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Question for u /soc/ I've recently started doing my hair
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Question for u /soc/
I've recently started doing my hair and makeup like pic related. It takes me about 15 minutes to get ready now, compared to about 1 hour before.
My question for you guys is, which looks better? The more done up, or the more laid back? Pic related is with minimal makeup
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And this is what I used to do for my daily routine
>tfw not special enough to get my own thread dedicated to me
Get rid of the nose ring, and let your hair down. You'd look better that way even if you wore zero makeup. You're an attractive girl and there's no reason to uglify yourself.
I've also let my brows grow in and take a more natural shape.
If this is you, you don't need the makeup. You have good skin. Save the elaborate stuff for special occasions.
How do you take one hour to look like that?
Hello Lorde
Let your hair down it looks like you're balding with it up also ditch the nose ring it makes your nose look droopy
Also stop wearing makeup you have natural beauty most girls die for your skin
Contour and hair mostly.
I have a lot of hair, so it takes at least 30 mins to blow dry it, and then there's the styling after that.
makeup is gross, and you certainly dont need it
Well you looking fucking great both ways.
look beautiful both ways, I'd say you take out the nose ring and probably don't have to do any makeup to be beautiful.
You look better in the first picture, but it's all down to personal taste.
Ehhh, I like the nose ring. I don't wear it all the time, but I think it's a good accessory, outfit depending.
It's the one piercing from my scene kid days I don't regret getting
Ty. That was more my thought. Adds to the wow factor, etc
Idgi why do people always compare me to her. We look nothing alike
But I've been told I have a good forehead. How else am I supposed to show that??
Ty ty. You're too kind!
Without makeup you look quite nice and a deep thinker. If you remove the piercing and put make up on, I have to say you look like a basic white girl. I automatically assume you would not talk to me and you only want a Chad, however, I find you more approachable without makeup.

Both look great to be honest. You are very pretty nevertheless. I wish I had a gf like you.
Keep the septum and use as little makeup as possible. You have a beautiful face. Your eyes should be the main focal point not the many colors around them. And for fuck sake smile!!! You are not on the cover of a fashion mag!!! There is nothing better then a beautiful woman smiling back at me.
>personal taste
yeah, i love her hair on the 2nd pic.
I agree, now that I've gone down to just mascara/brows my face feels so much cleaner. It's nice to use your phone and not have makeup residue all over it
Awwwwh well ty. I'm sure you'll find a lovey gf one day. You seem very kind.
My smile is so dorky tho :/
>We look nothing alike

Oh I am laffin
Yes you do have a nice forehead. But you look better with your hair left down, like on 2nd pic. You can use both hairstyles, look good in any.

Leave "heavy" makeup for some special occasions, do the minimal one for everyday. You're pretty either way. And nose ring is okay, some ppl like piercings, some not. Matter of taste.
OP is beautiful. I love the first pic. You have gorgeous eyes and the septum is <3.

Fake nails are pretty gross :( that's the only downside I see.
I doubt your smile is bad. Try to remember something that made you happy or laugh when you smile for pics. That way it genuine.
OP you look fantastic in first picture. You look like you've got good enough brows (and really pretty eyes!) to not even bother with make-up, but as a girl I know that you might not necessarily be comfortable with nothing on.
Basically what I'm saying is you're really good looking and personally I think you look "better" in the first pic.
Perhaps I should say "more striking" in the first picture.
go for the less time consuming look, both look good either way.
Less is more, no need to hide your skin under a shitload of make up. Fucking butiful.
That's just too much for your every day life, imo. You cant even Rest your face on your hands without leaving half of your it on them.
You're really pretty in both pics. Light makeup is always best for regular everyday stuff. Go a little heavier when you want to spice things up a bit. Also, lose the nose ring. I know they were popular but they were never attractive. And this is coming from a guy who likes tatted/pierced girls. If you must keep it, go minimal in size and silver in colour. The one you're wearing in your first pic looks like a larva or some kind of maggot. Not qt.
I like #2 better, but if it takes you that long to get ready and you're uncomfortable just stick with 1. You're good looking nontheless. lose the septum though, makes you look weird.
honestly, i prefer this picture. you look relaxed, when a person focuses on their look so heavily you can just feel it. i like laid back girls, you look way better to me when you dont put so much effort
You look a lot better in the first, I like your septum piercing :) but I'm not a fan of the middle part, ever tried something like this?
hair down, no nose ring. otherwise, you don't need makeup. you're naturally hot without the makeup. It honestly adds very little to your already good looks. The nose ring looks like crap though
That and that
First, makes me want you. Would love to have my way with you.
you do realize that most these response are from guys that dont have a fucking clue. every one wants a pure clean natural beauty. well regardless you look nice. your either fishing for compliments or... i love punkish alternative style, people with flaws and who love them selves regardless and i like to find beauty in everything. so my opinion doesnt count either. so have a great day. go youtube devin the dude and a song called do what the fuck you wanna do
Idk the piercing isn't like that bad, but if it was just like a simple silver hoop thing it would probably look a lot better. The one in there now is too thick imo, so that's why people are saying it makes your face look weird.
Have Mercy....this looks so fucking sexy..much better.
You are a narcissist, but a gorgeous narcissist
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