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/sma/ - 'Skinny, Medium & Average girls thread'
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/sma/ - 'Skinny, Medium & Average girls thread'

actual "macro"/thread title sequence:
original quality:

Last time, on /sma/:>>23335538
first for high quality pictures and no potatocam photos
nth for Layne as someone has to propagate the fun

Bumping for Vi as well
the HQ macro is the ultimate calling
this is the thread I can feel it

It's been said before, there's a certain point where the nostalgiafagging isn't fun(ny) anymore. Move on, encourage new girls etc.
same kids who go on murder sprees when their girlfriends leave em.
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>old tits ivy

still a nice macro
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is 40"-28"-40" still considered /sma/?
But it's a fancy NEW webm macro tho
I'd say so if that means you'll keep posting.

If we say yes, will you keep posting?
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alright then.
Lovely. How tall are you? How old are you?
le yes, keep posteng
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[pic related]
>that projection
>Just realized this, have you ever noticed how pussy juices feel much better to the cock than even the best of the artificial lubes?
Does no one agree with this?
noone cares, dude.
But it is such an important matter. Does no ones here have sex?
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>implying she isn't the savior /sma/ deserves
>implying nth isn't best /camwhore/ meme :^)
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2016 and the meme is still the best in terms of quality, quantity and variety
I got some fresh boypussy last week and im now addicted

I will no longer be posting here bumping the threads and such

Bye guys
is this a joke? If not, what this guy is saying, I think, that although he is/was gay, he was hanging in here
turning gay is just some form of collateral damage due to staying on /soc/ despite sma's lack of content. You might be next.
you forget that some lurkers here encouraged obvious traps to post pictures
>that's why soc rule #9 exists
good. one less anusfag.
nth for layne

and blondie
One day I'll sort my /sma/ folders and organize all my Layne pictures.
this is a nude thread.
Sorry about that, >>23386689 wasn't nude so it threw me off. I'll be on my way, my apologies
Anus pls?
>nth for layne
I miss Ari

>tfw no other camwhore will spread period blood on their face

Why did she get me into this and then leave
I also think that there are a lot of very young, naive and not terribly bright boys here who really believe that there is such a thing as boy pussy and chicks with dicks.
beautiful job. What a shame
had a hearty chuckle.
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P sure i did that once
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Hi Julia
nice belly
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potato reportan in
Hi sweets

holy shit that was amazing. I hope you have a whole bunch more for us.
Hypnotic ass
It looks very squezzeable and spankeable ...
how was your day?
Amaaazing tits

Squeeze ur tits pls more pls
Pls Moar !
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can you keep playing with them and show us your open mouth? Id love a nice big target to imagine cumming all over.
Errbody love boobs, and have lovely boobs.
Would you show us your pussy a little closer?
God damn, can we get some booty play?
Gorgeous body
fuck off signfag
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guys help im so horny ;_;
Lay on your back and rub your clit
show ur ass pls hun... pls damn your body is a dream
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heres my butt xoxo

god I want to bend you over that bed and ram my cock into your pussy. keep going. god damn.
You have my attention. Go on.
You're perfect ! Ass pls
Oh jeez, dat ass...
You ever do anal?
you should do it on video next time and smear it on your tits
Sorry already req
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i've done it a couple times but jeez does it hurt....

i am honoured puddems is hot af

i might squirt if i break out the hitachi but thats the closest you get
Hi yourself! Whew that's perfect! Now dip a couple fingers into yourself in a shallow fashion
Thank you damn I'm hungry>>23391401
I'll gladly eat that. Sit on my face? Or go doggy style and keep playing but show me both holes?
idk why you were ever called potato. your pic quality was never that bad from the start

also, Damn.

Can we get a full masturbating vid?

I hope that's a good "a-anon~"

you've got me rock hard. keep going.
I would like to take over my like cowgirl and crash your ass my hips and put my thick cock deep in that delicious pussy yours

and finish between your tits
Curl your toes rub your clit
So hot omf. Are you single?
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you guys are turning me on lmao
How do you know about Puddems?
I like these longer webms

this is quality shit

can you do one sitting closer to the cam?
Get your Hitachi out we wanna see you squirt hottie
Fucking hell you are sexy! What I wouldn't give to lap at your pussy and suck those fingers. Lay on your side and rub yourself with both hands and finger that hot snatch.
I haven't cum in 4 months, you're about to fuck that up.
Turning you on? You got me rock hard showing off how wet you that glistening pussy. This perky wonderful tits. I want to see you squirt. No I want to make you squirt so my beard is dripping.
Suck your tits pretty.....

