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im really into sickly/tired or grumpy/crazy professor looking
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Thread replies: 28
Thread images: 17
im really into sickly/tired or grumpy/crazy professor looking dudes

some arrogant lanky spectacled fuck that looks like he never sleeps, or generally anyone that looks like a damn villain

where can i find
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for lack of a better example, kinda, but not you
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I got you.
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email [email protected] with throwaway contact info for my submission.
>pro tip: you will be pleased

Also, tell anon what about this type does it for you.
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>tfw your bags are actually extremely visible
>they don't show up on your webcam
done and done
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Are you kawaii tho.
'unno, but not posting a selfie here
You would love my science teacher, for real he's all that and more
ooo shit sneak a pic

Then where anonchin.
>I want tired, scraggly looking professor types
>Posts models in tailored suits in professional photos with some shopping done

Jesus fuck, are women these days really this deluded?
oh look someone is mad
no lol

i'm on central time i was sleeping like a rock when that was posted
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I'm not lanky, but here ya go.
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I'm sorry you've been so neglected OP, as far as I can tell everyone else in this thread is way off. Did you mean this sort of thing?
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Thread replies: 28
Thread images: 17

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