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Some faggot combined this shit. Here's the template, let's
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Thread replies: 79
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Some faggot combined this shit.
Here's the template, let's see how cancerous and edgy your taste is.
That's some interesting shit. Though I will need years to finish this crap.
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Implying that entire chart.
Also anime and not manga, what are you, some kind of pleb?

Anyway- Extreme amounts of boreditude tonight. Time to continue to learn Dutch
Can't you read you son of a bitch?
>Some faggot combined this shit.
I don't made this you mongoloid weebshit
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by any chance are you a german piece of shit?
What software do yall use to fill this. because this crap always take me years to complete
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I actually did it.
OP is edgelord who doesn't want people to know his tastes.
You guys suck at keeping these threads bumped. Last night's died too fast.
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Oh god I did it why did I do this OP I spent two entire hours of my life filling it out ;_;

>Not attempting the chart and instead posting some random chart she did prior.
Anonnnnnnn I'm disappointed in you. I thought you were better than that.

MS Paint.

Is red a yes or a no?
Nice vidya, TV, Dethklok, Unwind, and outfits.
You're kawaii af.
Red's a no.
Also huehue I already had the "what your parents want" and shit done so this only took me 20 mins :^)
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I tried.

You both are cool for doing this shit.
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This was almost too much effort.

Nice comedian m8
Likewise, m9-1. Awesome instrument and hobby too.
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I'm so bad at paint, my bad dudes.
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I left the hard ones without answer
nice meme
>liking sweden
>killing based switzerland
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You're one of the few people I've met who like both Game of Thrones and A Song of Ice and Fire.
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this took ages to make
I'm not a story nazi,
I just love the universe building
I like the dog or cat or whatever the fuck the beast near you might be.

You left like most without answer, nigga ._.

Nothing based about compulsory military service or enabling the most damaging crime in the first world. Besides, their language fragmentation is annoying as fuck, at least in Sweden you can be sure that everybody speaks Arabic in any part of the country.

>caring about marks
>Beethoven but violoncello
>right Libertarian, dislikes based Somalia

Both have each own pros and cons. Just view the series as an alternative interpretation of the shit. Great fanfiction or something.

What's your beef with Nigeria?
scammers, lot of botnet CNC servers, hackers. etc.

generally speaking a lot of APT attacks that hit my networks bounce through nigeria
50 Shades was better fanfiction than Game of Thrones. At least that one could be hilariously bad sometimes.
Given the original material, it's not too hard in the case of 50 Shades.

What's so bad about GoT if you watch it without the expectations that it it's close to the original work? I generally dislike most series but found it pretty enjoyable in its own right, even though the faggots cut out Val.

Ah, I see. Though if it's hackers I would rather expect our East-European friends or the guys with small dicks further in the East.
that it isn't close*
honestly hackers come from everywhere. its just in recent memory nigeria has been a pain in my ass at work.
The characters are inconsistent, the plot makes no sense, the story doesn't follow the setting's rules, the writing is boring and predictable even without having read the books...
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what a time-suck to make... had fun though

nice lolita dress

you're that cute girl that's into foot stuff, right? flip your looks rating upside-down for more accuracy ;)

>hates America
>fav vehicle is Corvette
my niqqa, the Corvette is America-on-wheels
why u hatin fÄ…m?

cool guy

you love Polska? u good in my book fÄ…m

>Teddy Roosevelt making a double appearance
very nice
link me to the bracelets you sell on Etsy bro
only make rings actually. could make a custom one off one for you though if you have a design in mind.
yooooooo... that would be pretty sick actually
link to ya Etsy?
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hey man, if you're actually serious about it I'd be down. just gotta know costs

I don't know if you engrave text or not, but a ring saying, "Bull Moose Party - 1912 - A Square Deal All Around" would be cool as fuck
>hates America
I "hate" their politics, dislike a big number of their people, the role of religion there, the "survival of the fittestt" mentality and ... hundreds of other things, but would never say I hate the country/population itself nor does my dislike for their negatives impacts my ability to see great things ... like a fucking Z06. Or Teddy Roosevelt, can't hate on that fucker.

*typed on a laptop designed in Cupertino :^)*

Pretty cool hobbies and ideal partner by the way. Parmenides and Passion HD are not too bad either.
i dont do engraving as the machine for doing such costs the same as a used car around here. (3000 to 5000) without the accessories.

as far as material costs goes it depends on if you want a wire wrapped one, cast one, and what style you want it in. can be anywhere from the ballpark of 2 troy ounces of silver to 20 troy ounces depending on how much metal you want to wear.

as far as gemstones go i would have to have you pick out what sort of stones you want and they all vary in cost wildly. if its just plain silver things are rather cheap. (iirc the last time i bought casting grain it was $17 an ounce for .999 silver, which is your best bet as it does not tarnish ever.)
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your political views aren't healthy, this is what it should look like
Why do you hate freedom so much, friend?
some say its due to mental illness that others desire to project themselves upon others.
He's right.