Little pink pussy delicius
hang in there brother. just flick your balls as hard as you can and take a cold shower
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i lurk~

im honestly just impressed with that

im a little shy about bringing out the hitachi to be honest... i lose control a little bit
If you knew what they look like they wouldn't
No good man, I either get out of this thread or fuck the wall 3 feet behind me up.

any chance of some sound in one of these?
You're impressed?

I'm the one who should be, the way you writhe and shake your hips is making me drunk.
Seeing a pretty girl like you lose control is so so so hot
Yuuummmm!!! Please please please break out the hitachi
Lose control. Let it out. You know that pussy deserves the best it can get
So you are a female neckbear, huh? How about we make some neckbear cubs?
fapping to you rn

can you show boobs again, licking them or if that's not possible, squeezing them and pinching nipples?
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ok ok ok ok fine ill bring out the vibrator~
I only wish there were sound!
I want to get my tongue between those legs...let me drag it up and down those smooth lips...not penetrating you, just teasing you...tasting you...
My mouth keeps watering watching you. I could eat your pussy for days.
Spaaank spaaank pls

Damn girl, would love to slide in behind you right now and just go to town, spank that ass and filling that pussy.
Fite me, cuck
Don't care if called fag contactfagging her is worth it she a fuckin dime
you are perfection!
your body is at least top 3 of cw i ever see.
Are you there?
Fuckoff you pathetic nothing neckbeard
You drove her away you sad contact fagging fuckwit
How can I be neck beard with no beard check mate faggot
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ok the hitachi video was quite long and theres some awkward parts so i chopped it up into seperate webms, bear with me guys

god yeah im bi and i originally started coming here to look at hot grills
tfw legbeard
Sweet Lord you are sexy!
no possibility of uploading the whole thing with sexy sound?
Who are your favorite grills?
Oh god, I might do something stupid because of you. In the best way
Can you squirt for us?

Also this;

>no sound

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video_00050 (3).webm
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this is optimum position for the hitachi fyi

i had to blast music so no one else in the house would hear me, the sound is less than sexy lel

i dont want to play favourites, i think most girls that post here are solid 8/9/10s
I wish I could put my cock in your throat while you were doing this.
i wanna eat your pussy so bad, i bet you taste amazing
dear god my COCK

>i have never seen it this large before
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video_00050 (4).webm
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okay, this is the last bit where i cum, unfortunately i didnt squirt so you'll just have to... take my word for it? i dont look very appealing when i cum sorry guys
>tfw legbeard

>tfw only 640x480
can you do a standing full body nude webm. that figure is fucking incredible.
loading the last 3 webms in VLC and I will cum to this one with you

>so hot
So fucking sexy
I wish I could see your lips so bad.... I just want to kiss you so much.
Yup, that's it. You got me horny enough to try and find girl near by. This is going to be hard. But thanks to you I'm harder.
Me too. Also biggest cucumber in anus. Ever.
Oh Yoolz, your hotness is overwhelmeng.
hey Tattie! you are sucha hottie. Love to see you around.
Lord. LORD!

You are already a top notch cw. Making it to the top at light speed.

It isn't bad

>but it makes me think of tattoos
I was trying to make something of Idaho

> potato is much too hot for potato as name
>but if she likes it..
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fuuuuuullllllll body
you guys can call me whatever you want really, potato just happened to stick
don't ruin this, asshole.
Beautiful indeed.
I want you so bad holy fuck
Can we get a spanking and asshole shot, or you licking and sucking on something... If you need something I'll volunteer.
Your body is so great... My heart is beating so fast...
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yup, back to fap

we'll worry about fuckin fake name later
>dat curcy af, fit, hot, tight, perky, sexy body

what about Spud/Spuddy? still related to potatoes, and fits her like a glove.
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I'm sick of studying, very bored, and have no one to talk to rn.

