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/perma virgin/ thread just fuck my shit up
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/perma virgin/ thread

just fuck my shit up
Well, I'm free sunday...
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Should I become a tranny?
You were in a rate thread a while back. Hope you fixed that shit hairstyle by now
Let's just say that I dont want to post a more recent pic atm.
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Reporting in
What your towns dont have sluts?
not all of us are Chads my man
Quit bitching on the internet and go outside
But they are sluts. Just make them want you in the slightest and they will open up.
Bitch you a nigga go find some highschool ass
Sluts hate virgins.
Fuck its always the same with you virgins and warped ass views on females
>I have gotten laid 3times because I lied and said I was a virgin. They think that shit is cute and one girl let me do anything I wanted becase I was a "virgin"
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i used to think it was exclusively because of my appearance, but it's also because i'm retarded as shit

my shit is fucked hahaha
So find an ugly dumb bitch
better than touching yourself
and another bitch hooked me up with her little sister because she was a virgin as well. Just be you and dont try to be something
>Just be something you're not!
>Just be yourself!
If I could find a girl who liked me, I would. I went for a fat girl with no friends. None. Still, she thought I was a mean idiot and wanted nothing to do with me. I don't know how low my standards could possibly go.
I guess rape or even worse, prostitutes
Honestly pretty sad, me and my buddy used to mack on drunk moms, we would spark up a conversation make em laugh and feel young again next thing we knew we were getting head from a group of crazy milfs. Try for the oldie's
Around here you get insulted for that type of thing. I guess its better than touching yourself as you said before. Why can't they just be attracted to my cartoon knowledge?
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/kissless virgin/ here

OP your face looks fine just the hair like >>23131759 said
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Kek, I found my thread
Fucking sideways pic every time
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>/kissless virgin/ here
>8/10 face
Get out of here, get out! Go back to Univison.
Ill go back to my cave
Pretty nice face no homo
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Alri lads

KV here
>Pretty nice face yes homo
so good that it's actually a bit intimidating
Thx man. Kind surprised to see a d00d like you in a thread like this, you don't seem like a /perma virgin/
I dont believe in being a "perma" virgin but im surely a virgin now and i dont think much will change any time soon.
Opie, you should shave your head. It'd look fine for you, and it's an improvement on what you have.
I want to bro hug you can we arrange that
I want you to find a gf
Don't look it desu
Smile guys it increases your chance by 0.1%
I hate smiling
I hate pretending to smile for a pic even more.
not sure why everyone is ripping on your hair. looks fine.

i've had sex with girls, but that was before i realized i'm gay. so kinda virgin?
How you lose your virginity:
Step 1. Be gay
Step 2. Marry me <3
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18, only like four kisses in my life. Is it that bad?
why cant you gays just leave straight men alone especially if you are indian
Oh yeah, sorry about the quality. My phone's camera is old and bad.
i would bro hug you man, idk how we'd arrange it though

i thought i found a gf but i don't think she likes me anymore because i'm fucking dumb
>kissed a girl
>had not just a kiss, but MULTIPLE fucking kisses
Out. Now.
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>only four kisses
I am talking to one now and she likes me but she's in another country ;_;
Potential is there.
You give an homosexual kind of vibe. Loose the faggy glasses and put a real beard on that baby face.
Looks like a FtM
Nah you're ugly.
Homosexual looking.
Homo vibe aswell. Shit haircut desu.
what country are you in? and what country is your qt from?
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Hey virgins I'm a man with a pussy. I need more sex in my life and I got travel money so Kik me


I've popped more than a few cherries
>talking to a girl
Holy fucking shit you are all fucking normalshits.
NONE of you are permavirgins.
>Nah you're ugly.
i knew it
Do you have a kik desu~
I'm in australia
she's in america
Lad I can't do it in my own country relax
beards are itchy and shit
No ty
Get the fuck out of this thread normalchad.
who is the lucky lady?
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I'm fucking gamma

Someone found me in a voice to face thread but they don't post face.
Currently not, but I will get my new phone this week.
le gamma
If you are talking to a woman who shows the slightest interest, you are Chad.
Also, enough of that meme.
There is Alpha, Beta, and Omega for personalities.

well good luck man. it was cool knowing you
How do i know if im Chad if i dont talk to girls?
Not really
Cucks exist you know
Wait what? We can still get to know each other. Still KV and at least I don't post whilst in a relationship lol
I wasn't aware that I ever called YOU Chad friendo.
I was calling the guy who talked to girls Chad.
You're probably a Chad because a girl has shown legitimate interest in you, but whatever.
I know who you were talking to i just wanted to know if there are other ways to find out if im Chad
Cucks don't have girls showing interest in them. They are just emotional tampons/financial support. Still normies though.
nah man you don't want to know me. it's not worth it
Do girls like you?
Do people often say you're attractive?
Are you socially prominent?
Have you ever touched a woman in a romantic/sexual manner?
Have you ever talked to a girl who was a potential partner?