If you want real freedom, then you should like the right wing purple zone, Libertarian. I'm not one myself but I'm just saying.

Where you place yours, is where the deluded 'SJW' and 'progressives' are. They're idealism and feelings thinkers, and don't think realistic, nor do they think of consequences.
They're the ones who think there can be a eutopia where we all ride unicorn and shit out rainbows. Can't happen unfortunately. People in this world a cunts, it's biology.
How realistic was abolishment of slavery few centuries ago? Granting human rights to people no matter the color or gender? Secularism? Many utopic ideas from the past are reality already and given even most shitholes offer education to the masses, progress is inevitable.

Appeal to nature is silly given how we talk about societies, that surpassed the limits of our caveman brains long ago.
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>Abolishment of slavery
Yeah white people stopped it, and the last white country to stop it was USA in 1860 (Lincoln, a Republican).

Other than that, slavery still exists to this day, girl.

There are currently slaves in Africa, enslaved by Africans

There are also Africans enslaved by Chinese too. Different there, because they're slaves who get paid bad money and get limbs chopped off if they disobey.

There are still slaves in the Arabic world, thanks to islams laws of the Qoran, unfortunately

And there is still a form of slavery amongst the jungle tribes in Latin America too.

Slavery still exists. It's just that white people are the only ones who've stopped it. And Asians (Expect a few Chinese oil companies in Africa)

And yeah, slavery is bad and was a barbaric thing that we thankfully removed. Abolishing slavery has nothing to do with having 'hippie' political views. All sides of the compass are against slavery, except maybe some aspects of communism.

But right now, we do live in a free world. But it's starting to deteriorate thanks to Political Correctness (abolishing freedom of speech), which is powered by 'SJW', 'Progressives' and 'Modern Liberals' on university campuses.

I wish we could fight against them, but your typical person is brain dead and got their eyes glued to lying media, reality shows, soaps and crappy games shows that on the TV.

I used to be an SJW once. We've all been there.
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Woah, somebody went full /pol/ and missed the entire point. Like ... how did the crackers even got into this?

To make it short; slavery was considered perfectly acceptable back in the day, nobody raised a brow over the idea. While wage slavery and conditions of many workers in the third world are pretty close to it (and you missed human trafficking in the "free world", f.a.m), it doesn't happen in the open anymore and even the Gulf states conceal the shit with labels like "migrant workers".

We went from accepting some crazy shit as part of life to something that is unacceptable (but profitable nevertheless, hence practiced in a world where it's all about profit). Other utopic ideas in the past like welfare state are perfectly common too now. Compare the shit we have now to Congiarium in Rome or fraternal organisations in Bourbon France. Then there is the idea
of free, universal education for the citizens. How did that work in the past again? Equal opportunity was as utopic as it gets in the past.

Like come on, brah. You went from "amg so unrealistic" to "w/e, do what I do or you're wrong".
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What a productive way to kill a half hour when I can't sleep.
I'm not against classic liberalism, and I do like some ways of socialist (not extreme socialist) economics

Anyway, back in more lack of human rights days, things were indeed terrible and still barbaric. Like you said, things like slavery and stoning, burning were in fact considered acceptable, which was terrible. So, Liberalism was needed, and it indeed worked. Was perfect.

What's happening now, is that in the last 70 years, we've hit a free world that we wanted, a world where there's literally nothing to improve accept maybe a few minor issues that we come across as we learn.
What's happening now, is that we aren't being calm and reasoning. We have having raging, radical 'Social Justice Worriers', who are completely deluded on anything, and think western civilisation is to blame for everything, these people are people who're also anti freedom of speech if it offends them, and the terrible thing is, they're actually pushing these agendas. People can't question and try and reason with issues like mass immigration without being called a 'racist'. Where's the liberalism there? Gone!
These people are meant to be portraying a modern day liberal, and they're giving the word liberal a bad name unfortunately.

As for welfare state, I strongly support it. But a basic welfare system that is also quite 'strict'.
>Are you fit enough to work?
>Is there work around for you?
If there is work, then don't claim welfare, if there isn't work or you aren't fit enough to work, then feel free to claim benefits until you find a job. :^)
You seem comfy>>22955232
You seem cool (because we are almost exactly the same, except I play real instruments, ukulele is for fags)
>So, Liberalism was needed, and it indeed worked.
The most important factor (going back to the original point) is how crazy and deluded the ideas of liberalism would sound back in the day. Could anybody in 1515 imagine that we would live in a world we live now? Hell, even the middle east or rural China are much better of.