So hey there.
You're stunning.
Word of advice, avoid contactfags like the plague. They tend to be clingy, obsessive, and vindictive.
Why hello there sexy
Talk to us. Maybe bend over and show off you figure?
Hey to you too!
this is too good to be true.
Hello there! Start of with a timestamp, please!
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>too noided that contactfags will dox me
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This is butt.

Lazy and using old photos to start, next pic will have time stamp and first underwear set for proof
cause they will lmao
I named Blondie and Spawn and another girl I can't remember.(Coffee perhaps?) I'm done with names. Have at it
can you take a POV pic. Holding the cam up near your neck and looking down your entire body.
and it causes a shitstorm of jelousy
your body is art that also happens to give me a boner
This is a very nice but. I would love to leave a hand print on it.
They just try to blackmail you etc.

Just read this cringe inducing angry defensive posting.
Dude obviously has some issues.

Spread ass with a thong on?
Or show pussy.

>too noided that contactfags will dox me

words of wisdom
ok lol
Shit lighting, shit photo
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>Came to see hot girls
>Also getting to watch a neckbeard contactfag get ridiculed by the whole thread

Good night so far.


Holy shit, your ass is fucking great
No lip close ups :C darn....
full body, leaning back, legs spread, panties pulled to the side please.
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I love handprints.

Disclaimer: I've also moved five times in the last two years and some of these photos aren't from today. Backgrounds will be all over the place. Do not be alarmed.
your nakeness will be ebin, hopefully in the next pic
that's a beautiful tummy
post more
you have a truly amazing body, you should be proud
are you in the US or other?
why so much moving?
Post everything you have. I have dual screens
Hmm I could leave bite marks and hand prints all over that body.
I saw the webm and thought, "why don't I have a potato?"
>no moles

I am alarmed
i want to believe, cause you are super hot, but the quality of that pic is kinda suspicius, do you mind put your id in the paper and take a new pic?

the only one angry in here is you friend
This timestamp is fake as fuck
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Nike, just do it

College student=shitty housing. Moving up the ladder, a half inch at a time.

I'll see what I can do
Dump elsewhere
Oh come here and I will. Can I see your tight pussy and asshole?
The first one you quoted is a mirror shot, also the bottom two "moles" are mirror dirt I think. I also realize the second one has the note covering my moles.

The next one will be on top of my moles. May take some time to write upside down on my body.
what did you go to school for?
any chance you can do some mouth play?
she will not induge your pee fetish friend, just stay quite until the ban train came.
Are you gone Potato/Spuddy/Tattie?

Where are you. angel of lust?
This took some time and came out retarded. Hopefully you get the idea.
God you're gorgeous. Soles?
cause she was horny and came all over the hitachi, now she just sleeping and you are there praying for some contact from a girl, you really should stay on r9k

fuck off
well im certainly not emailing you :^)
Wish you were cleaning up the mess you caused like a good girl.
I've met several camwhores off here.

If you want to meet them you'd be better hitting them up outside the threads where your begging and cringey pleading for 2+ hours isn't there for all to see.


Remove bra?
Its her ID bro.
It's her I.d....
Your bod is stoning. Are you a virgin or why don't you put fingers?

Honestly, I'm shocked you were able to write that legibly; good work. Any chance we could see a pic without the bra though?

What, you didn't fall for his charming allure?

You're an angry person, aren't you?
If I may.


Next up
>im gonna sleep good night and thx for the videos

she did what she was asked to do


PO-TA-TO is so awesome
Fucking rekt
Try actually meeting people in real life and going outside. You might lose some of your autism and take the edge off the impotent rage.

Top tier butt.
Did you ever post before with a name? You look familiar.
see this?
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Holy shit, you should get bored every night
For whatever it's worth, thanks for cheering up the night of a miserable wizard.
you're sad
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sweet dreams /sma/, potato/spud out
I do prefer to post butt tho

I have not! There's only so much room for uniqueness in ass-appearance I guess

Yes sorry, got caught up in timestamp shit. What did you have in mind?

I am shaving later tonight, FYI. If this thread is still up later I can come back after studying and showering.
See you another day and thanks for posting.
>kisses monitor right between breasts

sweet dreams spuds and thanks
Give use a good luck at that tuft if you're going to shave it away, can you spread your ass for us?

