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Hey guys and gals. I'm bout to skin strike tomorow tight
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Hey guys and gals.
I'm bout to skin strike tomorow tight and I'm not sure if the fire and ice condom my tall black friend gave me is gonna be too big. I didn't see a size specification on the shit so I'm gonna ask yall.
I have no idea what you just said.
I'm about to fuck tomorrow but I don't know if the Trojan condom my friend gave me is going to be to big. Sure would be embarrassing to have a condom that's too big for my dick when things get hot and heavy. My question is are all Trojans the same size.
I'm about avg if not slightly under
You should probably whip it out so we can see

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is this your first time or something?
if you're unsure just go and try it beforehand
if its too loose, go and get a smaller one
also post more
Nice I like the pre cum
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No. It's my second.
With a girl I'm actually dating this time and not some whore..
The whole point of me asking is so I don't have to go buy another. And I can't exactly try it on and put it back for later use.
Pretty sure codoms are basically just one size fits all unless you're huge or tiny so I think you're all set. Also I'm enjoying your cock
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Ok cool thanks
Oh shit. Nice cock. Lucky girl.
Wow, Very nice pix from your car! Your boner should have No prob filling out that fire nd ice condom. Plz post Moar
Tomorrow she is gonna love me (: (:
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Last one unless you have an idea
I love that you're showing off your cock ;) wow
>mutilating your genitals
More like
>I didn't have a choice
>Last one unless you have an idea
in that case here's an idea, take a side view pic so we can see just how far your ur boner sticks out n how low ur balls hang. plus it'll give us a chance to see how much hair she is gonna grab from your ass when u r pounding her
I have a horny idea for you, i want to see you hold your sneaker under your cock so that your shaft n nuts are resting on the bottom of your sneaker
Do you guys find latinos attractive?
>I have a horny idea

top kek
i know i find Latinos attractive :-P
F or m?
it's soc, so m. hope u r not too disappointed
I'd be ok with seeing more precum. Or ass haha
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