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You are currently reading a thread in /sci/ - Science & Math

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don't post if you haven't watched the video through.

I want to get some opinions on it because I want to write a C program using this.

I imagine it could provide me an infinitely repeating matrix which, no matter how big the number, I can navigate through with the rules given. (±7 and ±2, ±5 and ±4, multiply, divide, mod 9 and so forth...)

But I'm not sure if it could be a 1D array or needs to be a 2D array and where the rules would need to apply (pointers or array).

this is not properly phrased but I hope you get the idea...
Not watching the video, you're an idiot OP. There is no "math" here to write a program with, just the ravings of a mathematically illiterate schizophrenic.
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>Not watching the video
>asks for opinions
>gets BTFO
>well I don't care about your opinion
It's almost like you only want to hear things that affirm your delusions and will not listen to reason.

You're an idiot following idiots.
>Watch my video or you can't have an opinion on well known internet quackery, waaaaaaaah
Are you twelve?

besides flaming you contributed the following this thread:

>no "math"
>well known internet quackery

time to back up those claims.
>Knowledge of elliptical curves implies mathematical illiteracy. Kay.
>knowledge of elliptical curves is in vortex "math"
Saying that vortex "math" contains knowledge about elliptic curves is like saying that making donuts is about elliptic curves, except that at least donut-making produces tasty donuts, while vortex "math" has produced nothing but retarded shitposting.
>always posting the same retarded satirical webpage as an argument

its not
>not responding to the argument
Are you going to back up any of the shit YOU claim?
Posting but didnt watch the video
I'm a mad man
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