Fucking phone.
How about me?
nothing crazy...
maybe head back, tongue out (cum beg). Or, finger pulling lower lip down. I'd even like a naughty smile or a little lip biting :) thanks
just a reminder
I'm so confused, you are taking request now?

I thought you were just dumping

Either way..let's get this thread back on track shall we..yeah?

This next cuz it's easy

Then that

Idk I was going to dump but then I got naked instead.
>Idk I was going to dump but then I got naked instead.

hnnnnng, and that is fine

Nice asshole
you've been wonderful.
niiice, hot as fuck.

>That tongue

Honestly now, are you real? Were you constructed for this thread or something?

Can we get one like that, but the camera is angled down so we can see your chest and you kneeling in it?
Marry me O_O!
Tried my best

Thread looks dead, I'm off to bed~
Holyyy look at that thing.
lol, i was hoping for laying down and from the front. thanks for the effort though.
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wow... that's amazing
so hot I can barely think...
>Thread looks dead, I'm off to bed
>delivering 20 minutes after the request was made
/sma/ just isn't what it use to be don't take it personally you are hot as fuck. Also, it's late on the east coast. Please come back and try again sometime.
Awesome butthole, thanks.

/sma/ is a bit of a shithole these days.
bye honey, thanx for the content. You are gold. GOLD!
don't blame /sma/, sma didn't wait 15+ minutes between each post with a photo
When there's only one girl left in the thread that's kind of going to happen
nope, not true. other girls delivered faster than you
Please, ignore all drama and horsecrap. You are hot af, delivered proof enough of being you, and quite good content too.
Hope you come back soon, horny and eager to have fun and show off that body.
The rest is just not worth it.
does it matter, you drooling mongoloid????
it does when the camwhore complains about "thread being dead"
look at julias posts up in the thread, nobody replied, she left without complaining
You could be named Slowpoke!
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That's bait.gif
1 MB, 400x254
yo girl, check my gif and that's what I wanna say to you... you took it! don't fall for it, just keep posting, it is good stuff and you're being trolled by /sma/utists
Yoolia is a veteran of thousends of fights in here, and one of a kind. This camwhore is new, and I don't think your way of talking to her is gonna make any good to our fapping community, to be desu.
Bro... I was with you until you said desu, now I despise you even if this is an anime oriented site.

But yeah you got a point.
Who are you?
Having you been living under a rock the past few months? There's a new word filter.
for some reason, i really love lips. it's so proportionate. The kind of lips used in commercials to sell lipsticks. Simply the most beautiful lips i've seen
>i don't want to play favourites
boooooo. the suspense is killing me though!

Your body is so perfect it's almost ridiculous. You have the ideal frame and the assets that will make any woman jealous and which will drive men mad with lust.
You deserve to be the blueprint for statues and paintings, like Venus herself. I just wished you had a better camera so we could see all the beautiful details in higher resolution.
>amazingly hot grill posts
>contactfagging and autism ensues.

Imagining that tongue probing my anus just made my day. Thanks.
do you have them all?
when you do how about sharing. i was so sad when my layne folder got deleted.
Lmao, love that movie. Anyhow, I didn't expect this thread to still be around and in heading home soon, so if there's still anybody visiting this thread I'll post a bit more when I get back.
>I didn't expect this thread to still be around
well this thread is around 24/7. we are always here, forever. sometimes it's more active and sometimes it's a bit slow.

looking forward to see more of you.
>not fondly remembering the golden age of /sma/
gather around children and I will tell you a story of a time where buttsluts were plenty and moot would drop by to derail

Hi! How are you and the cat doing tonight?
hey tay tay. do something to prove this is a current photo. Shoe on head would suffice

also, checked
helllo mister durden
I dont know if you're joking ooorrrr.....
>you will never see a celebrity or pornstar posting on /camwhore/

Remember when Lorde posted on /mu/?
ok I give, what does tyler durden have to do with Taylor Swift?
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>we are always here, forever.
spank your ass ;)
perfect!!! X
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Ah the old motivationals and demotivationals... These are why I used to come to this site. Now I am just here for tits and ass
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Thread replies: 255
Thread images: 72

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