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TensorFlow! - Big Data General
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Who here is excited to work with TensorFlow after finals are finished? I'm new to making sense of big data and you may be too but Google has open sourced an easy to use suite of tools to help learn. Check it out if you're any type of scientist.
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I play on a vanilla WoW private serve that is emulated to original WoW with raids and eveything.

I'm wondering could I use tensorflow/neural networks to do a 40 man Molten Core/ BWL/ Naxx raid all done by a program learning it via wipes (trail and error)?

I would obviously have to teach DPS/Tanks/Healers how do do their roles
'm relatively new as well and haven't played wow but lots of rs, and i'm going to guess probably not, unless you have excellent resources and time to train them

What about karazhan?
Tensor flow is just a library that does matrix operations and compute graphs in ways that are most relevant to machine learning fields. It gives you access to gpu acceleration and networked/distributed computation.

It is not necessarily the thing that is holding you back given that most RNN, LSTMs, ANNs have been coded up in torch, theano, and matlab already.

I am excited though.
I wish machine learning generals were a thing here, we could have a lot of fun
"Big Data" is such a meme phrase
>"Big Data" is such a meme phrase

90% of all data that exists today have been generated in the last two years.

Without big data all of it becomes useless.
So where's the line between normal data analysis and big data
When it's lots of data it's big data.
Why do we suddenly need a new word for it when data analysis suffices

Because data and big data is different.

Is salt water the only difference between a lake and an ocean?

If we can just have a bunch of people sit around calculating artillery tables why do we need electronic computers?
Thread replies: 14
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