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skinny boys post ITT
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Thread replies: 255
Thread images: 143
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skinny boys post ITT
my kind of thread
skinny =\= skinnyfat
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are your legs and butt just as skinny and fluffy?
Hi I'm skinny
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Reporting in!
Should I kill myself?
How gay are these threads?
Not trying to troll or anything, Im really wondering
pls continue!

u might not be all that skinny
Accidentally posted wrong pic

skinny guys are feminine and cute, if you want to attract girls, get big
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It's cold tho lol.
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ay im a girl and i love skinny dudes
not because they're "feminine" or "cute", its just the body type i prefer
that being said, these threads are predominately gay
well, shit
I guess that's why effeminate guys give me excessive atention... i hate that shit
no ;-;
your bod is gr8
>skinny guys with long hair
this is my fetish
guys are more fun, open up to it.. you might like it

i think only fat girls like skinny guys
ha take your clothes off (quickly) and reveal your true self

Im not saying I would never ever date or fuck a guy, but well, I don't liek them, I even dislike one of them
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hit me up?
kik: Alien_spacebabe
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Fuck it, I felt the nude was inappropriate with everyone else clothed.
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2015-12-30 00.16.23.jpg
2 MB, 4128x2322
Always been skinny
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that's a much better pic than u posted in the flaccid thread

nice trips
nice build
pls moar with flexing
since we got so many skinny guys in 1 place lets talk about our skinny experiences

what it feels like to be skinny

are you happy with your body?

i like being skinny but feel like it makes me less of a man in the way im treated.

i dont complain about it because i know who will have the last laugh

calorie restriction is the 1 thing proven to result in longevity, a decreased risk of all cancers and diseases across the board when compared to test subjects who consume more calroeis.

fast on , friends
Well why not

I don't know, i've been like this my whole life

Not anymore, im doing excercise because I feel to skinny, but at the same time I like it

Oh, and I feel that my head looks a bit big for my body in my current state
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me ;3
Boner's in overdrive
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I'm upside dwn
Wow my camera is dirty
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its me.
KIK: Hqlee

up for chat
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Lol you saw me there? Did you recognize me by my birthmarks?


Here's the pic I was going to use, good lighting makes me look like I have muscle.
I want to cloth you so bad
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Hope I'm not too skinny for you all :)
You want to what
Not at all
oops, clothe ... as in put you in clothes
Oh I get it now lol
yes, i saw ;)
you should be posting moar of yourself in both this thread and that one!

moar of all those parts plx

could we get moar focus on your torso pls, cos the distracting parts aren't skinny at all
I am happy with my body but I don't what to be skinny anymore, I just don't feel comfortable with it, you want to be healthier and fit so I guess I should start the gym soon..
What do you want to see?
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>>23056795 I don't have much to offer but here it is
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Reporting in and not really sure about how I hold up.
haha i don't think u are going to be able to post a pic that will disappoint me
but definitely take your fat soft cock back to the flaccid thread plx

would keep close eye on at the beach

really lovely, thnx
and pls post whatever else u have
i'd like to see your back/butt and legs too, but flexing looks great :)
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I am skinny.
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2015-12-30 01.56.19.jpg
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How tall are you? More pics?
u are also immaculate
also dem nips

i don't know whether u were trying to make me think about fucking u
but i am now thinking about fucking u
plus rimming
Kik: jorgemg04
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Hello from Mr Skeltal
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2015-12-30 09.42.38.jpg
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Pectus excavatum boy reporting in
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Flip Bulge.jpg
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no i dont think thats true
Tfw used to be skinny then alcohol happened and I now have some chub. Feels bad lads
I take notes
>tfw used to be super skinny
>gf used to compliment me on how big my dick was
>start getting crazy into lifting
>legs become enormous
>gf asks in a worried voice if my dick has shrunk
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awfuller lot.png
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May post more if reaction is positive
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Is 145 LBS considered skinny? I feel like it is.
Your body is hot but I'm in love with those lips.
nice man bun.
good body too.
hnng, moar
move the hand :)
skinny boys with big cocks <3
bush could use a little trim, but nice
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Could lose some bf%

Not sure if huge, or appears huge because skinny. Hawt.
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Kik? Snapchat? Comments? Question mark?
Hawt. Kik?
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Me before and after /fit/. Is the progress noticable?
Honestly much better looking in the first picture....
>body hair
>big dick