>we've hit a free world that we wanted
Even if we limit ourselves just to the West (which is shortsighted as fuck) there were tons over tons and tons of problems, most that were perfectly solvable. Sure, compared to the past we were doing fantastically but this shouldn't be used as excuse to pat ourselves on the back and stop progressing.

>We have having raging, radical 'Social Justice Worriers'
With little power outside of shitposting on the Interwebz. The anti SJW crowd seem to be the only people who pay attention to them.

> People can't question and try and reason with issues like mass immigration without being called a 'racist'.
Free speech is not freedom of consequences. I have the right to call Obama a space monkey from Jupiter, anybody else has the right to call me an idiot and not associate with me anymore. If your use of free speech ends in the latter, you should consider why the majority might object your idea ... perhaps they are in the right.

>These people are meant to be portraying a modern day liberal
Most things I saw from SJW go too strong against any liberal idea to qualify for the label. While championing for some kind of freedom for their idea, they oppose anything else, so they are more of a low level extremists. Adding modern to it still doesn't deal with the main issue; them being too strongly against the very basics of liberalism.

>If there is work, then don't claim welfare
Why pushing for full employment and not automatisation? A lot of jobs could be replaced by machines right now and everybody would be better of.

Half a hour? Damn, you're fast, mate. Pro paint skills too.
>ukulele is for fags
Aw, but it's fun man.
Easy to learn and sounds upbeat and pleasant when you do just about anything to it. Great for folks like me who just want something to mess around with from time to time.
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i can't draw
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the simpsons but only till season 10
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I can't think of some favourites of mine at the moment, as I'm literally about to pass out from a lack of sleep last night.

But here's an incomplete shitty state meme picture of mine that was made by some faggot you were talking about :^)

Also, my teeth aren't THAT bad, it's just that I'm British so I need to play the rules

You make good points tbqh
>Could anybody in 1515 imagine that we would live in a world we live now?
You're right, they couldn't. Over the years though, many things slowly had improvement, and it accelerated by each decade, then certain great historic changing revolutions occurred etc

Each decade/century made some big changes as they were thought with natural reasoning and understanding, as we became more and more wise on these things.
Again, only thing I'm attacking is the whole SJW movement thing, which is in fact more powerful than a thing on the internet. Hell, it's even been around since the 60s, and it's forcefully changed things, like unnecessary Political Correctness attacking the wrong people expressing their mind, and ruining their lives/careers etc

>Even if we limit ourselves just to the West (which is shortsighted as fuck) there were tons over tons and tons of problems, most that were perfectly solvable. Sure, compared to the past we were doing fantastically but this shouldn't be used as excuse to pat ourselves on the back and stop progressing.
You're spot on there. Sorry I worded it wrong. I didn't actually mean we were complete and we should just stop there. I just meant we were in a decent situation that could naturally progress as we discover new things, as things slowly change in society in a positive way. Instead, we now have marriages collapsing, men and women not marrying, teen birth rates increasing, yet middle class birth rates in general decreasing. We now have blacks and whites in America, hating each other, and Europe is completely opening it's border to a no limit amount of Muslims, people who don't exactly agree with human rights (especially womens) and freedom at all.
This is all thanks to people in western collages being felt 'white guilt', for things they've never done. They think that whatever happens in this world, it's western civilisations fault, and the frightening things is, we've seen how influential they've become. Just look at this western/white guilt that's installed. What happened the other day? There was an Islamic related shooting in San Bernardino. Now, neighbours of these Muslims were already suspicious of them weeks before, but you know what? They didn't report them in fear of being 'racist'. Lol Islam isn't even a race anyway, it's a religion that contains all races, just like Christianity etc

>We have having raging, radical 'Social Justice Worriers'
Like mentioned above, they're more powerful than we think :^(
Words are powerful. If you gave a talking ant a microphone for the whole world to hear, even he/she/it or whatever can change things, and many opinions. People are easily brainwashed, and I don't think a biased media helps either. Media is extremely powerful, hence the saying 'WW1/WW2 were powered by rifles, WW3 will be powered by cameras'.

>Free speech is not freedom of consequences. I have the right to call Obama a space monkey from Jupiter, anybody else has the right to call me an idiot and not associate with me any more. If your use of free speech ends in the latter, you should consider why the majority might object your idea ... perhaps they are in the right.
This is true. People do question thing like immigration with a bad approach without thinking of consequences, like this Donald Trump guy (I'm not a fan of btw). And in a political correct world we live in nowadays, it's extremely dangerous to your reputation. Political correctness isn't facts, nor evidence. Political Correctness is based on feelings and has no limits into he sky, and no limits into Marianas trench. I wouldn't be surprised if they're inventing the buzzword of something like 'dog breedist' in colleges nowadays. Referring to a person, who mentions a dog breed.