If you said yes to any of these, you are a Chad,
I never use it, but email?
I don't fit those
So there
I bet you're wrong
They still interact with them. Thought that was your point.
>don't fit those
>talking to a girl
Nice try norman
>I bet you're wrong
that's a losing bet
My favourite ones
>over social media
>will most likely never see irl
Doesn't count, and I wish it would.
Chad go.
man i've been in a very dark place for a long time. i thought i was getting out but now i'm fairly certain i will not. i think it'd be a waste of your time to talk to me. i don't want you to miss me when i stop posting
I can give you my skype, I'm curious but why do you want contact with me? :)
You seem nice, and I'm pretty lonely desu.
My Skype is: andkon1851
And my name is William :)
Alright whatever man
Just saying, you have the same face as my friend from uni and he has qt asian gf
>tfw all that third wheeling
Please do not say this
Don't be this horribly depressed due to no gf it's not worth it
We can talk on kik or something?
talking probably won't help this time.

at least you'll know what happened when you don't see me around anymore
I'm going to bed now. I saved your skype name and I will add you tomorrow.
(I'm 19) Good night. :)
Good night :) sleep tight.
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I'm not a KV, just a V.

It doesn't really count for anything, the girls were sorta under duress.

Don't think I'm permanent though, I will hire a prost eventually, not going to be a wizard
I still need to hug you though

Live is still worth living man, focus on yourself first <3
how are you going to hug me across the ocean bruh
I'd give you the V. You're super cute! :)
See >>23133838

Goodbye Chad.
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gay KV here
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Turning 31 next month.
Ephemeral Rift?
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You are quite cute. I would kiss you.
I'm not gay but I would fuck you because you look fucking amazing. Like a hippie Claudio Sanchez. I bet you'd cuddle me really comfy too

No homo
Like with all due respect, my sorry ugly socially inept ass has managed to get laid quite a few times and capture quite a few girls. Like if my pathetic ass can get girls any of you can get girls, like i'm a complete autist... go out and start talking to them over and over till you get it
normalfag please
You don't even understand the meaning of inept.
heres a freebie: literally walk up to them or message them and tell them they're pretty and you like their pictures.
Gonna tell you to head straight down to reddit fuccboi.
It's me on dynamic ip desu
It will happen senpai
pls be in melbourne
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20 years old, and I look like a fucking 14 year old.
wish i had that, 21 and I look like I'm in my 40's already. Can't wait to see how my shit looks in 3 years
You look like the lead singer to Blue October.
what's that black thing on your chin?
Pics? Doubt that you would age visually further than your "mid-40s" look at your 20s.
A splinter which wasn't removed when I was like 5 years old or something, parents didn't even mention it until it went to irremovable shit. At least it's right in the midle of my chin, so I didn't bother to pay for cosmetic surgery to remove it.
haha nnnooo, I don't try to even take pictures anymore, that shit depresses me
Fuck no
Try it, we all have
>22 year old virgin
>never so much as touched a girl in a non-platonic way
>ugly as hell when I was younger
>grew into body and face about 1-2 years ago
>above average looks for a 22 year old, but stuck with the social and mental development of a 13 year old
>every time I try online dating the girls are really forward and pushy about sex and wanting to see my junk
>every girl I meet IRL is quiet as hell and never gives me any hints I can go off of
I hope this shit doesn't last forever
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how the fuck are you a virgin?
Your aesthetics are masterrace/10
Hey fellow wizard
Literally who is this

Is this a joke?
It wont buddy.. you know it wont
you're drunk man..... you have no chance
Just trying to confirm if it's some idot playing a prank, looks like it is.
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19yo, 20 within few months, never had a gf, never kissed a girl, I used to be highly asocial but things are changing

Actually i'm dating a girl, we'll see if I'm doomed in a friendzone once more...
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