If tall please marry me?
Really? Because of your preferance or do I straight up look worse now than I did?
Hoping to gain another 15-20 pounds before summer
No you're like perfect. That average maybe even more of a belly so you're skinny fat is ideal. Hnnggg.
why are you asking /soc/ and not /fit/.. and your gonna expect real advice from these retards?
It's partially due to lighting/shadows and pose but you're still a lot more defined. Keep in mind the only real progress is made when you look noticeably different in a shirt. The poses are different, but I bet you looked good in the first pic with a shirt on thanks to your prominent traps and waist-shoulder ratio.
Probably because the pose in your second pic , while adding more definition to the chest, makes the shoulders look narrower, and the angle makes your waist look thickrr
You're right, what am I thinking
>partially due to lighting/shadows and pose but you're still a lot more defined
This is true
>real progress is made when you look noticeably different in a shirt
and this is something I will try to keep in mind, thanks

Holy shit, you're adorable as fuck. Into guys by any chance?
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Bout to get into the shower

...It's probably too late to ask to take some shower pics, isn't it?
All of these guys made me realise that I have a thing for skinny guys. Yall should drop your kik.
including you.
yes, great work on the pecs
Any skinny dudes in Tempe with a really androgynous/fem appearance including face that also has a really big cock? Curious dude interested in playing with a huge cock.
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nudes are ok right?

Yup, nudes are perfectly fine. That said, more?
>tfw when you know this guy irl

I'd recognize that stache anywhere. you should be more careful with your pics online. I'm not going to tell you who I am though because I don't want it to be awkward
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Thanks, man. Lookin' very nice from that angle.
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made this for a different thread a couple of weeks ago...
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I want a hard fucking
Got any softs?
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I hate how skinny I am
If you really know me then you know I don't care. Where'd we meet?
What do you want to see more of? Tell me what you like/dislike. Muscle, body hair, soft/hard, "curves," etc..
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Happy New Year /soc/
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See you next year
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Worth living?
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download (3).jpg
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Hi skinnyfriends
Wow. Please can we have more?
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Just got out of the shower and kinda felt like posting something here. Haven't done it before, so...
Everyone needs to post more post everything you got
Please more in color
I want your skype for a new year!
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shit thread.jpg
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Fatty spotted
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75 kg / 191cm
165 lbs / 6'3"
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fucking gross motherfucker
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Bhahaha :D
If only I cared.
I don't use Skype and never exchanged contacts with anyone from here. What do people even do after adding each other?
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sry, here is a better one
Get to know each other? If something clicks then you make a new friend. E-Friends-with-benefits. Alternatively you could be one of those scumbags who uses the person to get your rocks off then never chat again. Infinite possibilities!
More of this! x_x
So close to having a little skinnyfat belly. I'll cook you lots of pasta lol

Where are the skinnyfat guys though. I just want a tall lanky man with a little belly.
Aww, thank you. I love pasta. If you want more just ask. For your info, this was before christmas
Are you straight?
Nice :) I'll definitely cook you pasta then
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was always skinny
Thanks alot. You're maybe the first person who compliments on my weight/body. All my life i get called names and bullied. The new year is starting good thanks to you :)
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I want a bf
You're tall and lanky. If they make fun of you it's because they are jealous lol glad I could help!
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still a skinny boy or where am I?
A little reward for cheering up my day ;)
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My first boyfriend/highschool sweetheart had the same exact body. Even now he's super thin with a little pot belly. I still think he's the hottest guy I've ever seen.
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Hello thread
Thank you, you give me hope to find someone in my life who loves me how i am someday. Someone like you :)
kik? skype?

excellent set

there is so much to enjoy in this thread
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king skelly
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Theres one my ex took of me
Skeltor portin in
Would like to find you in my shower...and I thought I was straigt.

not sure how straight I am now. Want to touch you.