>Most things I saw from SJW go too strong against any liberal idea to qualify for the label. While championing for some kind of freedom for their idea, they oppose anything else, so they are more of a low level extremists. Adding modern to it still doesn't deal with the main issue; them being too strongly against the very basics of liberalism.
They're authoritarian as hell.
>if I don't feel like you are right, then you are wrong, and I am right, and I will not even listen or debate you
Is their slogan basically lol

>Why pushing for full employment and not automatisation? A lot of jobs could be replaced by machines right now and everybody would be better of.
I don't mean force people to work like mad, I just think it needs a bit more energy and thought to it, when theirs open borders of god knows how many people entering a nation wanting welfare. A nation can't pay for everything. It's ends up impossible, plus quality of life decreases.

Also, free national healthcare is something I seriously support, and I think all countries should do it. But, again, it's harder to function this system when you have no controlled borders. You have a dramatic increase in population then suddenly the waiting room is packed.

Never thought I'd be having this conversation on /soc/ btw, but it's a lot better than some of the conversations I've had with edgy under aged b& on /pol/, which unfortunately, is most of them these days lol
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cute as fuck

Fixed that for you.
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You were the green giant 5 years ago?
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it's me sorta.png
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Pretty sure i'm cancerous.
>South Africa
Kill yourself.
What does the pink on Iowa mean?
what? I want to go to Johannesburg, and then head out to see the wildlife. Then probably get eaten by a lion or something in the bush. Probably the safest bit of Africa where you can see elephants, giraffes, large cats that can eat you, meerkats. ect.
Well shit. This went far above the scale of the thread ^10.

>teen birth rates increasing
This one seems pretty wrong desu and pretty much the opposite if I recall it right.
>We now have blacks and whites in America, hating each other
Pretty sure the relationship is still better than before though.

The rest is mostly correct but not necessary the development I personally disagree with or see as fully negative. We could easy fill entire threads about the advantages, negatives, relevance, irrelevance and whatever else of either outlook on every single topic you mentioned; and then cite sources and counter sources and change the landscape of /soc/ forever!

>If you gave a talking ant a microphone for the whole world to hear
The ant better be good at rhetoric and propaganda, and have the ability to outscream other ants, given that every idiot and his dog got a microphone that reaches the world now. From what I saw the few times I had the misfortune to be confronted by the SJW views, the seemed the typical pondering to their target group, the simplistic "everybody is at fault for our problems" that is common with other extremist idiots like nazis.

(Although it'd be better to expand on the definition of the word, using SJW for anybody who has opposing views is just as simplistic as calling anybody who opposes mass immigration a racist. Also I have to admit that I tend to avoid their "breeding grounds" and the only SJW I can come up would be Jessica Valenti (Hey, guardian got a decent football section)

Part 1/2
Part 2/2
>And in a political correct world we live in nowadays, it's extremely dangerous to your reputation.
This was always the case with views that go against the majority, no matter how smart or silly they are. Plato's Cave and all. As long there is no persecution from the state, it's not anti free speech.

>Political Correctness is based on feelings
Well, that's the entire point of it, so yeah. I just wouldn't go so far as to say that PC actually limits your free speech, unless we include extreme examples like holocaust denial being a crime in Germany aka. actual legal consequences. (Which is silly as fuck) Just with most other examples, you don't have any consequences from the state, which is the definition of free speech.

>Never thought I'd be having this conversation on /soc/ btw
Neither did I. This shit is damn time intensive and misplaced as it gets between all the cock rate threads, although interesting and entertaining for sure. It's really unfortunate that you can't discuss actual politics on /pol/ most of the time, though back in the day I was lucky enough to have some somehow worthwhile debates about libertarianism. Now if you go further and try to discuss immigration ... that shit either ends up with "lolracist" or "lol(sand)niggers".
To get back OT.

Awesome instrument and weapon.

Color me surprised! Powell was a pretty interesting figure and generally smart guy for sure.

Pretty basic teen, decent anime.

Awesome style, alc and weapon. Pretty kay beyond that.

Pretty aight. What's so great about Mongolia?
The Mongol Rally. I really want to do it.

Ok, i understand hating NYC, but why must the rest of New York have to suffer? It's really pretty in the fall, and there is a shitload of excellent camp sites all over.
the state laws that nyc forces and shapes are abhorrent. the people outside of nyc are pretty ok though.
What did Washington state ever do to you.
They are part ... of something bigger, m7+1
Also fuck Valve.
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This took longer than it should have.
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I decided I'd spent enough time on this and couldn't be fucked drawing six slightly different versions of myself.
>not caring about politics
And dis is why shit is fucked, kids.
Awesome anime, tho.
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Though we should leave SOME place for us to fuck till the end of time, broski.
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would fuck

[spoiler]not a guy[/spoiler]

kill yourself
Thread replies: 79
Thread images: 30

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