in a sexual way. So like females and trans men without dogs.

It's been a super shitty week for me so hook ups/making friends would be awesome. Btw did anyone else see that like flash hail for like 5 minutes and then sunshine. Only our state man.
27/male/360/bi shelton
25/M/Downtown Seattle/Straight

Looking for someone who enjoys parks/hiking/outdoor activity or someone to get high with, seeing as I have this big box of Xanax, ecstasy and hallucinogens which has been collecting dust in my apt for a while now. Also I'm down to discuss anything related to game 7 (NBA) or rap with anyone.

Kik/Skype: pmoon777

Bored to shit before I start first quarter at btc.
Man, fuck this boring-ass state.
Man depressing night, I unloaded all my frustrations on my ex tonight and still feel shitty. I wanna drink pretty bad but like not alone
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Fuck you. I just got done Trump chalking with some buddies to trigger the fuck out of the liberal normie scum here. Endless entertainment.
20/m/straightish/253 tacoma
I need some new friends to hang and party with lol
Thank you. Please keep it up.
> boring
There's so much to do senpai
is seattle still full of pantywaists or would i get attacked for wearing my maga hat in seattle?
Like what?
Wait, liberals support Trump?
oh, you're on the wrong side of the cascades

nvm senpai
You sound like a hipster idiot.
22 Male Gay 509/Spokane
Yeah, it sucks. The most fun thing here is jumping into a river contaminated with nuclear waste.

Everyone canceled their plans with me because it's Father's Day.
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As you wish~

The rain and hail sucks

Now being on the 90s weather
2 of the now, Lordy
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Anyone looking for a roommate?

I'm not sure where to look besides Craigslist, but they're all just normies.

Me and my gf are looking for a place in Vancouver. We're both trannies, but the place doesn't really matter, as long as it's Washington.

Not really sure where to post gomen ;_; if anyone knows of a better place than CL to look pls advise
I've worn my MAGA hat all around Portland. I just get dirty looks and sometimes people call me a fascist
Could try the personal ads on fetlife. People look for housing in the Portland metro area on there all of the time.
30 year old male in Bothell, shiiiiii
i'll give you a place and let you both suck my cock together too
Hey, let's do something fun. What top 3 places do you visit on this site besides this board?

I go to /co/, /v/, and /trash/.
Who is the kitten??

Finnick. Just got him over a week ago. He is the cutest fucking thing (next to Gideon) ever

/co/, /tv/, and currently /vp/ because I'm a Sun&Moon fag
/pol/ mostly and sometimes /k/ and /out/
is it just me or is everyone in this state so damn rude? I can't tell if I'm surrounded by cunts or it's just the washington accent
Nah, been noticing that lately. And a bit racist too.
Racist how? Besides the usual anti white propaganda
I'm down for getting high at some point. 24/m
Playlive is pretty fucking shit kiddo.
It's the only way I can play some of the new games that have come out. Can't afford to get one of the new consoles, at least not for some months from now.
Renton Highlands unfortunately.
Lets listen to music or hike a mountain.
/mu /fit /fa
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That sucks to hear. I mainly play shit on PC, so I end up torrent into most of the expensive titles.
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20/m/bi?206 currently editing a video and talking to
people on grinder its pretty dry out here

How is everyone? Some how I'm growing bored of overwatch already.
its raining pretty fucking hard over here
iv been playing csgo mostly
Eh honestly was pretty dry today. Then again I spent most of my day inside a big box.
Been working hard for the past two weeks
26.m.genderfluid (this means i'm pretty)
skagit (like the only fucking one. ;_;)
bored as hell. talk to meeeeeee.
Working all night. Who's with me?
Haha no.

Gideon was from Scott Pilgrim. Finnick because Fennekin sounded dumb as a cat name and Finnick was cute
You've been to the wrong parts of Washington

I'm not rude ;__;

maybe i'm just too used to living in the South
He is absolutely precious.
>that catnip
I done it

Finally moved the ton of gravel off my driveway into the backyard
You bury the body?
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no, of course not

the body is already chopped up and in the sound
>from the south
>also think Washingtonians are rude af
Yeah, it sucks having a minimum wage job with shit hours.
Oh, its just that two of the characters in the movie are named that.
27/m/206 area

What it is? Anyone into pnp?

33/M/ Spokane / straight...
Mid 20s straight male in Seattle downtown area.

Does anyone actually meet up and not die?
I've done /k/ camping trips

but i'm a big guy (4u)
oy papi

I haven't met up with somebody since the days of tinychat freesoc chat. That was back when I was in uni (circa 2010). Not nearly as bold as I was then.

Well... the sun is out. Discovery Park beach here I come.
Anyone in Seattle wanna help me forget a guy

Just hangout and fuck and maybe makeout

Kik = breezecatch
Frederickson here
kik SpaceBed

That's an odd order of operations. I mean "hangout" first. But THEN fuck, THEN make out?

I'd be down, but it wouldn't happen, so...
24 m bi spokane
how is the washington crowd today?
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Good. Making this work
Yup! I've met up with several people. And I'm even a small girl! All went well.

Hey bb I can make you forget about guys completely

Is it odd that I want to a guy friend that I can share a chick with?
Can confirm. Met up with girl who was actually a qt and not a male serial killer
my man that is making it work i suppose
Who needs sleep?
26/m/253 Standard

Looking for cute girls, cute boys, or anything in between.
Recently single, ready to mingle. By which i mean I've never sucked a dick before but there's a first time for everything.
Forgot to post my Kik: ghostmanjack
Working late nights and a dead Wa thread.

if anyone is awake and wants to chat.
kik: someguytochat
kik is floplife.
Good morning, thread!