I am in Texas and would like it if you were too...all three of you.
kik: scottronica
damn is that really you?
ummf, perfection

>tfw no fellow smooth skinny melbfag to cuddle
Spoiler: You're not straight. Embrace it.
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sure is

Into guys by any chance?
I am going to try if I find one of these guys. :)
Cuddling is fun c:

So are showers
cuddling is the best, occasional licking is obligatory
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A pic from after the New Years parties

Congrats on the trips. Any chance for more pics?
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sometimes, really depends on what the guy looks like

What do you look for in a guy then? Also, please keep the pics comin'.
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Here's another one from last night

Oh man, please tell me you took a set of stripping pics - you look hot as fuck clothed or otherwise.
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Probably someone that has a body similar to mine. Just not too buff/fat or hairy

Sounds good. Also, those hip bones are fantastic.
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Damn i want to be gay with you
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Glad to see this thread is alive and well
Glad you liked
Sounds good, I'll give it a shot then. Definitely not one of those scumbags, when I first posted here I just wanted opinions on my body and had no idea anyone would want to see more.

Just made these:

It's my first time doing this, so go easy on me. No aforementioned creeps please.

Also it's relieving to see I'm not the only one here doubting my sexuality. I've never paid attention to guys, never been turned on by men in body rate threads or faces, but there are so many hot bodies itt. Wtf.
Would suck
i will definitely need moar of this one

No you are fucking hot.
Your body is so perfect to me.
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Hi guys!
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So hot omg
if you're still here my kik is mauserdemauser
Its always the same in skinny threads

we have:

people who are actually skinny

people who think they are skinny but they are actually average

people who are fit and need attention
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Holy shit. Kik, skype?
>dem lips
>dat dick
why would u come to this thread with clothes on?
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Well. Here's me.
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old pic, sorry about potato quality.
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Dick size for those wondering. When I pose it doesn't quite show it off well. lol
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Hi cutie
pretty amazing
moar of all that pls

nice teasing
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Am I late?
Not my best pic, but certainly not my worst!
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I'm shy
hold your phone sideways and it'll come out striaght
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aging poorly.png
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yeaaahhhh skeleton mass turd race
Nice pic
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Do 10-year-old pictures count?

I'm the guy on the far left.
pic now for comparison?
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100 lbs later.
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Close up of face.
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skinny mode was best mode :(
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An old modeling shot of myself that I've always held dear. Hope I'm skinny enough.
I figured.

I'm making some effort I losing weight now, but I'm not being serious about it. So far, I've lost 10 lbs in three months.
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How's this?
Good job
haha thank you for teasing/frustrating me
it's a great pic
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Perfection <3
Thanks <3
Post more, inlcuding nudes, butt too, even though I know you aren't gay, just do it plz <3
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Just for you
Literal perfection, pity about the shorts tho :)
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Jesus fucking christ you're literally perfect, not even kidding

I hope you find a nice girl soon, you absolutely deserve it!
also keep posting :)
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Too shy to show penis, I've never posted here before
But your body is perfect, dont be shy
Post more pls :3
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First time poster/Skeletor reporting in.
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You look like you're at least 25...
Is it too big to fit in the frame?
Get those moles checked out dog
Are they dangerous? I've had them forever and they don't look like the cancer ones. I have another between my buttcheeks...and hair grows out of it =/
Post more :)
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>tfw emaciated
>tfw only people who like legit skinny guys are gay guys who want twinks
>tfw straight
>tfw no gf
Show us :). Preferably a softie haha. 10/10 so far
Not a problem. I aim to please
Bruh, if you've got a girly face and a monster cock on that body..that would be my ideal skinny guy. Curious guy here though and you probably want a chick instead.
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the reaction has been positive

excuse the mess and the selfie stick
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plus some undies
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maybe one more later
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i have been told i am skinny

you are all fat
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Yes, this is why.
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Been skinny all my life, trying to bulk up a bit. This is the only body shot I have without my cock in it.
now post one with your cock in it
everytime I do people just talk about my dick instead of body..
oh boo hoo hoo how unfortunate you have a cock people want to discuss
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anyone else /pectusexcavatum/ here?
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Been pretty skinny my whole lyfe.
You have an awesome body! 10/10 would snuggle with
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lol fine then here
Stop being my type goddammit
Looks like ut would make a great pillow while snuggling
also yup, ctrl f it
Mmm. Show more skin plz
I concur
Not really skinny
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I'm 21 and look like a child, bleh.
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Thoughts? I look kind of feminine in real life but i really like long hair!
I like it ;)
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Kinda an old pic sorry if you've seen it.
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Glad you like it anon!

I really like teasing!
get in my bed pls <3
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Yeah, you should definitely post more.
Thread replies: 255
Thread images: 143

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