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Crush thread!
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Crush thread!
rip these threads are against the rules.
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myself cuz I look good today
Crush the Jewish Prophet

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myself for my 10/10 flawless face
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<3 her
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>Sexual Orientation
>Relationship Status
happily married
>Text / Mic / Cam
Mic or Cam as I am trying to overcome my social anxiety
>MBTI Type
>Favorite Music
Indie, Surf, Shoegaze, Rockabilly, Goth, Punk. I like anything from Burger Records.
>Favorite Movies
Grand Budapest Hotel, Sunshine, Moonrise Kingdom. Anything Wes Anderson :/
>Favorite TV Shows
Live:Game of thrones, Marco Polo, 30 Rock, Office, Parks and Rec
Anime: Log Horizon, Samurai Champloo, Bakemonogatari
>Favorite Books
Vonnegut, Sedaris, Poe, Lovecraft
>Favorite Vidya
Half Life Series, Ni No Kuni,
going to shows, museum hopping, foodie, walking around with some music. Anime cons
>What boards do you use?
/ck/ /fa/ /fit/ /gif/ /f/ /soc/
>Are you a NEET?
>What languages do you speak?
>What are you looking for?
looking to better my conversational skills, annunciation, and dialogue structures with someone interesting.
>What are you not looking for?
creeps, meeting up, other sources of contact
>Contact Info
Thread replies: 8
Thread images: 6

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