Always looking for folks to hang around with. Good weather's back so I'll be out shooting alot. any takers?
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I enjoy drugging them until they can't walk ;)
That way they can't struggle or run away from your advances!

Awww, Gideon, baby, and Miss Bitch look like the happiest little family. So cute.
University District

Any young lady students looking for dinner, drinks at my place and nsa?
kik: _Space_Cowboy
Hahaha miss bitch. You got her name right!

Good morningggg
Tomorrow's Friday. Anything better to do than sit at home and play oblivion?
It's Friday.
Gonnna be stationed back home in bangor within the next couple months! Add me on snap ladies and gents @ghostypandas

What's up? Absolutely bored.
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Lol you're not a very "small" girl irl

Keep up the good work though :^)
Are you KT or are you implying that I'm her? I haven't been to battle ground.
I'm fifteen pounds underweight, so people tend to call me fairly little.

Now I'm curious about who you're mistaking me for. Maybe she'll be my friend?0
one thing i'll say WA has over the south- the women here are loads better looking

cigs are twice the cost, but that's life
Fuck, I looked at that twice before I realized it wasn't a microwave.
any cute guys here?
Today is parade day!
So for those in the Seattle area... we are a couple who is looking for a 3rd for hooking up. We are looking for a female between 18 and 25 or so. We'd prefer her to be clean and a non smoker, and someone who isn't significantly overweight. We will want to talk to you and hang out a bit first, but we are looking around so reply to this if you're interested.
Kek that wasn't me but nice try

SUP. I'm KT.
They be trollin
They're just jealous
Where in Kitsap?
Pretty sure bg is battle ground

BG is battle ground. Above Portland and vancouver.
aaaaa where?
skype? (i dont have a smartphone for kik)
you have to list your stuff first~
No smartphone? Yikes.
my soc acc is whycantidomytaxes
18/m/bi/central w
its pretty annoying sometimes.
good luck finding a unicorn. better off swapping like we do.
Is anyone here up for a strictly platonic friendship? I'm in a committed relationship but my bf is quite literally my only friend because socially awkward introvert. I need more female friends, but guy friends who are okay with not hooking up are fine too. Is this unrealistic?
being friends sure. i'm in one myself. what do you do for fun? books,movies,shows,games,events?
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I'm a girl in southern WA looking for friends.

Come join us in WA chan for more platonic friends.
What are you two like? What do you want from a third? Is this just this weekend or extended?
Not this immediate weekend but maybe in a month or two. And maybe more than once - who knows. We'd have to see how it goes. I'm looking for someone cute and somewhat nerdy. Someone who is clean and doesn't smoke. Also someone who is not overweight.
Oh and I'm a white guy and she's asian. We're both pretty nerdy.

any wa homos into anime and vidya?
21 M, friends and I are going to be road tripping through WA from like Kennewick to Spokane on our way to Yellowstone if anyone is along that path and wants to chill.
Not unrealistic at all. I'm a doctile and chill person if you wanna chat
Anyone here going to pride fest?

Figured I should stop being antisocial and get out of cave for once.
Why though?
Oh hi nate :D

Enjoy Washington!be sure to venture into Glacier Park if you can. It's less touristy and just as beautiful, maybe more.
A lot of people into casual hookups don't enjoy kissing. They want to avoid intimacy. Me included, although I'm not casually hooking up either
Nope my name isn't Nate.
That's disgusting, desu
Where at in southern WA?
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23 m 360 bremerton

kik: tombom_52
Happy Monday!
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Oh I thought it was. Oops. My apologies. I do know you though.

Happy mondaaaay
We've never met.
I thought you were in the kik group.

>so happy
I may or may not be but we have never met
Whereabouts in Seattle? I have a gf so nothing to fear lol
I'm too tired to be happy
Location: kitsap
Looking for: bi and bored
kik is emywox
19, male, 360 (It's a big code, I'm in south Vancouver), straight.

Kind of hoping to find someone to just be a bro with, not really looking for a relationship or hookup or anything.

I'm a violist of 8 or 9 years, and I'm going to school in the fall to start pre-req for Aerospace Engineering.

My hobbies include filmography and traditional animation, radio, composing music, and debunking the paranormal. I also started doing SS and SE recently.
Yo my nigger I don't need to gain 25 lbs in a month.
I need to lose 10 then gain 20 in muscle mass.
I guess you're going home then
29/m/bi/horny/360 vancouver, looking for hook ups.
Kik: apelilley
Damn bro nice.

I'm in central Vancouver. Went to skills for mechanical drafting and now play Xbox and work all the time.
Yo anyone live in Sultan, WA?
You might as well just start driving west.
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Chillin' here in Frederickson in my buddy's trailer drinking beers smoking while he works.
Anybody wanna come chill and listen to Megadeth?
Went gardening today

Gonna make some sweet ass rhubarb jam
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Whoops forgot pic
OP here, where in Spokane?
nice hat mang
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Hello posting here again after a week lol

Thought I'd include my face this time.
Living in Seattle 206
I'm bored and sad so company would be great I'd love to make more friends.
Uh also looking to have hook up sessions with trans guys and women if anyone's interested.
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kik is HariSkanda

snapchat is bitchtitsgio
Thread replies: 194
Thread images: 26

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